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Current weekly ad Fiesta Mart - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Fiesta Mart 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Frutas y Verduras / Produc main /99' ane ars 4/99! por Sctieiortemes | DOr => Mg) SQ) Se. 788 =" 299) Cabbage Apples ¢ | Carrots 2 io rose Poa err) 4 ‘) Se — * wo SQ) Ss QW ==. 9 =" Bat Green Bell Peppers or Fresh Corn Ly, mm (Bow (Bow =. - 99 or neon Tomatoes f Bananas Peppers ¢ { j , ae a we tASSe@ Mendars | 79) Dace’ 499 fase 229 i Stavberies i: Ls Fresh tb @a | 1b pg Mamey Potatoes je oO 3 & m= 9 f fone ina | 220) ties — 4? he a Sp. nee eee Bunch : 7 922 rece 309 tn 6 re (Qe) Blanco, Nacho Chocolate Chips Wess Leches cag, Bar “6 © o Mocha How. ae 482 Stee"| G2 ieee" eee 99M oe sat French Roll tana Ume ChocoFlan Table Variety Wes eces y or Cola inch i Cheesecake Made w ae ie. Saat Aguas gall} 188 Burrito 69 Regular 22 B. 99 oe 9 | Frescas MeSumi28° Fried Taco re 3) | resh tenet Burrito \ = = Buttlo Natural Fruit Water out oe with Wings Cheese qe enn BZ vi Salsa ¥, Lea & Perrins é 0 Céctel S Worcestershire -amaronazo = Sauce Chelada Cups, 502 38 02 or Shrimp SS Sy a a Ute bra te fs cans ao iee tee none ae 1202 12 pk. rho cans 1 = Corona Extra or 2 oe Familiar, Modelo e Margarita ea —_ or 6 pk. 12 o7. Bee es) dottes Le 4 3 CTEM TU eA ee Clare Le PEC CORA ae ad FRCULAR PAGE 4 - VE 1_Datas_ 2°

Latest weekly ads

Frutas y Verduras / Produc main /99' ane ars 4/99! por Sctieiortemes | DOr => Mg) SQ) Se. 788 =" 299) Cabbage Apples ¢ | Carrots 2 io rose Poa err) 4 ‘) Se — * wo SQ) Ss QW ==. 9 =" Bat Green Bell Peppers or Fresh Corn Ly, mm (Bow (Bow =. - 99 or neon Tomatoes f Bananas Peppers ¢ { j , ae a we tASSe@ Mendars | 79) Dace’ 499 fase 229 i Stavberies i: Ls Fresh tb @a | 1b pg Mamey Potatoes je oO 3 & m= 9 f fone ina | 220) ties — 4? he a Sp. nee eee Bunch : 7 922 rece 309 tn 6 re (Qe) Blanco, Nacho Chocolate Chips Wess Leches cag, Bar “6 © o Mocha How. ae 482 Stee"| G2 ieee" eee 99M oe sat French Roll tana Ume ChocoFlan Table Variety Wes eces y or Cola inch i Cheesecake Made w ae ie. Saat Aguas gall} 188 Burrito 69 Regular 22 B. 99 oe 9 | Frescas MeSumi28° Fried Taco re 3) | resh tenet Burrito \ = = Buttlo Natural Fruit Water out oe with Wings Cheese qe enn BZ vi Salsa ¥, Lea & Perrins é 0 Céctel S Worcestershire -amaronazo = Sauce Chelada Cups, 502 38 02 or Shrimp SS Sy a a Ute bra te fs cans ao iee tee none ae 1202 12 pk. rho cans 1 = Corona Extra or 2 oe Familiar, Modelo e Margarita ea —_ or 6 pk. 12 o7. Bee es) dottes Le 4 3 CTEM TU eA ee Clare Le PEC CORA ae ad FRCULAR PAGE 4 - VE 1_Datas_ 2°

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