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Current weekly ad Fiesta Mart - Valid from 01/08 to 01/14 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fiesta Mart 01/08/2025 - 01/14/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Bulk or Family Pack Naranjas Chicas ‘Small Oranges ‘Whole uchen Breast Boae-in MIERCOLES DE WEDNESDAY Mees 3199 Joma te Pree sats Pork Chop , | Family Pack | Effective Date / Valido 178/25 sie 10/99! 319° oe wd = ae Ld ew) tn —! Bulk or Famay Pack — Sotamente Miéecotes / Viechesdiy Only sine aetoe 3/98! soot 4. ot FUuD ‘Small Gala Originator Low | Fllete Ce) POUT uty ff eS Or ric) Hae a Fillets Ue ) CA ihanaaae PEs : sy a eT ac) rm Ready-to-Cook : = $ oe Ke 199) Tocino 719 Salehichas 4Q | amin AQ | Wueso Fresco 99 Camote Rath 373 1 va | «FUD 6 eS | Cacique 7 ‘aa Mediano Bacon inal ais Sticed Turkey Ranchero “ee, Medium 1202 Ham or Original Selected Flavors jua orto Watel bit “ 5 Wer, Or 24 pk. an Pan Bimbo ‘Soft White Bread 20x. Jugo de Naranja Tropilicious Orange Citrus Punch 2. 1ct 28 02. Paper Towels a Cooked Ham 32 o2., Selected Flavors 4 : 99° Deportiva 329 Or Pepper or 611) % Powerade 9 | Pepsi e Sport Drink, 12 pk., 12.02. cans 8pk., 1202. bls. All avors, Dw A Carbon First Street Charcoal 15.40 Ibs. ut, - Light 451! ‘ber cans isco Estrella Jali 12 pc, 12 02, cans and/or bts. Solamente Migecoles / Viecsexciay On'y /_ .. Sabadoy | IFIN|DE: SEMANA\ ad ©. Coronita, a Ponche | 499 Fein Fry King ABA Light or x Modelito, a 29 Cate a Bis sea tee ise hn ce t 7 02 12 pk., 16 o7. or Heineken Ichichas [igs] Totopes iis <. ..— cans andior bls ok Tee omy J — Santitas p = 7a2. bts Poet Tortita Chips outa do ie chtoan For ae c =a + Chicken Pork il 105-11 02 we a we § a Coors Franks, 4002. @y — wens FE] Selected Favors Mey Cebolla Costiltas Fajitas l= yey ee ATS. gs" 27 se 2 ce Yellow tag fresh Fresh Pork Turkey or Chicken ibs Fresh Low Sodium Headless Shrimp Wings a or Famity Pack Marinated Beet as Turkey Ham Regular or Marinated Regular or Marinated Skirt Steak Buk or Family Pack Bulk or 7 7) Family : 4 Pack iJUGOS NATURALES TODOS LOS DIAS! PRICES EFFECTIVE: vE JANUARY 2025 i lskoliiahaha 2WIC @ ¥- Ter 010825 CIRCULAR PAGE 1 - VERSHON.VI1_Dalis F2° Cm < fo

Latest weekly ads

Bulk or Family Pack Naranjas Chicas ‘Small Oranges ‘Whole uchen Breast Boae-in MIERCOLES DE WEDNESDAY Mees 3199 Joma te Pree sats Pork Chop , | Family Pack | Effective Date / Valido 178/25 sie 10/99! 319° oe wd = ae Ld ew) tn —! Bulk or Famay Pack — Sotamente Miéecotes / Viechesdiy Only sine aetoe 3/98! soot 4. ot FUuD ‘Small Gala Originator Low | Fllete Ce) POUT uty ff eS Or ric) Hae a Fillets Ue ) CA ihanaaae PEs : sy a eT ac) rm Ready-to-Cook : = $ oe Ke 199) Tocino 719 Salehichas 4Q | amin AQ | Wueso Fresco 99 Camote Rath 373 1 va | «FUD 6 eS | Cacique 7 ‘aa Mediano Bacon inal ais Sticed Turkey Ranchero “ee, Medium 1202 Ham or Original Selected Flavors jua orto Watel bit “ 5 Wer, Or 24 pk. an Pan Bimbo ‘Soft White Bread 20x. Jugo de Naranja Tropilicious Orange Citrus Punch 2. 1ct 28 02. Paper Towels a Cooked Ham 32 o2., Selected Flavors 4 : 99° Deportiva 329 Or Pepper or 611) % Powerade 9 | Pepsi e Sport Drink, 12 pk., 12.02. cans 8pk., 1202. bls. All avors, Dw A Carbon First Street Charcoal 15.40 Ibs. ut, - Light 451! ‘ber cans isco Estrella Jali 12 pc, 12 02, cans and/or bts. Solamente Migecoles / Viecsexciay On'y /_ .. Sabadoy | IFIN|DE: SEMANA\ ad ©. Coronita, a Ponche | 499 Fein Fry King ABA Light or x Modelito, a 29 Cate a Bis sea tee ise hn ce t 7 02 12 pk., 16 o7. or Heineken Ichichas [igs] Totopes iis <. ..— cans andior bls ok Tee omy J — Santitas p = 7a2. bts Poet Tortita Chips outa do ie chtoan For ae c =a + Chicken Pork il 105-11 02 we a we § a Coors Franks, 4002. @y — wens FE] Selected Favors Mey Cebolla Costiltas Fajitas l= yey ee ATS. gs" 27 se 2 ce Yellow tag fresh Fresh Pork Turkey or Chicken ibs Fresh Low Sodium Headless Shrimp Wings a or Famity Pack Marinated Beet as Turkey Ham Regular or Marinated Regular or Marinated Skirt Steak Buk or Family Pack Bulk or 7 7) Family : 4 Pack iJUGOS NATURALES TODOS LOS DIAS! PRICES EFFECTIVE: vE JANUARY 2025 i lskoliiahaha 2WIC @ ¥- Ter 010825 CIRCULAR PAGE 1 - VERSHON.VI1_Dalis F2° Cm < fo

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