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Current weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 9

Weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Produce Tee na eee Nd Mie. to help maintain good health V\) * Front & Grohom, Freeland 570-636 - 2005 * CARONE’S * 101 S, Mountoin Bivd., (Mountain —~e~ ’ ey et ee SUPERMARKETS De Ro ead Pineda ec) * Route S07, Greentown este Ss [@UULSILE WANUEACTURER'S esses GOUPONIS RYO Rei SHURSAVE PG.8 09.11.22 top 570-474-1640 * DUTCH’S * 684 Roosevelt Highwoy, Woymort 570-488-4500 + JIM THORPE * River Rood, Sim Thorpe 570 - 325 $320 * MOUNTAIN FRESH * RL 118, Pike's Crook 570-477 - 2988 * QUINN’S * Kennedy ot Mein, Archbold 570-876-2520 * 1427 Moin Street, Peckville 570 - 487 - 2887 Ce Ve Ss Ai tryers sberten ceching time, which cas be hep on Busy nights Shortened coek tire alsa great whe you're planaing ataigate ecu tt inte you dont have ae a ey, you canst use the oven ‘ad cok on parchment ined sheet pans fr ait lenge ine (te tread fll favor and very satin i wang callow ino varty recipes Culflower supplies vitamins and minerals ke BFC K, feat, petassury, ibe and powectl aetna Remakes an excellent meat alternative, 2 well 25.9 Base slater fee option in recipes ke plaza tied ice ed tacos a ice, thinly wed & + Ltep. sesame seeds, teasted “ikcep lesion ty sauce +2 greene 12 Teaps ce vinegar Directions 1 Lie rimmed bang san ith arcrent pape nw shalioe oh shikflour et and pepger le eparte abo dik wbk eng place beta rd Sow paw intog mare a an Sp es spared pan vod rt ge . ‘ oy sure, vegas of and ogee Srnmates cel sy earsle cup tolarge oat Azd cavifloner to gal Seeve cottlower spend with ones ad sesame seeds aang with reaming gate manuse * ROB'S * 7. 11] Mountain View Poza, Great Beed 570-879-2423 "20 Honover St, Wilkes Borre 570-970-4460 *7 George Ave. [Parsons Section), Wikes Borre 570-270-3976 * GERRITY’S * 2280 Sens Souci Perkwoy, * 2020 Wyoming Ave., Honovee Pap. a $70-735-1316 570-283-5555 * 801 Wyoming Ave., Wes? Pittston 552 Union St, Luzerne 570 - 287 - 9677 570-654-3444 SRS

Latest weekly ads

Produce Tee na eee Nd Mie. to help maintain good health V\) * Front & Grohom, Freeland 570-636 - 2005 * CARONE’S * 101 S, Mountoin Bivd., (Mountain —~e~ ’ ey et ee SUPERMARKETS De Ro ead Pineda ec) * Route S07, Greentown este Ss [@UULSILE WANUEACTURER'S esses GOUPONIS RYO Rei SHURSAVE PG.8 09.11.22 top 570-474-1640 * DUTCH’S * 684 Roosevelt Highwoy, Woymort 570-488-4500 + JIM THORPE * River Rood, Sim Thorpe 570 - 325 $320 * MOUNTAIN FRESH * RL 118, Pike's Crook 570-477 - 2988 * QUINN’S * Kennedy ot Mein, Archbold 570-876-2520 * 1427 Moin Street, Peckville 570 - 487 - 2887 Ce Ve Ss Ai tryers sberten ceching time, which cas be hep on Busy nights Shortened coek tire alsa great whe you're planaing ataigate ecu tt inte you dont have ae a ey, you canst use the oven ‘ad cok on parchment ined sheet pans fr ait lenge ine (te tread fll favor and very satin i wang callow ino varty recipes Culflower supplies vitamins and minerals ke BFC K, feat, petassury, ibe and powectl aetna Remakes an excellent meat alternative, 2 well 25.9 Base slater fee option in recipes ke plaza tied ice ed tacos a ice, thinly wed & + Ltep. sesame seeds, teasted “ikcep lesion ty sauce +2 greene 12 Teaps ce vinegar Directions 1 Lie rimmed bang san ith arcrent pape nw shalioe oh shikflour et and pepger le eparte abo dik wbk eng place beta rd Sow paw intog mare a an Sp es spared pan vod rt ge . ‘ oy sure, vegas of and ogee Srnmates cel sy earsle cup tolarge oat Azd cavifloner to gal Seeve cottlower spend with ones ad sesame seeds aang with reaming gate manuse * ROB'S * 7. 11] Mountain View Poza, Great Beed 570-879-2423 "20 Honover St, Wilkes Borre 570-970-4460 *7 George Ave. [Parsons Section), Wikes Borre 570-270-3976 * GERRITY’S * 2280 Sens Souci Perkwoy, * 2020 Wyoming Ave., Honovee Pap. a $70-735-1316 570-283-5555 * 801 Wyoming Ave., Wes? Pittston 552 Union St, Luzerne 570 - 287 - 9677 570-654-3444 SRS

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