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Current weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

fresh sliced MEATS & CHEESES, delicious PREPARED FOODS r= = = <a 1893 BestYet iB cs ar Imported Cooked Ham ooper b Ecktich (Natural Juices) C.V. Sharp Cheese lb. Premium Sandwich Pepperoni Aa Cored Beet or Postromi: “ SP , For DEUCIOUS, Quick & Easy MEALS = a anon O27 Baked Veal Picatta -— “% lems sa fy ee a 4 Southern Style Kagptont Rollin 7 ° Baked Pork Fity Bede Potatoes, G Sssaced Vette ot he Oo. nd seer tal ee Tender Beef ef Tips, teed ieee” ng they, ad Bes at Breaded Chicken Parmesan, Reh awe, Sane! Vogt fhe Oey el # One Bol "Baked Stuffed Shelly | ” = 99 | ns enero : reeset GOP | terion, 4.99 gr Boston Pumpkin Cream Coke > JOur]PiesvArejBaked |FreshjEvery {Day ?, WK _y We are proud to serve you, our Customers, and trust you will enjoy one of our FRESH Baked re SHURSAVE PG.3 09.11.22 SR3

Latest weekly ads

fresh sliced MEATS & CHEESES, delicious PREPARED FOODS r= = = <a 1893 BestYet iB cs ar Imported Cooked Ham ooper b Ecktich (Natural Juices) C.V. Sharp Cheese lb. Premium Sandwich Pepperoni Aa Cored Beet or Postromi: “ SP , For DEUCIOUS, Quick & Easy MEALS = a anon O27 Baked Veal Picatta -— “% lems sa fy ee a 4 Southern Style Kagptont Rollin 7 ° Baked Pork Fity Bede Potatoes, G Sssaced Vette ot he Oo. nd seer tal ee Tender Beef ef Tips, teed ieee” ng they, ad Bes at Breaded Chicken Parmesan, Reh awe, Sane! Vogt fhe Oey el # One Bol "Baked Stuffed Shelly | ” = 99 | ns enero : reeset GOP | terion, 4.99 gr Boston Pumpkin Cream Coke > JOur]PiesvArejBaked |FreshjEvery {Day ?, WK _y We are proud to serve you, our Customers, and trust you will enjoy one of our FRESH Baked re SHURSAVE PG.3 09.11.22 SR3

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