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Current weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ae) el General Mills Any 10 feme Below... Prices Below Rofied Savi Savings Co-Gurt Yogurt oF Yoplait Original Low Fat Yoourt Pittstury amvorge, Tuna or Chicken Helper foestar Swat cheese ‘chopped Green Chiles owe Chex Mix, Garderte's, oF Enchitads Sauce oF Bughes Snack Mix Toting’s Prze Robs or Party Pizz: > Yoptan Oui Fi en Se Ratio Protein, Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks (068 £1 Paso Taco Shetis ‘ en it & Frosting (Otd EI Paso et er rn i Jas, i) Portions (cite Peart ie don't ae anything ues [ndthpeadloep elec] plone i “ees” i 7 fn ‘ [—— 2 —— 251 ares nts al 2.6 oO 27° 2 ees Se ON ae 26 ey 27 aie — Ss, eS 5 ue ee) 18 Be Beeakatone’s Seur Crem id Sy 9-54 5-95 3” Fe 3 Best Yet Chunk Cheese Brown Cow Yoguet test Yet Dairy Whipped Topping Cops arms Dal Stes or SHURSAVE PG.6 9.11.22 SRS

Latest weekly ads

ae) el General Mills Any 10 feme Below... Prices Below Rofied Savi Savings Co-Gurt Yogurt oF Yoplait Original Low Fat Yoourt Pittstury amvorge, Tuna or Chicken Helper foestar Swat cheese ‘chopped Green Chiles owe Chex Mix, Garderte's, oF Enchitads Sauce oF Bughes Snack Mix Toting’s Prze Robs or Party Pizz: > Yoptan Oui Fi en Se Ratio Protein, Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks (068 £1 Paso Taco Shetis ‘ en it & Frosting (Otd EI Paso et er rn i Jas, i) Portions (cite Peart ie don't ae anything ues [ndthpeadloep elec] plone i “ees” i 7 fn ‘ [—— 2 —— 251 ares nts al 2.6 oO 27° 2 ees Se ON ae 26 ey 27 aie — Ss, eS 5 ue ee) 18 Be Beeakatone’s Seur Crem id Sy 9-54 5-95 3” Fe 3 Best Yet Chunk Cheese Brown Cow Yoguet test Yet Dairy Whipped Topping Cops arms Dal Stes or SHURSAVE PG.6 9.11.22 SRS

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