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Current weekly ad Valley Marketplace - Valid from 08/24 to 08/30 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Valley Marketplace 08/24/2022 - 08/30/2022


Products in this weekly ad

* an a y , Att \ wie’ “ pa 4s Fresh Jumbo coy bh 5 > 1) Sista a Miles aaa ) y) 9 sane ») Dy | ik (iia ous) a. LIMIT 10 18S. = |} bb. Ce ae 2 dR se Festi Ne fea Fresh Belt Pork shoulder eos ’ Milanesa eck olao™ (GREER i rm" mae Dow Chicken wing a yp se = al oe =a fy ig arge Raw’ IC Wh Si Fimp, a at 27 swat Ea $209 2 Ny re , = wh DS fm tb || jumbo q | Suaflower Seeds “7 gy “© 4 = fed Hex be = ES Edam Cheese 4 BE YZ Forest Ham 2 uw. GoRTSuS] eo: | pes 6< Red Apples 7 tb. Honeydew a PR 3 Green Grapes nm TEVA FRIDAY, MOV Ey. CIPLC AUGUST 26TH cleric meicle Ng ONLY yh ‘ Dashti Chinese Eggplants Italian & Regular Tomatoes intyy ci | ge. we) fa 7 ad OF Swiss Cheese Mild Cheddar < a nant Ba, forse Fresh Ground at Alaskan Pollock Chicken Breast Fish Sticks ot Seld in 2, Bog ss ” anos a 7 mm “ie a * (RTTOUS Tojia Seasonit = Flavors, = setae oc BY aa ) Se OQ? — 3 Dame DZ a. (OMT) SY SIMI VALLEY RESEDA VALENCIA SN \ 1117 E. LOS ANGELES AVE. (AT FIRST ST.) 18345 VANOWEN ST. (AT RESEDA BLVD.) 23975 NEWHALL RANCH RD. (AT. McBEAN PKWY.) SS Z » 805-583-2300 « MON-SAT 8-8; SUN 9-7 818-609-1955 * MON-SAT 8-8; SUN 9-7. 1661°254°3900,+ MON-SAT 8-8; SUN.9-7 S AD DATES EFFECTIVE: AUGUST 2022 wit a tet SSN of We reserve the pes = 08/24/22 - Valley Marketplace Page 2 oe re a 6 8 G Pay éPay wic Gp &

Latest weekly ads

* an a y , Att \ wie’ “ pa 4s Fresh Jumbo coy bh 5 > 1) Sista a Miles aaa ) y) 9 sane ») Dy | ik (iia ous) a. LIMIT 10 18S. = |} bb. Ce ae 2 dR se Festi Ne fea Fresh Belt Pork shoulder eos ’ Milanesa eck olao™ (GREER i rm" mae Dow Chicken wing a yp se = al oe =a fy ig arge Raw’ IC Wh Si Fimp, a at 27 swat Ea $209 2 Ny re , = wh DS fm tb || jumbo q | Suaflower Seeds “7 gy “© 4 = fed Hex be = ES Edam Cheese 4 BE YZ Forest Ham 2 uw. GoRTSuS] eo: | pes 6< Red Apples 7 tb. Honeydew a PR 3 Green Grapes nm TEVA FRIDAY, MOV Ey. CIPLC AUGUST 26TH cleric meicle Ng ONLY yh ‘ Dashti Chinese Eggplants Italian & Regular Tomatoes intyy ci | ge. we) fa 7 ad OF Swiss Cheese Mild Cheddar < a nant Ba, forse Fresh Ground at Alaskan Pollock Chicken Breast Fish Sticks ot Seld in 2, Bog ss ” anos a 7 mm “ie a * (RTTOUS Tojia Seasonit = Flavors, = setae oc BY aa ) Se OQ? — 3 Dame DZ a. (OMT) SY SIMI VALLEY RESEDA VALENCIA SN \ 1117 E. LOS ANGELES AVE. (AT FIRST ST.) 18345 VANOWEN ST. (AT RESEDA BLVD.) 23975 NEWHALL RANCH RD. (AT. McBEAN PKWY.) SS Z » 805-583-2300 « MON-SAT 8-8; SUN 9-7 818-609-1955 * MON-SAT 8-8; SUN 9-7. 1661°254°3900,+ MON-SAT 8-8; SUN.9-7 S AD DATES EFFECTIVE: AUGUST 2022 wit a tet SSN of We reserve the pes = 08/24/22 - Valley Marketplace Page 2 oe re a 6 8 G Pay éPay wic Gp &

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