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Current weekly ad Sunshine Foods - Valid from 11/06 to 11/12 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Sunshine Foods 11/06/2024 - 11/12/2024


Products in this weekly ad

b este 4 G KEEBLER ; ZESTA SALTINE CAMPEBELL'S i] CRACKERS CHICKEN NOODLE tas 16 Oz ORTOMATO SOUP joy Selected Varieties 10.75 Oz. = HOSTESS BAUDUCCO a SNACKS WAFER COOKIES BEST CHOICE WAX PAPER: 6-10 Ct. Family Pack Selected Varieties 5 Oz, Selected Varieties BSqFt Selected Varieties for BEST CHOICE = ea VEGETABLES y x 145-1525 Oz, a Selected Varieties bah 8 BEN'S FAMILY SIZE RICE for Salectéa Varieties Seem | BEST CHOICE BEST CHOICE oe) CANNED BEANS TOMATOES 15155 Ox 14515 02 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties KELLOGG'S CEREAL 12 Oz. Rice Krispies, 12 Oz Corn Flakes or 173 Oz Frosted Fakes MUSSELMAN'S ace s APPLESAUCE seaecr ax : a KS Selected Varieties SFBISE CHARMIN ESSENTIALS BATH TISSUE 12 Mega Roll Selected Varieties HEFTY HEI 1014Ck SLIDER BAGS 13-39 Galion 10.2 Selected Varieties wr eT ee MILK-BONE TREATS ‘423-24 Oz. oF 9Ct Selected Varieties SFBASE POS 110624

Latest weekly ads

b este 4 G KEEBLER ; ZESTA SALTINE CAMPEBELL'S i] CRACKERS CHICKEN NOODLE tas 16 Oz ORTOMATO SOUP joy Selected Varieties 10.75 Oz. = HOSTESS BAUDUCCO a SNACKS WAFER COOKIES BEST CHOICE WAX PAPER: 6-10 Ct. Family Pack Selected Varieties 5 Oz, Selected Varieties BSqFt Selected Varieties for BEST CHOICE = ea VEGETABLES y x 145-1525 Oz, a Selected Varieties bah 8 BEN'S FAMILY SIZE RICE for Salectéa Varieties Seem | BEST CHOICE BEST CHOICE oe) CANNED BEANS TOMATOES 15155 Ox 14515 02 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties KELLOGG'S CEREAL 12 Oz. Rice Krispies, 12 Oz Corn Flakes or 173 Oz Frosted Fakes MUSSELMAN'S ace s APPLESAUCE seaecr ax : a KS Selected Varieties SFBISE CHARMIN ESSENTIALS BATH TISSUE 12 Mega Roll Selected Varieties HEFTY HEI 1014Ck SLIDER BAGS 13-39 Galion 10.2 Selected Varieties wr eT ee MILK-BONE TREATS ‘423-24 Oz. oF 9Ct Selected Varieties SFBASE POS 110624

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