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WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ALL ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE. NO RAINCHECKS 599 & Boneless Boneless Petite Sirloin Steak Sirloin Tip Steak USDA Choice, USDA Choice, Sentry Angus Beef Sentry Angus Beef Bone-In Bone-In Assorted Pork Chops Southern Style Pork Ribs USDA Inspected, USDA Inspected, Tender and Juicy — Tender and Juicy & peered 99 Fen 99 5 ‘Smithfield ‘Smithfield Oscar Mayer Breakfast Sausage Breakfast Sausage Sliced Turkey Bacon Links or Patties Links or Patties 12ozpkg 195-20 02 pkg 120zpks, Selected Varieties 2/7 2/4 Oscar Mayer Oscar Mayer Natural Choice Bologna or Lunchables or P3 Packs Lunchmeat Cotto Salami 1.95-4.4 02 pk, &Bozpks, ‘12ozpks, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Sugardale Essential Everyday Aah) Impossibe Original Pepperoni ‘earrupants Plant Based 6oz pkg Burger Brick 12ozpkg Tilapia Cod Scrod ‘Supreme Choice Fillets Fillets Raw EZ Peel Shrimp Fresh Fresh 16 0z pkg, 41-50ct > Supreme Choice Supreme Choice ‘Supreme Choice 2 4 Cooked Shrimp Salmon Fillets Catfish Fillets = 16ozpke, 160zpkg 160zpkg 41-50ct, TailOn WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ALL ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE, NO RAINCHECKS BEST PICKED PRODUCE ee ah be "hs ; ot Picea 122 999 2/13 Gala Avocadoes Apples — Fresh eid Appl Sweet Pineapple Chopped Salad Kit Midwest Grown Fresh 10-13.6 02 pkg, Selected Varieties = A we — ak suet 49 99 4g aa Blackberries Lemons Yellow Onions Carrots oz pkg, Fresh 2 Ib bog, Fresh ib bog Fresh 2b bag Pirnaturay ¢ BuddyFruits Giorgio Sliced 2 | Fruit Naturals 2 | Cucumbers 3.202 pkg, White Mushrooms 65-7ozcup, Fresh DW selected Varieties Bozpkg Selected Varieties what you need... make it... ee #2 coves garlic minced WHISK teva marinade, 0 sauce, brown sugar, red pepper fakes, and black pepper together Kikkome 1 Thsp sesame oi ina large glass or ceramicbow. Add chicken and toss to eveniy coat. Cover the bow with plastic eee oeee “burch broccocut into florets a and aria te route fers hours. Atspbr ‘Loup snow peas haves «a itspree pepper fakes ‘ Lmecium red bel pepper, diced HEAT a wok over meus gh heat Ad garicand sesame ot for about mite « Btsp black pepper ‘+ Heupstirtrysauce suchasKktoman”) Add brace snow peas and bel pepperst-fryfor2 minutes more Addsti-fry sauce 11 ib boneiess, skinless chicken breast and micuntl vegeta es are coated. has cut into tincheubes REMOVE cicien from marinade ashe off exces: iscardremaning marinade. Add chcrento the wox andsti-fy telat pith eerie co ; Sentry 1200_02A_SENTRY_0109 1200-0109
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