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Current weekly ad Orscheln Farm & Home - Valid from 06/07 to 06/11 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Orscheln Farm & Home 06/07/2023 - 06/11/2023


Products in this weekly ad

5’x 8’ Trailer With Gate Better Built 100-gallon Transfer Tank Fill-Rite Manual Fuel Transfer Pump' 2,000 Ib. GVWR. 12 in. tires. Meets or exceeds all Overfill restriction provides automatic shut-off Telescoping suction pipe, 12 ft. delivery hose, government regulations and industry standards. at the pump. Lockable cap and coupler. manual release nozzle - 12 volts, 15 GPM. Wire mesh floor and gate. 100023947 107378268 AFTER MAIL-IN MFG REBATE! * sale = Price 00 Mail-in 101245448, Ie 6,000 LB. CAPACITY bax = BO Nie nebate Rebate —————— 9799 FINAL x: 34° 14°° 17" eau nie ' REESE? Trailer Pennzoil Full STA-BIL°360°° —_Valvoline® Premium 34°° 8s9°° — Hitch Ball Mount Synthetic PERFORMANCE Conventional Motor Oil = . 5 Starter Kit Motor Oil FuelTreatment 5 quarts. Daily protection. Mobil Delvac Oil Mystik® JT-8 Super _ Fits 2 in. receiver, Quart. 5W20 or 5w30. 3202. 5W30, 10W30. ee eelions. 15W40. Heavy Duty Engine Oil aie any imo oe won ‘eta tows a 107388151 $10 OFF All Country Tuff? Lawn & Garden Batteries All batteries priced with exchange. Norain checks. 15 1 99 49°°9 11°° 34°99 x Slime Tire Sealant A/CProHeavy Duty Shop Towels Premium HD 3 Boe R134A Recharge Kit 6-pack.Smallrolls. Grease Gun Gainer eon 220z.Concentrated stop 107362065 18 in. high-pressure leak formula. aleatieoee All Lawn & Garden Inner Tubes 101129500 .... 29° ekiom ultra-flex hose 60723_6T_AAOLB ‘Sale prices good June 7-11, 2023.

Latest weekly ads

5’x 8’ Trailer With Gate Better Built 100-gallon Transfer Tank Fill-Rite Manual Fuel Transfer Pump' 2,000 Ib. GVWR. 12 in. tires. Meets or exceeds all Overfill restriction provides automatic shut-off Telescoping suction pipe, 12 ft. delivery hose, government regulations and industry standards. at the pump. Lockable cap and coupler. manual release nozzle - 12 volts, 15 GPM. Wire mesh floor and gate. 100023947 107378268 AFTER MAIL-IN MFG REBATE! * sale = Price 00 Mail-in 101245448, Ie 6,000 LB. CAPACITY bax = BO Nie nebate Rebate —————— 9799 FINAL x: 34° 14°° 17" eau nie ' REESE? Trailer Pennzoil Full STA-BIL°360°° —_Valvoline® Premium 34°° 8s9°° — Hitch Ball Mount Synthetic PERFORMANCE Conventional Motor Oil = . 5 Starter Kit Motor Oil FuelTreatment 5 quarts. Daily protection. Mobil Delvac Oil Mystik® JT-8 Super _ Fits 2 in. receiver, Quart. 5W20 or 5w30. 3202. 5W30, 10W30. ee eelions. 15W40. Heavy Duty Engine Oil aie any imo oe won ‘eta tows a 107388151 $10 OFF All Country Tuff? Lawn & Garden Batteries All batteries priced with exchange. Norain checks. 15 1 99 49°°9 11°° 34°99 x Slime Tire Sealant A/CProHeavy Duty Shop Towels Premium HD 3 Boe R134A Recharge Kit 6-pack.Smallrolls. Grease Gun Gainer eon 220z.Concentrated stop 107362065 18 in. high-pressure leak formula. aleatieoee All Lawn & Garden Inner Tubes 101129500 .... 29° ekiom ultra-flex hose 60723_6T_AAOLB ‘Sale prices good June 7-11, 2023.

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