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Current weekly ad Meijer - Valid from 08/21 to 08/27 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Meijer 08/21/2022 - 08/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

thee Po pe me Ce PM mirc] c Dee OE on O LCM CU Ce uae cB RoC Rec crim Gert Erle mo 7.69 $4 ee final = price a Monterey Signature Frozen Meal* me poled Velveeta Cheese* 9-10.25 az Select varieties. 11.5-19.7 oz. Select varieties. 32 0. All varieties. > 49. Vinaigrette* 16 oz. Select varieties. Pm lo a “Ey = 2.99 tt SZ x final e final m1.99.%° 1.99, Planters Peanuts* Planters Peanuts* 12412502 16 oz. Select varieties. ia. 3.69 4 mor BON oaks | 2 420 ARE zh 7.99. $ m2 a “sa” Ice Mountain Spring Water* 24 pk /16.9 oz. botties. $4 2.99) -° price ae fea buys ‘TUP Products* 6 pk./ 16.9 az. botties. ‘Select varieties. Plus deposit where applicable. Meijer Ultra Paper Towels* 6 double mols, NestlĂ© Drumstick or Dipped Cones 16.9-36.8 or. or Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Bars 6 ct,/ 18 oz. Select varieties. sale 3.49 El Monterey Burritos 8 ct,/30.4-32 or or T.G.1. Friday's Appetizers 8-11 oz Kraft Singles 12 oz. or | Can't Believe It's Not Butter or Country Crock 8-16 oz. Select varieties, ‘Select varietes. as aaa om , & GYAN sale sale we a = 849 =~ e Ragu Old World Style, Chunky Pasta Sauce 16-24 o2. Select vateties, Maxwell House Coffee 24.5:30.6 ov. or K-Cups 12 ct. or Gevalia Coffee 10-12 oz. bag or K-Cups 6-12 ct. Select varieties, 1.99 ‘Twizzlers Licorice 11-16 az. Select varieties, a =< 8 2 ‘S Corbi) /' ee Ball Park Buns* 8-c1/12-16 o2 Select varieties. Quantities less. than 2 are at eeguia price “While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions. 145-15 az. Seloct varieties, when you = 2.49 af = 2.69 when you when you Pretzels 10-16 oz. or Late July Tortilla Chips* 7.5-10.1 oz Select varieties. “4 mi .99.,. “ss final io 8 er ea Se eae ia egat* 4 pk/5.3 az Select varieties. Banc Ssewcnee me 2.39 <1 mer LS Herdez Satsa* 16 oz. Select varieties, when you buy 5 buy 5 ot 4 when you price lea buyS ‘Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce 28 oz, Sticky Fingers BBQ Sauce 18 oz. or Ray's No Sugar Added Sauce* 16-18.5 az. Select varieties. buy 5 when you bal ed buy 5 wo 9 49. eee Fritos Corn Chips* 9.25 oz. Select varieties. mee LL. QQ, MIO, Crystal Light or Country Time Liquid Water Enhancer* 1.62 oz. Select varieties. buy 5 final when you price Me eq buy Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent* 128 0° 150 ov. Lean cuisine - 29 ‘Stouffer's 8.37-12.87 oz or Lean Cuisine Frozen Meats §.25-11.5 02. Select varieties, Quantities less than 3 are at regular peice. sale Simply mt 1.99 |@ = e Simply Drinks 52 az Select varieties. Excludes orange juice PUMPKIN =~ add ; Time po ea + sale 6.99 Starbucks Coffee 9-12 oz. bag or K-Cups 6-10 ct. or Tim Hortons Coffee 12 or. bag or K-Cups 12 ct. Soloct varieties. 2/ Sb ers LaCroix Sparkling Water* 12 pk,/12 az. cans. ‘Select vasieses, Plus deposit where applicable. Quantities les than 2 are at regula price.

Latest weekly ads

thee Po pe me Ce PM mirc] c Dee OE on O LCM CU Ce uae cB RoC Rec crim Gert Erle mo 7.69 $4 ee final = price a Monterey Signature Frozen Meal* me poled Velveeta Cheese* 9-10.25 az Select varieties. 11.5-19.7 oz. Select varieties. 32 0. All varieties. > 49. Vinaigrette* 16 oz. Select varieties. Pm lo a “Ey = 2.99 tt SZ x final e final m1.99.%° 1.99, Planters Peanuts* Planters Peanuts* 12412502 16 oz. Select varieties. ia. 3.69 4 mor BON oaks | 2 420 ARE zh 7.99. $ m2 a “sa” Ice Mountain Spring Water* 24 pk /16.9 oz. botties. $4 2.99) -° price ae fea buys ‘TUP Products* 6 pk./ 16.9 az. botties. ‘Select varieties. Plus deposit where applicable. Meijer Ultra Paper Towels* 6 double mols, NestlĂ© Drumstick or Dipped Cones 16.9-36.8 or. or Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Bars 6 ct,/ 18 oz. Select varieties. sale 3.49 El Monterey Burritos 8 ct,/30.4-32 or or T.G.1. Friday's Appetizers 8-11 oz Kraft Singles 12 oz. or | Can't Believe It's Not Butter or Country Crock 8-16 oz. Select varieties, ‘Select varietes. as aaa om , & GYAN sale sale we a = 849 =~ e Ragu Old World Style, Chunky Pasta Sauce 16-24 o2. Select vateties, Maxwell House Coffee 24.5:30.6 ov. or K-Cups 12 ct. or Gevalia Coffee 10-12 oz. bag or K-Cups 6-12 ct. Select varieties, 1.99 ‘Twizzlers Licorice 11-16 az. Select varieties, a =< 8 2 ‘S Corbi) /' ee Ball Park Buns* 8-c1/12-16 o2 Select varieties. Quantities less. than 2 are at eeguia price “While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions. 145-15 az. Seloct varieties, when you = 2.49 af = 2.69 when you when you Pretzels 10-16 oz. or Late July Tortilla Chips* 7.5-10.1 oz Select varieties. “4 mi .99.,. “ss final io 8 er ea Se eae ia egat* 4 pk/5.3 az Select varieties. Banc Ssewcnee me 2.39 <1 mer LS Herdez Satsa* 16 oz. Select varieties, when you buy 5 buy 5 ot 4 when you price lea buyS ‘Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce 28 oz, Sticky Fingers BBQ Sauce 18 oz. or Ray's No Sugar Added Sauce* 16-18.5 az. Select varieties. buy 5 when you bal ed buy 5 wo 9 49. eee Fritos Corn Chips* 9.25 oz. Select varieties. mee LL. QQ, MIO, Crystal Light or Country Time Liquid Water Enhancer* 1.62 oz. Select varieties. buy 5 final when you price Me eq buy Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent* 128 0° 150 ov. Lean cuisine - 29 ‘Stouffer's 8.37-12.87 oz or Lean Cuisine Frozen Meats §.25-11.5 02. Select varieties, Quantities less than 3 are at regular peice. sale Simply mt 1.99 |@ = e Simply Drinks 52 az Select varieties. Excludes orange juice PUMPKIN =~ add ; Time po ea + sale 6.99 Starbucks Coffee 9-12 oz. bag or K-Cups 6-10 ct. or Tim Hortons Coffee 12 or. bag or K-Cups 12 ct. Soloct varieties. 2/ Sb ers LaCroix Sparkling Water* 12 pk,/12 az. cans. ‘Select vasieses, Plus deposit where applicable. Quantities les than 2 are at regula price.

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