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Tortillas Totopos Calidad lortila Chips 105-1 0 Tostadas Guerrero Tortillas Carb Balance Nesion Tortillas Soft Taco Flour To Wet Guerrero when you buy 2 a a : Tomatillo Verde § sa. Croubedontinls slap Apio 99‘ Ajo 3 s5 Asset Paes Be 56 Gre 9%. Celery FA Gatlic,5ct FOR 10Lbs Bag FOR Tortillas Riquisimas de Harina Guerrero Rig Amatila, Casera or Baked, 22 ct EA at elec, Ramo Premium igerémium 3192 3 FIRUTAS Y VERDURAS = FLOWERS Ba FLORES W hrough: Xinstacart “SD ooorDAsH Ube Nochebuena weahoms de ja, PARE Navidad 2 y Zanahorias © Eolabaza) X ; ences Castillo ; Cebolla Café “= Casita Squash 299° Chayote Brown Onions Chayote Squash dL. v oe® y= Limon Verde’, . i’. Neraniel Navel Manzana Se ; vradiicete: GOE " Qi wee” 2 = BS ‘Sweet Pineapple LB rang LB Ambrosia Apple Pomegranate an at : . eee Pitoncll £2 Tonge ens Bat sf Brown Sugar when you buy 2 $422 tA ~ febeplioegg Te - FRESH MEATS * CARNICERIA zn Ps a = wd 4 “oe ; ee See Bw 2. econ e e D tte Pf a 39 Res a 483 49 in this section are sold in the on ‘counter or value pack only. mY Anti id Re FOR aR is Lee Meera Meat Fl ayy WY V0 ee BE CO ne a eon Bee ae = PACK aia 7 orn FIESTA ia rN 1-7 Net 4 eee sin Cabeza > a ie con Cabeza” ede Reecsdo Swai a i Fish Fillet * : ORS Camarén y Camaron}> 4 L Seca Tats Scenene zy) - Extra Grende 15% 0 Pelado y 4 c sin Cascara de Salmon 58°” Fi LB resh Salmon Filet > ia "2% | Imitation Crab DELI + CREMERIA > ip: a ae Cardenas: — Cremas EIMexicano™ “S chorizo <P —Mexicanas.oug et Queso o Jam solar fresh Ceamy — casero $ 4? Moeuiee Regular or LB) Mexican Hot Sauces nie eg de) ESD Pollo Poms ngs Guacasalsa $5? Bulk Guacasalsa iB Del Real Chile vere or Mini Del Reallfrijoles Ss
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