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Current weekly ad Lidl - Valid from 12/25 to 12/31 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Lidl 12/25/2024 - 12/31/2024


Products in this weekly ad

TN AA ee BS 1 ELA frozen lobsterhalf-tail Fe Ocean Pier frozen bacon é SA\ y skewers wrapped cream cheese +9500 stuffed jalapenos >1.50 a FarmRich® frozen meatballs + choose from assorted varieties +2608. Pvmac ly roy FAMILY sae ‘ ‘ Eto block ch SPP i: ), Hillshire Farm® Litt ay) Lidl Preferred > Sania eon secre Royal Greenland® Smokies® Selection prosciutto, eB io jf frozensnowcrablegs " family size eit) Salads of the Sea T:}*) Salads oftheSea 1s) Ocean Pier frozen ‘mat it) Lidl Preferred Selection Cajun crab dip smoked salmon dip crab dip Norwegian traditional *7o% Tee % = —coldsmoked salmon “Boe t poe aunty 5am 35 CLASSIC ¢ pee ka ey cheese cubes t: i rete) se from assorted varieties dips iis 77 | SELTZER @ ‘ ORIGINAL jenn Zc Snack Day extra flavor => Ets) BelGioioso® burrata gee) potato ny . jerirapeatoald frozen OO" 22et ae . rick oven pizza ‘wate se *ghoose trom assorted varieties e multipack, family size +12-33.8 fLoz. bottles

Latest weekly ads

TN AA ee BS 1 ELA frozen lobsterhalf-tail Fe Ocean Pier frozen bacon é SA\ y skewers wrapped cream cheese +9500 stuffed jalapenos >1.50 a FarmRich® frozen meatballs + choose from assorted varieties +2608. Pvmac ly roy FAMILY sae ‘ ‘ Eto block ch SPP i: ), Hillshire Farm® Litt ay) Lidl Preferred > Sania eon secre Royal Greenland® Smokies® Selection prosciutto, eB io jf frozensnowcrablegs " family size eit) Salads of the Sea T:}*) Salads oftheSea 1s) Ocean Pier frozen ‘mat it) Lidl Preferred Selection Cajun crab dip smoked salmon dip crab dip Norwegian traditional *7o% Tee % = —coldsmoked salmon “Boe t poe aunty 5am 35 CLASSIC ¢ pee ka ey cheese cubes t: i rete) se from assorted varieties dips iis 77 | SELTZER @ ‘ ORIGINAL jenn Zc Snack Day extra flavor => Ets) BelGioioso® burrata gee) potato ny . jerirapeatoald frozen OO" 22et ae . rick oven pizza ‘wate se *ghoose trom assorted varieties e multipack, family size +12-33.8 fLoz. bottles

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