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Current weekly ad Lidl - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Lidl 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

autumn outdoor decor |.reversible wood wall hanging ($6.99) 2. Halloween scarecrow ($3.95) 3. Halloweer WPicaalil 4. Halloween doormat ($7.99) Halloween yard sucks ($3.99) 5 jam sper webs ($0.99) ipkin masters carving and stencil arses) Hahaweenxmcorite ities tom sabia vies + Bin. ($4.99) + in i499) *Hanwest Tne Âź bia 2 5” mt Pil reversible glow sticks party pack Hallewete 4 decorative pillow © Inctedes laces of necklace — een sorted styles + Slunrsize cans + choose trom asvorned styles + with20 flashing lights + eimensions: Bin x15 Potter and two bchen . fos throw bianbet. socks + dimensions: 13 Sia. x3 towels headband inxO75in : 99° fall: Halo een garden fl jith poli fat centage weolrmam Meccteseoenger te. price 4.89 ret i J other Xt col Sralable ladies'long top ladies‘ camisoles i aaeserko” fl Noatesmesc 129 a 1299) | ladies'cardigan = ladies'jeggings ladies'lushpajamaset __ denimjacket + choose om assorted style stands + choose trom asvorted styles + choose from + available sizes: $- XXL site + availabe set: S-XL assorted styles | + chose trom assorted styes + available sizes: | hand tools = + choose from assorted styles 2499 18-gauge electric stapler / brad nail gun coin&buttonbatteries—” component andlor woatng Sloe toscoe ein watches, radios men's work + choowe fromassorted styles + available sizes: 32-38 hes. remate controls driltbit set * fran weight capacity 5810 1S Soetaterforeusyaccess Pd packot 26 wih 12 aierent types ol batts Sat. & Sun. only! 9/24 - 9/25 7.99 4 _—_ - , 299 BarSÂź frozen s . mae reading glasses pet cestomer + chooselte save $1.19 blackberries ae porkspare ribs Vint 10 1b, per customer See ae nies iecraen sa 8° 29 a! 2 e I supportpillow compression . sleeve hoose from assorted sfyles + elpsreduce musciestrain choose tom assorted styles andiscomtort Sol comfortable fabric mith copper infused threading a 4 lable: | for store hours visit idleom istomer care: @) fy contact us at www.tidLeom/contact-us G mited, J please call us at; THIS-ES-LIDL or (844) 747-5435 ‘erder ontine at shopLidLcom fivecheose pizza Pepperoni pizza bat guten tee ginger 2 aro sanae + lee fou pereustemer 2 limit few pereustomer

Latest weekly ads

autumn outdoor decor |.reversible wood wall hanging ($6.99) 2. Halloween scarecrow ($3.95) 3. Halloweer WPicaalil 4. Halloween doormat ($7.99) Halloween yard sucks ($3.99) 5 jam sper webs ($0.99) ipkin masters carving and stencil arses) Hahaweenxmcorite ities tom sabia vies + Bin. ($4.99) + in i499) *Hanwest Tne Âź bia 2 5” mt Pil reversible glow sticks party pack Hallewete 4 decorative pillow © Inctedes laces of necklace — een sorted styles + Slunrsize cans + choose trom asvorned styles + with20 flashing lights + eimensions: Bin x15 Potter and two bchen . fos throw bianbet. socks + dimensions: 13 Sia. x3 towels headband inxO75in : 99° fall: Halo een garden fl jith poli fat centage weolrmam Meccteseoenger te. price 4.89 ret i J other Xt col Sralable ladies'long top ladies‘ camisoles i aaeserko” fl Noatesmesc 129 a 1299) | ladies'cardigan = ladies'jeggings ladies'lushpajamaset __ denimjacket + choose om assorted style stands + choose trom asvorted styles + choose from + available sizes: $- XXL site + availabe set: S-XL assorted styles | + chose trom assorted styes + available sizes: | hand tools = + choose from assorted styles 2499 18-gauge electric stapler / brad nail gun coin&buttonbatteries—” component andlor woatng Sloe toscoe ein watches, radios men's work + choowe fromassorted styles + available sizes: 32-38 hes. remate controls driltbit set * fran weight capacity 5810 1S Soetaterforeusyaccess Pd packot 26 wih 12 aierent types ol batts Sat. & Sun. only! 9/24 - 9/25 7.99 4 _—_ - , 299 BarSÂź frozen s . mae reading glasses pet cestomer + chooselte save $1.19 blackberries ae porkspare ribs Vint 10 1b, per customer See ae nies iecraen sa 8° 29 a! 2 e I supportpillow compression . sleeve hoose from assorted sfyles + elpsreduce musciestrain choose tom assorted styles andiscomtort Sol comfortable fabric mith copper infused threading a 4 lable: | for store hours visit idleom istomer care: @) fy contact us at www.tidLeom/contact-us G mited, J please call us at; THIS-ES-LIDL or (844) 747-5435 ‘erder ontine at shopLidLcom fivecheose pizza Pepperoni pizza bat guten tee ginger 2 aro sanae + lee fou pereustemer 2 limit few pereustomer

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