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Current weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester - Valid from 02/07 to 02/13 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester 02/07/2025 - 02/13/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Tapa aa ran i Pra PRODUCE SPECIALS Pm Crone acs I - MEXICAN 6 OZ. CONT. \ V4 NORTHWEST 7 NORTHWEST EXTRA FANCY, Red Roma Fresh Y Pink Fancy Cosmic . ink Lady & A Tomatoes Blacherries 4 q 4 I , Crisp Apples a r ye UY 16 OZ. PKG. FARM FRESH Green Giant eaey. Peeled - pina rrots , Yellow Nectarines CALIFORNIA FRESHEXPRESS 5 LB. BAG Cole Slaw ¢ Yukon Gold ee: es Mix 77h SS . *) ey Boar's Head Pepperoni Sticks President Belgioioso Triple Cream ca Burrata Pa or Brie Boar's Head “a Daren Boar's Head oar’s Heat at leat oar's Heat P= p Ovengold Low Salt * = Muenster oa ‘Turkey 2 Ham Magnifico or Plail Back re Virginia Serge Mortadella Bt al Si 8 02, - ee a FA rr Fa) han! On Reo) Belatotose tn 1 Ld Ciliegine, a — | Mozzarella Ik ; = = Alpine Lace Belgioioso Land O Lakes Ball 8 Oz. 7 5 ower fy Bima anak’ Secs Eeieemc” pe = Se & =F tintin Sw © (ae =o mn re on Hot oe ans ‘ Sabra 5.28 oz. re ‘Sopressata sick se Set = Hummus Belletoile . \ erasers, Asst. V: S45 _ eo Sli Slee 1° Oz. Wy ey Va Brie S45 ee " ao a te ee a od eed ed SACs meutahides i mF : Potato Salad : Cole Slaw ee —% “Pasta ies - j . ce Mecaroal ee on ‘ won =o ‘joalad 2 ee i: a oS Gk: 5 CS aeet { ' 7 @ Sitio sn | he’) ; — LB, Fe TOMATOES << > ae Cream Pe oe le . Os rs F ¥ i Chicken oe a rh fe nat aa chicken % sehen Macaroni Salad aay & =. ‘Salad ; & Cheese - o vy! ‘ x } Lt) NC tune si 899 ite % ~ wa ED cs WITH BOWTIE PASTA, | moe ES C3 Pe mare PEPPER rat oles Fe LACK Swedish i a = o = ats! Meatballs & Peppers eens ‘ed — 4 Se Sans LB. Stuffed : Asst. Varieties Flounder | ™ “ Tilapia e © fof Chicken : Fillet |. *—eew" Francese | = Wings erry ee er ee ee — 7 2 We Try to Make Cooking Easier for you! USDA CHOICE GENUINE CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF USDA GRADE A MOUNTAIN BLUE —_ INFLATION BUSTER oneless ; & Skinless & vy YF { —-QUSDA Grade A Whole Shell Boneless ys Quartered Chicken Steak ESPs Chicken Breast & 1 Legs or Drumsticks Ponta |, | ey ron | LATS USDA CHOICE BEEF LOIN Shoulde VEAL Shoulde LAMB AMERICAN VEAL hy Bone-In houlder ‘ houlder a i i Porterhouse or Veal Chops Fa Lamb Chops a a se |S) T-Bone Steaks Blade Cut > Blade Cut eal Cutlets ‘ . ey = ’ ‘ - SUCED THN i a ROUND BONE - x= ROUND BONE LALALE ATI A ae ‘WESTERN GRAIN FED yo WESTERN GRAIN FED. USA AMERICAN LAMB USDA INSPECTED wuT Bonen Fresh Pork Loin Whole Fillet Freie Loin End Roast ; Spare Ribs : Lamb Chops Mignon ae » ULE rr 2 Elre:)) ae tnig * [ewoustr Frome] fect] Ge [FOzPKE] . ap ) Peeled & Q Previously Basa $ Deveined YQ? 7 ||Frozen Fillet Raw Shrimp 2 1», Lobster Tails 4 C-TOWN COUNTRY MARKET

Latest weekly ads

Tapa aa ran i Pra PRODUCE SPECIALS Pm Crone acs I - MEXICAN 6 OZ. CONT. \ V4 NORTHWEST 7 NORTHWEST EXTRA FANCY, Red Roma Fresh Y Pink Fancy Cosmic . ink Lady & A Tomatoes Blacherries 4 q 4 I , Crisp Apples a r ye UY 16 OZ. PKG. FARM FRESH Green Giant eaey. Peeled - pina rrots , Yellow Nectarines CALIFORNIA FRESHEXPRESS 5 LB. BAG Cole Slaw ¢ Yukon Gold ee: es Mix 77h SS . *) ey Boar's Head Pepperoni Sticks President Belgioioso Triple Cream ca Burrata Pa or Brie Boar's Head “a Daren Boar's Head oar’s Heat at leat oar's Heat P= p Ovengold Low Salt * = Muenster oa ‘Turkey 2 Ham Magnifico or Plail Back re Virginia Serge Mortadella Bt al Si 8 02, - ee a FA rr Fa) han! On Reo) Belatotose tn 1 Ld Ciliegine, a — | Mozzarella Ik ; = = Alpine Lace Belgioioso Land O Lakes Ball 8 Oz. 7 5 ower fy Bima anak’ Secs Eeieemc” pe = Se & =F tintin Sw © (ae =o mn re on Hot oe ans ‘ Sabra 5.28 oz. re ‘Sopressata sick se Set = Hummus Belletoile . \ erasers, Asst. V: S45 _ eo Sli Slee 1° Oz. Wy ey Va Brie S45 ee " ao a te ee a od eed ed SACs meutahides i mF : Potato Salad : Cole Slaw ee —% “Pasta ies - j . ce Mecaroal ee on ‘ won =o ‘joalad 2 ee i: a oS Gk: 5 CS aeet { ' 7 @ Sitio sn | he’) ; — LB, Fe TOMATOES << > ae Cream Pe oe le . Os rs F ¥ i Chicken oe a rh fe nat aa chicken % sehen Macaroni Salad aay & =. ‘Salad ; & Cheese - o vy! ‘ x } Lt) NC tune si 899 ite % ~ wa ED cs WITH BOWTIE PASTA, | moe ES C3 Pe mare PEPPER rat oles Fe LACK Swedish i a = o = ats! Meatballs & Peppers eens ‘ed — 4 Se Sans LB. Stuffed : Asst. Varieties Flounder | ™ “ Tilapia e © fof Chicken : Fillet |. *—eew" Francese | = Wings erry ee er ee ee — 7 2 We Try to Make Cooking Easier for you! USDA CHOICE GENUINE CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF USDA GRADE A MOUNTAIN BLUE —_ INFLATION BUSTER oneless ; & Skinless & vy YF { —-QUSDA Grade A Whole Shell Boneless ys Quartered Chicken Steak ESPs Chicken Breast & 1 Legs or Drumsticks Ponta |, | ey ron | LATS USDA CHOICE BEEF LOIN Shoulde VEAL Shoulde LAMB AMERICAN VEAL hy Bone-In houlder ‘ houlder a i i Porterhouse or Veal Chops Fa Lamb Chops a a se |S) T-Bone Steaks Blade Cut > Blade Cut eal Cutlets ‘ . ey = ’ ‘ - SUCED THN i a ROUND BONE - x= ROUND BONE LALALE ATI A ae ‘WESTERN GRAIN FED yo WESTERN GRAIN FED. USA AMERICAN LAMB USDA INSPECTED wuT Bonen Fresh Pork Loin Whole Fillet Freie Loin End Roast ; Spare Ribs : Lamb Chops Mignon ae » ULE rr 2 Elre:)) ae tnig * [ewoustr Frome] fect] Ge [FOzPKE] . ap ) Peeled & Q Previously Basa $ Deveined YQ? 7 ||Frozen Fillet Raw Shrimp 2 1», Lobster Tails 4 C-TOWN COUNTRY MARKET

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