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Current weekly ad Corner Market - Valid from 08/16 to 08/22 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Corner Market 08/16/2023 - 08/22/2023


Products in this weekly ad

General Mills Cereal DIGITAL APP . $0z box Motrin Ceeras, And Save. ‘9 . = 1.5 orbox Lucky Charms, °100 More of 2 Malt 0 Meal Cereal 22-90 ox bag, ct Kellogg's & Family Size Cereal a 18 07 box Com Fakes, 9 4g Crispix orice Krispies, 18-18. oz box ‘Special K, 18.1 oz box Corn Pops, 'e 18.4 02 box Apple Jacks or froat Loops, 240 box Frosted lakes, Mini Bite Size Mini Wheats Peter Pan Peanut Butter 1e3e2jar, Assorted Varieties: 235 Kool-Aid Gatorade Kool Bursts Thirst Quencher Spi, Spil2oz bls, Assorted Flavors Assorted Varieties 3.99 Del Monte Gatorade Fruit Cups Thirst Quencher Actpig, 188oxbiG itor 2 ez, Assorted Varies Assorted Varieties 2: 5 As 5 cael i Coffee Kool-Aid 10-12 bx Single Serve or Jammers ‘arbag, Assorted Varieties, etbar, ed Bag or vate Reserve Assorted laars *4.99 (MIT 3 WITH APP Taco Bell Taco Shells Gain 1S ox jar Taco Queso, Liguid Detergent Hepa MONE) Bh en Cs 200 8.99 LIMIT 3 WITH APP Taco Bell Hot Sauce or Taco Sauce 5 1Borcan eed Beans Palmolive o7S-orttl, Dish Liquid Assorted Varies oor 1.49 2.99 Fiora Taco Bell Mega Roll Seasoning Mix Bath Towels or Tissue 1L4eapig, Sct dea Ros Towels Assorted Varities or 2 ct Mega Rols Tissue 19° ‘799

Latest weekly ads

General Mills Cereal DIGITAL APP . $0z box Motrin Ceeras, And Save. ‘9 . = 1.5 orbox Lucky Charms, °100 More of 2 Malt 0 Meal Cereal 22-90 ox bag, ct Kellogg's & Family Size Cereal a 18 07 box Com Fakes, 9 4g Crispix orice Krispies, 18-18. oz box ‘Special K, 18.1 oz box Corn Pops, 'e 18.4 02 box Apple Jacks or froat Loops, 240 box Frosted lakes, Mini Bite Size Mini Wheats Peter Pan Peanut Butter 1e3e2jar, Assorted Varieties: 235 Kool-Aid Gatorade Kool Bursts Thirst Quencher Spi, Spil2oz bls, Assorted Flavors Assorted Varieties 3.99 Del Monte Gatorade Fruit Cups Thirst Quencher Actpig, 188oxbiG itor 2 ez, Assorted Varies Assorted Varieties 2: 5 As 5 cael i Coffee Kool-Aid 10-12 bx Single Serve or Jammers ‘arbag, Assorted Varieties, etbar, ed Bag or vate Reserve Assorted laars *4.99 (MIT 3 WITH APP Taco Bell Taco Shells Gain 1S ox jar Taco Queso, Liguid Detergent Hepa MONE) Bh en Cs 200 8.99 LIMIT 3 WITH APP Taco Bell Hot Sauce or Taco Sauce 5 1Borcan eed Beans Palmolive o7S-orttl, Dish Liquid Assorted Varies oor 1.49 2.99 Fiora Taco Bell Mega Roll Seasoning Mix Bath Towels or Tissue 1L4eapig, Sct dea Ros Towels Assorted Varities or 2 ct Mega Rols Tissue 19° ‘799

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