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Current weekly ad Cardenas Markets - Valid from 12/04 to 12/10 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Cardenas Markets 12/04/2024 - 12/10/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Redan Oa du i aera occ cd Arreglo Floral mo tied Multicolor Roses = FRUITS & VEGETABLES 55 Zanahorias en Bolsa de 1 . Carots ic 1)))2.99° ° Chile Pasilla $1? Pasilla Peppers LB 7 - é <¢ \ = seam IGE voor! QOE cose aa ___$& EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR TAM/ PONCHE So os cn Cafia Pelada a e / \Caiia de Azicar 4; ; 7 Jj, Péntera1 en Manojo 49 $499 V4 | 99 Tehoot a guys ey A ee Sete §=———-—_—“Hoja Enconchada Cacahuate Quemado « Chiles La Fiesta} $ sq = sq 2°7 238 = *9° FRESH MEATS %% CARNICERIA Jalapefios en Rojas tm ogi y is 2 2 < ee a, . eas) Ge iy 2S ene Care Surtidaye nenladdon , 4 de Puerco Dh ¢ 1S Bla enon $ 69 para Pozol $69 Assorted Pork Meats for Soup LB " sy —— 54° Mutton Meat ee — ea i Sere noha _ — iene ee ED Sevens me So se ‘4° Beet Tongue sek cn Cut Bonen Items in this section are sold in the service counter or value pack me Dasa ig Meat eee Queso Rallado ‘Sunshine ‘8” Shredded Cheese, 22 az EA aN Harina ® de Maiz 7 Maseca Com Four 2 22Ubs —_— Je ys Almay sin Cabeza oF a ‘ con Cabeza Filete de) eereee s5? Petters s37 de Mariscos ™ 9g 49 Raw Octopus ‘Swai Fish Fillet “7 LB ‘Seatood Mix Combo iB : en. ea ee we a Filete de Tilapia Caren Kay prey Tilapia Fish Fillet sin Cabeza ¥ ay Extra Grande ~ ode Pelado'y” Bagre Cubeta a » cs ~ 2 Entero Fresco Jumbo Shin, 5 ct y arc Gauche paraticsa . geass sh $ Te Filete de Salmén $§Q99 sincascara $n Polanee teen mea American Maid 2 ae ’ i a Fresh Salmon PAD Raw Steimp 26/30 ct Shrimp for Ceviche Utility Bow, 4 Gal DELI <% ee a, eran et Chorizoy r “Queso Cardenas > 0 Jamon as Pork Chota J EI Mexicano) FUD Sowppearee tia Extend iM : — ae de Masa 7 : ae soos [aon some Roe cratamales $7 99. iesh cheese 4” Mexicanas 4 Oaxaquefia $9” 2 PB Regular or Turkey Ham Mesican Hot Sauces EB) Oaxaca Cream Masa Spreader, ct EA ad ——_——| <> er y = y itasde. agks 4s % FARMS. Mesquite he Die a : Poise a 5 x = )Foster Farms = Bi esquite Turkey Beast Tamaleras Quesg, de ee Pots 8:52 Qt fElp Bulk Guacasalsa

Latest weekly ads

Redan Oa du i aera occ cd Arreglo Floral mo tied Multicolor Roses = FRUITS & VEGETABLES 55 Zanahorias en Bolsa de 1 . Carots ic 1)))2.99° ° Chile Pasilla $1? Pasilla Peppers LB 7 - é <¢ \ = seam IGE voor! QOE cose aa ___$& EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR TAM/ PONCHE So os cn Cafia Pelada a e / \Caiia de Azicar 4; ; 7 Jj, Péntera1 en Manojo 49 $499 V4 | 99 Tehoot a guys ey A ee Sete §=———-—_—“Hoja Enconchada Cacahuate Quemado « Chiles La Fiesta} $ sq = sq 2°7 238 = *9° FRESH MEATS %% CARNICERIA Jalapefios en Rojas tm ogi y is 2 2 < ee a, . eas) Ge iy 2S ene Care Surtidaye nenladdon , 4 de Puerco Dh ¢ 1S Bla enon $ 69 para Pozol $69 Assorted Pork Meats for Soup LB " sy —— 54° Mutton Meat ee — ea i Sere noha _ — iene ee ED Sevens me So se ‘4° Beet Tongue sek cn Cut Bonen Items in this section are sold in the service counter or value pack me Dasa ig Meat eee Queso Rallado ‘Sunshine ‘8” Shredded Cheese, 22 az EA aN Harina ® de Maiz 7 Maseca Com Four 2 22Ubs —_— Je ys Almay sin Cabeza oF a ‘ con Cabeza Filete de) eereee s5? Petters s37 de Mariscos ™ 9g 49 Raw Octopus ‘Swai Fish Fillet “7 LB ‘Seatood Mix Combo iB : en. ea ee we a Filete de Tilapia Caren Kay prey Tilapia Fish Fillet sin Cabeza ¥ ay Extra Grande ~ ode Pelado'y” Bagre Cubeta a » cs ~ 2 Entero Fresco Jumbo Shin, 5 ct y arc Gauche paraticsa . geass sh $ Te Filete de Salmén $§Q99 sincascara $n Polanee teen mea American Maid 2 ae ’ i a Fresh Salmon PAD Raw Steimp 26/30 ct Shrimp for Ceviche Utility Bow, 4 Gal DELI <% ee a, eran et Chorizoy r “Queso Cardenas > 0 Jamon as Pork Chota J EI Mexicano) FUD Sowppearee tia Extend iM : — ae de Masa 7 : ae soos [aon some Roe cratamales $7 99. iesh cheese 4” Mexicanas 4 Oaxaquefia $9” 2 PB Regular or Turkey Ham Mesican Hot Sauces EB) Oaxaca Cream Masa Spreader, ct EA ad ——_——| <> er y = y itasde. agks 4s % FARMS. Mesquite he Die a : Poise a 5 x = )Foster Farms = Bi esquite Turkey Beast Tamaleras Quesg, de ee Pots 8:52 Qt fElp Bulk Guacasalsa

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