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Current weekly ad Boyer's - St. Patrick's Day 2023 - Valid from 03/12 to 03/18 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Boyer's 03/12/2023 - 03/18/2023


Products in this weekly ad

DELICIOUS DELI eae ERB Imported Ham in 35 rae BE) Cr) oe Atel Dietz Ss Watson Colby 5 ED ace eit) Chicken Breast ake) Jack Cheese Cheese 6.99. 10.99. ‘8.99. ‘7,99. AE John F. Martin Sahlen’s Ham Off __ | Sahlen'sLower Eckrich Premium HEAT & EAT ENTREES Pickle & Pimento the Bone ke Sodium Ham / | Hard or Genoa cme ; f Loaf 1 | Off the Bone ¢ mi ge gece 5 [3 Ae ai an Mh > oz Macaroni Ta $ aes $ oe 7.992" | *7. 99> > | *7.99in= EctrichF Premium Hatfield mn Hatfield German Batheld Cooked Pepperor a Capocolla ~ | Bologna a Salami pawucet D = ee y $ t $ OQtee—| $ say y 7.990! 6.99 eH ‘3:99: | ‘499 Hatfield Liverwurst | Mrs. B’s White Stella Baby Swiss Spring Glen Beef Pulled Por Meatball American oe Cheese Vegetable Soup or Rueben Sandwich oy eo spPMecien Sandwich $ a} ¢: ce 2.99. |'5.99.'/'8.99,_|11.99%,'3.498|'2.99"* BelGioioso Stella Parmesan | President President President Featured Soup {rumbled Blue | or Romano Round Brie Wee Brie Pub Cheese Lasagna a aed, ‘heese Cups Boz Snackers 3-328 07 2.99 | ‘39408 ‘7.99 |'3.90"|'3 & ‘2.99 us #&, FRESH FROM BOYER’S BAKERY 4 LD Feature Items of the Week! Italian Bread cree Oy Reel a Adelphia SI p White or Wheat Pickle Ranch Dip Berle) °4.49., | 6.99. All Seasons Philly Potato Salad $4.49/Ib All Seasons Italian Pasta Salad.................. $5.49/Ib Reser’s Amish Coleslaw or Sour Cream Red Potato Salad $3.99/Ib Spring Glen Cherry Cheesecake Dessert *8.99/Ib ST ey er Cia melts ) ee Cakes ye Store Made Gi... JJ's Pies Ga @ Kaiser Rolls IO. SID 4oz 90. ID Set Krispy Kreme Bites aed 7

Latest weekly ads

DELICIOUS DELI eae ERB Imported Ham in 35 rae BE) Cr) oe Atel Dietz Ss Watson Colby 5 ED ace eit) Chicken Breast ake) Jack Cheese Cheese 6.99. 10.99. ‘8.99. ‘7,99. AE John F. Martin Sahlen’s Ham Off __ | Sahlen'sLower Eckrich Premium HEAT & EAT ENTREES Pickle & Pimento the Bone ke Sodium Ham / | Hard or Genoa cme ; f Loaf 1 | Off the Bone ¢ mi ge gece 5 [3 Ae ai an Mh > oz Macaroni Ta $ aes $ oe 7.992" | *7. 99> > | *7.99in= EctrichF Premium Hatfield mn Hatfield German Batheld Cooked Pepperor a Capocolla ~ | Bologna a Salami pawucet D = ee y $ t $ OQtee—| $ say y 7.990! 6.99 eH ‘3:99: | ‘499 Hatfield Liverwurst | Mrs. B’s White Stella Baby Swiss Spring Glen Beef Pulled Por Meatball American oe Cheese Vegetable Soup or Rueben Sandwich oy eo spPMecien Sandwich $ a} ¢: ce 2.99. |'5.99.'/'8.99,_|11.99%,'3.498|'2.99"* BelGioioso Stella Parmesan | President President President Featured Soup {rumbled Blue | or Romano Round Brie Wee Brie Pub Cheese Lasagna a aed, ‘heese Cups Boz Snackers 3-328 07 2.99 | ‘39408 ‘7.99 |'3.90"|'3 & ‘2.99 us #&, FRESH FROM BOYER’S BAKERY 4 LD Feature Items of the Week! Italian Bread cree Oy Reel a Adelphia SI p White or Wheat Pickle Ranch Dip Berle) °4.49., | 6.99. All Seasons Philly Potato Salad $4.49/Ib All Seasons Italian Pasta Salad.................. $5.49/Ib Reser’s Amish Coleslaw or Sour Cream Red Potato Salad $3.99/Ib Spring Glen Cherry Cheesecake Dessert *8.99/Ib ST ey er Cia melts ) ee Cakes ye Store Made Gi... JJ's Pies Ga @ Kaiser Rolls IO. SID 4oz 90. ID Set Krispy Kreme Bites aed 7

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