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Current weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Ops Fresh 80% Lean Ground Beef va Mega Pack, 6 Ibs. or More, - . ss Ground Fresh In-store Daily kena : with atural Whole Chicken and Drumsticks or Thighs, All Natt Baa vos Center Cut” Pork Rib or Loin Chops H Premium All Natural Bone-in Pork, Big Pack u | . Regular Pack, $2.99 Ib. 4 wir ? -' STALUE WITH 8 va porte hates or T- ‘Bone Steak Quy IXOR MATCH Premium USDA Choi hol Garrots Frosh cult ne ‘Source of Vitamins C & K Beef Loin, Big rae | Whole Large Size — Fresh Celery om role carrots 2b. Pho Regular Pack, $10.99 Ib. wn Large Size Celery or Whol INSTANT BONUS! Receive 218, SAHLEN'S B0L06NA ad INSTANTLY WHEN YoU BUY 1b, or Moe Salen an t ae p i adr nang tanactn i MIXOR MATCH MIXORMATCH Unit dealpertansaclon wire a Fresh Express Salad Blends or Fresh Blueberries, Blackberries or Raspberries Sahlen’s Ham Boneless, Pre-Sliced, Lower Sodium, Maple Honey or Italian Hot, Baby Blends or Marie’s Dressin: Excellent Source of Vitamin C and Antioxidants, 6 02. pkg, Freshly Sliced to Order 9S Assorted Varieties, 5-11 oz. pkg, Salads or 115-12 fl.oz. jar Dressings Coca-Cola 12 Pack Cans with at Selected Varieties, 12/12 fl o2. cans, EACH WHEN YOU BUY Plus Deposit Where Applicable MULTIPLES OF 2 aes save aNexTRAS4 ON 2 499 with © Coupon Pepsi 6 Pack Bottles Lay’s Potato Chips, Poppables or Fritos Selected Varieties, 616.9 fl.oz. bts, Also Includes Aquafina 6/169 flo. bts. Lay's 475-8 02, of Fritos 925-10 oz. bag, Excludes Kettle Plus Deposit Where Applicable, Limit 3 Deals or 12 Pkgs. Sorry No Rainchecks wr a wrt a wire Bud Light Seltzer, Cayman Jack, White Claw, Barilla Pasta Sargento Shredded or Chunk Cheese S Premium Ice Cream Mike's Seltzer or Smirnoff Ice 12 Pack Selected Varieties, Includes Whole Grain, 12-16 6-8 02. pkg, Selected Varieties, 48 fl. o2. ctn, Also, TOPS Super Selected Varieties, 2/112-12 fl oz. cans, Premium Ice Cream Pints, 16 fl. 62. con Plus Deposit Where Applicable Ll eh ...-1299 ¥ Limit Ove offer wire wir a wire oa Bakery Jumbo Muffins 4 Pack Freihofer’s Italian Bread Tropicana Orange Juice Tide Laundry Detergent All Varieties, includes Mini Muffins 12 Pack 20.02. loaf. Also includes Reduced Calorie, 16 02.loaf Selected Varieties, $2 fl.oz, bt Liquid 92 fl. 02. btl or Pods 25-42 ct. cont Prices SUN | MON | T Effective: Sept-Oct. 25 | 26 27 NLT Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your JJ. Not All Items Available In All Stores. Excludes Tops Xpress and Alll Tops Fuel Stores. ‘We have the right to iit quatis. lustrations are for design purposes only and do nat necessarily depict products on sale We cannot be responsible for typographical eror 1086 1001 PAGE 1 OSG 2022 Top CLR 1 0SG-C 10SG-M

Latest weekly ads

Ops Fresh 80% Lean Ground Beef va Mega Pack, 6 Ibs. or More, - . ss Ground Fresh In-store Daily kena : with atural Whole Chicken and Drumsticks or Thighs, All Natt Baa vos Center Cut” Pork Rib or Loin Chops H Premium All Natural Bone-in Pork, Big Pack u | . Regular Pack, $2.99 Ib. 4 wir ? -' STALUE WITH 8 va porte hates or T- ‘Bone Steak Quy IXOR MATCH Premium USDA Choi hol Garrots Frosh cult ne ‘Source of Vitamins C & K Beef Loin, Big rae | Whole Large Size — Fresh Celery om role carrots 2b. Pho Regular Pack, $10.99 Ib. wn Large Size Celery or Whol INSTANT BONUS! Receive 218, SAHLEN'S B0L06NA ad INSTANTLY WHEN YoU BUY 1b, or Moe Salen an t ae p i adr nang tanactn i MIXOR MATCH MIXORMATCH Unit dealpertansaclon wire a Fresh Express Salad Blends or Fresh Blueberries, Blackberries or Raspberries Sahlen’s Ham Boneless, Pre-Sliced, Lower Sodium, Maple Honey or Italian Hot, Baby Blends or Marie’s Dressin: Excellent Source of Vitamin C and Antioxidants, 6 02. pkg, Freshly Sliced to Order 9S Assorted Varieties, 5-11 oz. pkg, Salads or 115-12 fl.oz. jar Dressings Coca-Cola 12 Pack Cans with at Selected Varieties, 12/12 fl o2. cans, EACH WHEN YOU BUY Plus Deposit Where Applicable MULTIPLES OF 2 aes save aNexTRAS4 ON 2 499 with © Coupon Pepsi 6 Pack Bottles Lay’s Potato Chips, Poppables or Fritos Selected Varieties, 616.9 fl.oz. bts, Also Includes Aquafina 6/169 flo. bts. Lay's 475-8 02, of Fritos 925-10 oz. bag, Excludes Kettle Plus Deposit Where Applicable, Limit 3 Deals or 12 Pkgs. Sorry No Rainchecks wr a wrt a wire Bud Light Seltzer, Cayman Jack, White Claw, Barilla Pasta Sargento Shredded or Chunk Cheese S Premium Ice Cream Mike's Seltzer or Smirnoff Ice 12 Pack Selected Varieties, Includes Whole Grain, 12-16 6-8 02. pkg, Selected Varieties, 48 fl. o2. ctn, Also, TOPS Super Selected Varieties, 2/112-12 fl oz. cans, Premium Ice Cream Pints, 16 fl. 62. con Plus Deposit Where Applicable Ll eh ...-1299 ¥ Limit Ove offer wire wir a wire oa Bakery Jumbo Muffins 4 Pack Freihofer’s Italian Bread Tropicana Orange Juice Tide Laundry Detergent All Varieties, includes Mini Muffins 12 Pack 20.02. loaf. Also includes Reduced Calorie, 16 02.loaf Selected Varieties, $2 fl.oz, bt Liquid 92 fl. 02. btl or Pods 25-42 ct. cont Prices SUN | MON | T Effective: Sept-Oct. 25 | 26 27 NLT Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your JJ. Not All Items Available In All Stores. Excludes Tops Xpress and Alll Tops Fuel Stores. ‘We have the right to iit quatis. lustrations are for design purposes only and do nat necessarily depict products on sale We cannot be responsible for typographical eror 1086 1001 PAGE 1 OSG 2022 Top CLR 1 0SG-C 10SG-M

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