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Current weekly ad Sunshine Foods - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Sunshine Foods 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

@ Chicken Parmesan + boneless skinless chicken breasts" 1 cup olive ol fr frying salt and freshly ground black pepperto taste + cup Hunt's tomato sauce* Te - 2ea0s + Yecup shredded mozzarella cheese + Yecup water + Yup grated Parmesan cheese HBB - ‘cup panko breadcrumbs + Itablespoon olive oil ¥ cup grated Parmesan cheese + cup angel hair pasta a + Tteaspoon talian seasoning + Rotella italian Cookout or Vienna bread* QD reteat on oven 0450 Degrees @) Place chicken breasts between two sheets of heavy plastic (resealable freezer bags work wel on a soi, eve surface. Fimly pound chicken witha meat mallet toa 1/2:inch thickness. ©) beat eggs with waterin a shallow bow andset aside. JQ divtreadcunts, 12 cp armesen cheese anda seasoning ina "Separate bowl, set aside, dip chicken breast in beaten egg mixture. Transfer breast to breadcrumb mixture, pressing the crumbsinto both sdes. Repeat foreach breast 2) Heat 1 cup ove olin atargesklet on medium-high heet unl itbegins °" t shimmer Cook chicken until golden, sbout 2 mites on each sd. The chicken wil finish cooking inthe oven. D Place chicken n a baking dish andtopeach breast with 1/4 cup f tomato sauce. Top with mozzareli and parmesan cheese @ Bake in the preheated oven for 5-20 minutes until cheese is browned and bubbly and the intemal temperature reads 165 degrees. © cook anger tar pasta according to package directions 0) Serve with Rotella’ Italian Cookout or Vienna bread RR a RC A h WA 4 PAO a Are) rex had CO TOR ee tee) a Mca Uae) = 4 ORIGINAL BAGEL ~ 2 COMPANY 4 BAGELS Fresh Sliced VIRGINIA HAM Fresh Sliced = i BABY SWISS oF oF CHEESE ; caer OZARK HEARTH TOUFAYAN ~ oz TEXAS TOAST . . MINI CROISSANTS Lb, Selected Varieties 2007 12.302, Sa eR - A VAN HOLTEN STACY'S INDIVIDUALLY ‘SIMPLY WRAPPED PICKLES PITA CHIPS Single Ct 102 : OLSON'S ) | THE FATHER'S TABLE ¥ SLICED LOAF CAKES CHEESECAKES ieoz 3202 For Selected Varieties Selected Varieties SFBASE 'SFBASE_PG3_090722

Latest weekly ads

@ Chicken Parmesan + boneless skinless chicken breasts" 1 cup olive ol fr frying salt and freshly ground black pepperto taste + cup Hunt's tomato sauce* Te - 2ea0s + Yecup shredded mozzarella cheese + Yecup water + Yup grated Parmesan cheese HBB - ‘cup panko breadcrumbs + Itablespoon olive oil ¥ cup grated Parmesan cheese + cup angel hair pasta a + Tteaspoon talian seasoning + Rotella italian Cookout or Vienna bread* QD reteat on oven 0450 Degrees @) Place chicken breasts between two sheets of heavy plastic (resealable freezer bags work wel on a soi, eve surface. Fimly pound chicken witha meat mallet toa 1/2:inch thickness. ©) beat eggs with waterin a shallow bow andset aside. JQ divtreadcunts, 12 cp armesen cheese anda seasoning ina "Separate bowl, set aside, dip chicken breast in beaten egg mixture. Transfer breast to breadcrumb mixture, pressing the crumbsinto both sdes. Repeat foreach breast 2) Heat 1 cup ove olin atargesklet on medium-high heet unl itbegins °" t shimmer Cook chicken until golden, sbout 2 mites on each sd. The chicken wil finish cooking inthe oven. D Place chicken n a baking dish andtopeach breast with 1/4 cup f tomato sauce. Top with mozzareli and parmesan cheese @ Bake in the preheated oven for 5-20 minutes until cheese is browned and bubbly and the intemal temperature reads 165 degrees. © cook anger tar pasta according to package directions 0) Serve with Rotella’ Italian Cookout or Vienna bread RR a RC A h WA 4 PAO a Are) rex had CO TOR ee tee) a Mca Uae) = 4 ORIGINAL BAGEL ~ 2 COMPANY 4 BAGELS Fresh Sliced VIRGINIA HAM Fresh Sliced = i BABY SWISS oF oF CHEESE ; caer OZARK HEARTH TOUFAYAN ~ oz TEXAS TOAST . . MINI CROISSANTS Lb, Selected Varieties 2007 12.302, Sa eR - A VAN HOLTEN STACY'S INDIVIDUALLY ‘SIMPLY WRAPPED PICKLES PITA CHIPS Single Ct 102 : OLSON'S ) | THE FATHER'S TABLE ¥ SLICED LOAF CAKES CHEESECAKES ieoz 3202 For Selected Varieties Selected Varieties SFBASE 'SFBASE_PG3_090722

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