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Current weekly ad Shaws - St. Patrick's Day 2023 - Valid from 03/17 to 03/23 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Shaws 03/17/2023 - 03/23/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Beef Sirlion Steak Tips 3 Ibs. or more Signature Farms Chicken Drumsticks, Bone-in Thighs or Leg Quarters 3 Ibs. or more ccna Err Bol nsl ) a Fresco Chicken Dinner y KS Ss usage or Meatballs Land 0° Fros a Impossible Oscar Mayer Beef Franks Fremiam Leh Meat Flant-Based Burger 15-16 02 2, 6 o., select varieties ed “ex wi Yummy Chicken Signature Farms Boneless Chicken Breast Nuggets and Appetizers 40 or. frozen 19-252 or. froven a] RIL Late ; OUSE rove BURGER Tilapia Fillets Salmon Fillets & a | aa oer ; a f = _ JUMBO | — - Raw Shrimp. 99 Ocean Beauty Grill House EZ Peel Salmon Burger 8 cz Waterfront Bi 21-25 ct, sold ina Ib Waterfront Bistro Salmon or Tiapla Fillets 2 Ib bag for $15.98 2 Crab Cakes 17 oz Cantaoupe, Honeydew or Mini Watermelon Se pisses 18 02. bee or Raspberries or Blackberries 12 oz. Fuji Apples, Mcintosh Apples Navel Oranges or Anjou Pears Signature Farms Avocados Sct. bag Lemons 2 ib, bag Store Made Guacamole, Mirabel Hydroponic Queso or Homestyle Salsa Lettuce Double 12-14 oz. select vanities The Flower, Manet Specialty Rode of the Month ea A > q * Hello Spring Blooming Plant 899 Not all items available in alt stores e 4 Kalanchoe in welies ceramic © ocebosk consis ©), D peters comsshemnaet! 031723_SHW_CIRD4 S_ABF DD twrreccom/saws

Latest weekly ads

Beef Sirlion Steak Tips 3 Ibs. or more Signature Farms Chicken Drumsticks, Bone-in Thighs or Leg Quarters 3 Ibs. or more ccna Err Bol nsl ) a Fresco Chicken Dinner y KS Ss usage or Meatballs Land 0° Fros a Impossible Oscar Mayer Beef Franks Fremiam Leh Meat Flant-Based Burger 15-16 02 2, 6 o., select varieties ed “ex wi Yummy Chicken Signature Farms Boneless Chicken Breast Nuggets and Appetizers 40 or. frozen 19-252 or. froven a] RIL Late ; OUSE rove BURGER Tilapia Fillets Salmon Fillets & a | aa oer ; a f = _ JUMBO | — - Raw Shrimp. 99 Ocean Beauty Grill House EZ Peel Salmon Burger 8 cz Waterfront Bi 21-25 ct, sold ina Ib Waterfront Bistro Salmon or Tiapla Fillets 2 Ib bag for $15.98 2 Crab Cakes 17 oz Cantaoupe, Honeydew or Mini Watermelon Se pisses 18 02. bee or Raspberries or Blackberries 12 oz. Fuji Apples, Mcintosh Apples Navel Oranges or Anjou Pears Signature Farms Avocados Sct. bag Lemons 2 ib, bag Store Made Guacamole, Mirabel Hydroponic Queso or Homestyle Salsa Lettuce Double 12-14 oz. select vanities The Flower, Manet Specialty Rode of the Month ea A > q * Hello Spring Blooming Plant 899 Not all items available in alt stores e 4 Kalanchoe in welies ceramic © ocebosk consis ©), D peters comsshemnaet! 031723_SHW_CIRD4 S_ABF DD twrreccom/saws

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