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Current weekly ad Pick'n'Save - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Pick'n'Save 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

rar DEALS THAT ARE 2235_RS1WA wy Pick Save Hass FRESH FOR EVERYONE ees Ty re With Card Strawberries 16 Od °S.. With Card Black Angus Ribeye Steak Bone-In, Family Pack or Simple Truth Organic $7 eo oe 21-25 ct, Raw, Sold Bulk in the Seafood Service Counter ks 1 ae With Card Hershey's Snack Size or Mars or Butterfinger Fun Size Halloween Candy Select Varieties, 4.8-12.02 32 fl 02 or Simply Orange Juice, 52 fi oz; Select Varieties 5S a9 > eo Sold in a 3b Package = or More or Wahiburgers \ Patties, 1.33 Ib, $8.99 a ele 4758 cxorChestes, ~ a > o7; Select Varieties With Card ‘When you buy 4 or more in the same fansoton hCard anti less than Coca-Cola, 4 are up 10 $4.99 each with Cad Pepsi or 7UP Select Varieties, 6-Pack, 16.9 fi oz Bottles When you buy 4 nthe same ransactin wth Cord Limit 2 rewards. ‘uonties less than 4 re $5.49 eoch. | Select Varieties, 7 24-Pack, 12 fl oz Cans Wi ay 2 or tn ee ‘Quantities less than 2 ore $3.50 each: = MO = Use each coupon up to 5 times [Reel a colg SALE in one transaction with Card. these tags. Ey WITH DIGITAL COUPONS er oe 3.49 kau 1.00 or; Tat COUPON OFFER 499% ee 100, nn DIGITAL COUPON OFFER ee >= Ye 7) > 9 Bd s a R/EA* ~ ES Cheez-It Kroger Ultra Crackers Select-a-Size 9-124 02 oF Snap'd or putfd Cockers 8187S oz Paper Towels 15.99 bats 2 Double Plus Rolls Select Varieties, wr 00 2 > 1 99 me /EA* te? 10/88 es . off 10 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 10/55 | /EA* Tide Liquid Laundry Post Cereal (rs Detergent 11-14.75 oz or Keebler Cookies, 115 fl oz or Pods or Power Pods, 7.7-12.6 02 or General Mills Fruit Yoplait Yogurt 32-57 ct or Gain Liquid Laundry Snacks, 10 ct; Select Varieties Select Varieties, 4-6 oz Detergent. 154 fl oz; Select Varieties DELIVERY AVAILABLE! Shop our app or website. Restrictions apply. See associate for details. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct all printed errors. Not all items and prices available at all locations unless SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 28 through atherwise noted. Prices subject fo state cn local axes f apppicabie. No eer Purchase requirements exclude iseouns, coupons, gif! cards, oer tickets, bus passes clcohol. fobacco and use of Fosh Perks Carc¼. Al prices "wih Tuesday, October 4, 2022 card” are discounted by using your Fresh Perks Card¼ “Free promotion will be applied fo item of least value. BDO1 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT mT IE St SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. | NONE SOLD TO DEALERS

Latest weekly ads

rar DEALS THAT ARE 2235_RS1WA wy Pick Save Hass FRESH FOR EVERYONE ees Ty re With Card Strawberries 16 Od °S.. With Card Black Angus Ribeye Steak Bone-In, Family Pack or Simple Truth Organic $7 eo oe 21-25 ct, Raw, Sold Bulk in the Seafood Service Counter ks 1 ae With Card Hershey's Snack Size or Mars or Butterfinger Fun Size Halloween Candy Select Varieties, 4.8-12.02 32 fl 02 or Simply Orange Juice, 52 fi oz; Select Varieties 5S a9 > eo Sold in a 3b Package = or More or Wahiburgers \ Patties, 1.33 Ib, $8.99 a ele 4758 cxorChestes, ~ a > o7; Select Varieties With Card ‘When you buy 4 or more in the same fansoton hCard anti less than Coca-Cola, 4 are up 10 $4.99 each with Cad Pepsi or 7UP Select Varieties, 6-Pack, 16.9 fi oz Bottles When you buy 4 nthe same ransactin wth Cord Limit 2 rewards. ‘uonties less than 4 re $5.49 eoch. | Select Varieties, 7 24-Pack, 12 fl oz Cans Wi ay 2 or tn ee ‘Quantities less than 2 ore $3.50 each: = MO = Use each coupon up to 5 times [Reel a colg SALE in one transaction with Card. these tags. Ey WITH DIGITAL COUPONS er oe 3.49 kau 1.00 or; Tat COUPON OFFER 499% ee 100, nn DIGITAL COUPON OFFER ee >= Ye 7) > 9 Bd s a R/EA* ~ ES Cheez-It Kroger Ultra Crackers Select-a-Size 9-124 02 oF Snap'd or putfd Cockers 8187S oz Paper Towels 15.99 bats 2 Double Plus Rolls Select Varieties, wr 00 2 > 1 99 me /EA* te? 10/88 es . off 10 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 10/55 | /EA* Tide Liquid Laundry Post Cereal (rs Detergent 11-14.75 oz or Keebler Cookies, 115 fl oz or Pods or Power Pods, 7.7-12.6 02 or General Mills Fruit Yoplait Yogurt 32-57 ct or Gain Liquid Laundry Snacks, 10 ct; Select Varieties Select Varieties, 4-6 oz Detergent. 154 fl oz; Select Varieties DELIVERY AVAILABLE! Shop our app or website. Restrictions apply. See associate for details. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct all printed errors. Not all items and prices available at all locations unless SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 28 through atherwise noted. Prices subject fo state cn local axes f apppicabie. No eer Purchase requirements exclude iseouns, coupons, gif! cards, oer tickets, bus passes clcohol. fobacco and use of Fosh Perks Carc¼. Al prices "wih Tuesday, October 4, 2022 card” are discounted by using your Fresh Perks Card¼ “Free promotion will be applied fo item of least value. BDO1 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT mT IE St SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. | NONE SOLD TO DEALERS

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