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Current weekly ad Ollie's - Valid from 09/01 to 09/07 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Ollie's 09/01/2022 - 09/07/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Tar a = PRUE 3 4,2. MM TOTAL| 2 }eUr ROVER WET/ | ay em AE PASH UPRIGHT 93 DRY B CARPET seta VACUUM Dospiein and a emaaial *Vacuums and express clean UNDERLAY NEEDED! : ji washes at the modes ‘ same time “Dual Dirt Power “Two-tank - Brushes system combined separates with Heatwave 'Bound on all 4 sides iv 7 a i ‘ technology work “pastor dorme,fome B : ? 39 i cleaning solution] aeneotncs ‘ and dirty water J *Dual action your carpet brush roll Certified i *Model #1785r refurbished Pea Me cxannuss oF orneR sizes vou MAY Wo] — GREAT FOR { g “Certified *Model ui LIL DECKS, vars ; refurbished Nee) #1545R/ A 6x9 $25.9 | "NA x GRASS but $3199) $2999 4 we 9588 $499 "6X6" RIBBED NEEDLE PUNCH 99| $6999 | OUTDooR 499 v7) saga | S 12x18 |$9699/ $0999 | 99 SOLAR i SECuRT y WILDEW PROOF! |pIIMPT I Cen SPOTLIGHT], joo *Solar powered "1, “Motion sensor Fak ee) *Super bright LED lights AR [soxte | ‘Weather resistant. [a 1 reversible tarps *Yes, we have tarps large enough to * Ultra Alkaline ou RVsl * Longer lasting

Latest weekly ads

Tar a = PRUE 3 4,2. MM TOTAL| 2 }eUr ROVER WET/ | ay em AE PASH UPRIGHT 93 DRY B CARPET seta VACUUM Dospiein and a emaaial *Vacuums and express clean UNDERLAY NEEDED! : ji washes at the modes ‘ same time “Dual Dirt Power “Two-tank - Brushes system combined separates with Heatwave 'Bound on all 4 sides iv 7 a i ‘ technology work “pastor dorme,fome B : ? 39 i cleaning solution] aeneotncs ‘ and dirty water J *Dual action your carpet brush roll Certified i *Model #1785r refurbished Pea Me cxannuss oF orneR sizes vou MAY Wo] — GREAT FOR { g “Certified *Model ui LIL DECKS, vars ; refurbished Nee) #1545R/ A 6x9 $25.9 | "NA x GRASS but $3199) $2999 4 we 9588 $499 "6X6" RIBBED NEEDLE PUNCH 99| $6999 | OUTDooR 499 v7) saga | S 12x18 |$9699/ $0999 | 99 SOLAR i SECuRT y WILDEW PROOF! |pIIMPT I Cen SPOTLIGHT], joo *Solar powered "1, “Motion sensor Fak ee) *Super bright LED lights AR [soxte | ‘Weather resistant. [a 1 reversible tarps *Yes, we have tarps large enough to * Ultra Alkaline ou RVsl * Longer lasting

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