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Current weekly ad Maxi Foods - Valid from 01/31 to 02/06 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Maxi Foods 01/31/2024 - 02/06/2024


Products in this weekly ad

PRODUCTOS FRUTAS Y,VERDURAS} NATURE'S FINEST FRUITS & VEGETABLES Manzanas Roja Red Delicious Fresh 8 Yellow ¢ Red or Green ¢ Apples Ib. Pasilla Peppers Lemons Ib. Leaf Lettuce ea. Chile Pasta Fresea Limon Amari Lec de Hj Raja Verde Ltt, : aon (@ = 14 : oa ‘ ; ba 7 Avocados: = , Mexico *WiStASoN Fresh Fresh 2$ Large Celery ea. Cilantro for Russet Potatoes Ibs. Hass Avocados 39 rp Rene arse Ore Apio Fresco Cilantro Freseo VERY ant “6 or Carrot Cake Mosaic Gelatin Double Layer 8” Round Homemade $49 ceo ole 16% Pan para Sa $999 Flan Capirotada cates eae) | VALID IN MAXI FOODS ONLY E- ra SAVE AY ul] reas: 73 9 10 11 12 13 7 DAYS A.EEK 5 (VERITY AVE VERSE ae he jaan tito ae OPM (951) 328-9252 cK a hrcerecret ater a Fotow on Facebook & Teities fo ‘Visit Our Website for special store promotions ahaa special coupons and upcoming events emsew te ot toca tad nr maori ut meta mtn eto ality Stl unter rheometer Al sed mt es eget SL om Maxi Foods_University Pa Printed By FISHER + (833) 872-1578

Latest weekly ads

PRODUCTOS FRUTAS Y,VERDURAS} NATURE'S FINEST FRUITS & VEGETABLES Manzanas Roja Red Delicious Fresh 8 Yellow ¢ Red or Green ¢ Apples Ib. Pasilla Peppers Lemons Ib. Leaf Lettuce ea. Chile Pasta Fresea Limon Amari Lec de Hj Raja Verde Ltt, : aon (@ = 14 : oa ‘ ; ba 7 Avocados: = , Mexico *WiStASoN Fresh Fresh 2$ Large Celery ea. Cilantro for Russet Potatoes Ibs. Hass Avocados 39 rp Rene arse Ore Apio Fresco Cilantro Freseo VERY ant “6 or Carrot Cake Mosaic Gelatin Double Layer 8” Round Homemade $49 ceo ole 16% Pan para Sa $999 Flan Capirotada cates eae) | VALID IN MAXI FOODS ONLY E- ra SAVE AY ul] reas: 73 9 10 11 12 13 7 DAYS A.EEK 5 (VERITY AVE VERSE ae he jaan tito ae OPM (951) 328-9252 cK a hrcerecret ater a Fotow on Facebook & Teities fo ‘Visit Our Website for special store promotions ahaa special coupons and upcoming events emsew te ot toca tad nr maori ut meta mtn eto ality Stl unter rheometer Al sed mt es eget SL om Maxi Foods_University Pa Printed By FISHER + (833) 872-1578

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