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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Mix Lipton Onion Soup Mixes 23 $319 16 0z GA Silver Rapids Mackerel 462 Armour Corned Beef Hash col Hash, one ee Ye} Ys) S44. Hanover Hanover ‘Armour Green Beans Kidney Beans Vienna Sausage (Original Lite, Chicken only) y Urs fee Vi Ty IGA 1A $319 2/S5 79¢ reves Beans 4b/’ SB Picante Sauce $172 Salsa 27S4. 38-39 o7 40502 6c -16oz7 mmm Oe 1602 te eeeeeene 15.5 oz Mt Olive Wishbone Olive Garden Banana Pepper Rings Salad Dressings Croutons A ia wee a Taco Shells 2vsz ernie $1°9 $3 Diced Jalapenos | elec PRSSRREANS bee rene, 20 pe a ou Food Club Ica ol Tene oH Sour Cream ‘Shredded Cheese . oe te 49 a . ee cisees wet a 8 > $4 Sale Price $1.99 2/$ 3 — | FINAL PRI Shoe 120z 150z Sse IGA Lipton Doritos Cheez-It Quaker Chips Ahoy Squeeze Mustard Tea Bags Granola Bars Cookies pO == ¥ ae Aza usd ib ae & e FA 996... /S 4. fou 256 Bakery Fresh Cheerios Cinnamon Milkbone Glazed Pumpkin Donuts Or Honey Nut Cheerios Toast Crunch Dog Biscuits b MILBOKE ee a er ee = al o> E Str 3° me Dawn Arm & Hammer Charmin Pepsi Cubes Pepsi Products Powerwash Refills Laundry Detergent 24 pk 12 02 Gans =) Ss a ‘% e Sale Price $3.99 ae Pilon err Sale Price pee St $219) Lx: $g99 16 Oz 250 ct | FROZEN DAIRY | ... Mrs. Pauls 18 ct |[~ sco Kraft] | Wilson “New Crop” Zesty Yellow ______ Fishsticks or 6 ct Cheese ne te a Roast Beef| Idaho Potatoes Cooking Onions ish Fil ice Whole Fish Fillets sao pnce cea EJ . , $449 wit Dita Coupon ston? |] — ~ $ 3° cm ik % MD: ik 10.10-11.4 oz 1202 A = Stouffer's . Kraft| Kretschmar BEng asi Macaroni & American Sliced Swiss Cheese 529 5 Cheese || es Cheese a 0 Bag 2ubBag = we, ; = { = > Red Ripe Jumbo lennon $399 5 $4 599 . $G28 Slicing Green oe 5p b Dilte omtoes Peppers IGA = 8 Piece b= Rising Pizzas Chunk chose Fresh Hand ; Breaded Fried a licken we $a99 . $919 98 49 ¢ Ges 4°. = *2". ‘8 : 99 ae Mr. P's Food Club Selected Glazed Cool Crisp Fresh Express z Pizzas Yogurt Chicken Wings Cucumbers Garden Salad Mix ‘% er _— 2 = we 5 6". mee ee 7 Pillsbury Maplehurst watts Co Grand Biscuits Pumpkin or 69¢ 2s3 roe Sweet Potato Pie Sate Price de Halo Golden Ripe : 2/3 $4q.98 = Mandarin Jumbo jeder = Oranges| 7 Cantaloupes Country Maid ][ wee Home Maker Bakery Fresh yx ?) Pail ce Cream || isu eins Premium Croissants re a Set Sines Orange — € $q.99 \ 2/$ $q4s $399 “$399 50.02 6a 2b Bag All Grants Supermarkets honor WIC vouchers and Federal food stamps! We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors. No sales to dealers,

Latest weekly ads

Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Mix Lipton Onion Soup Mixes 23 $319 16 0z GA Silver Rapids Mackerel 462 Armour Corned Beef Hash col Hash, one ee Ye} Ys) S44. Hanover Hanover ‘Armour Green Beans Kidney Beans Vienna Sausage (Original Lite, Chicken only) y Urs fee Vi Ty IGA 1A $319 2/S5 79¢ reves Beans 4b/’ SB Picante Sauce $172 Salsa 27S4. 38-39 o7 40502 6c -16oz7 mmm Oe 1602 te eeeeeene 15.5 oz Mt Olive Wishbone Olive Garden Banana Pepper Rings Salad Dressings Croutons A ia wee a Taco Shells 2vsz ernie $1°9 $3 Diced Jalapenos | elec PRSSRREANS bee rene, 20 pe a ou Food Club Ica ol Tene oH Sour Cream ‘Shredded Cheese . oe te 49 a . ee cisees wet a 8 > $4 Sale Price $1.99 2/$ 3 — | FINAL PRI Shoe 120z 150z Sse IGA Lipton Doritos Cheez-It Quaker Chips Ahoy Squeeze Mustard Tea Bags Granola Bars Cookies pO == ¥ ae Aza usd ib ae & e FA 996... /S 4. fou 256 Bakery Fresh Cheerios Cinnamon Milkbone Glazed Pumpkin Donuts Or Honey Nut Cheerios Toast Crunch Dog Biscuits b MILBOKE ee a er ee = al o> E Str 3° me Dawn Arm & Hammer Charmin Pepsi Cubes Pepsi Products Powerwash Refills Laundry Detergent 24 pk 12 02 Gans =) Ss a ‘% e Sale Price $3.99 ae Pilon err Sale Price pee St $219) Lx: $g99 16 Oz 250 ct | FROZEN DAIRY | ... Mrs. Pauls 18 ct |[~ sco Kraft] | Wilson “New Crop” Zesty Yellow ______ Fishsticks or 6 ct Cheese ne te a Roast Beef| Idaho Potatoes Cooking Onions ish Fil ice Whole Fish Fillets sao pnce cea EJ . , $449 wit Dita Coupon ston? |] — ~ $ 3° cm ik % MD: ik 10.10-11.4 oz 1202 A = Stouffer's . Kraft| Kretschmar BEng asi Macaroni & American Sliced Swiss Cheese 529 5 Cheese || es Cheese a 0 Bag 2ubBag = we, ; = { = > Red Ripe Jumbo lennon $399 5 $4 599 . $G28 Slicing Green oe 5p b Dilte omtoes Peppers IGA = 8 Piece b= Rising Pizzas Chunk chose Fresh Hand ; Breaded Fried a licken we $a99 . $919 98 49 ¢ Ges 4°. = *2". ‘8 : 99 ae Mr. P's Food Club Selected Glazed Cool Crisp Fresh Express z Pizzas Yogurt Chicken Wings Cucumbers Garden Salad Mix ‘% er _— 2 = we 5 6". mee ee 7 Pillsbury Maplehurst watts Co Grand Biscuits Pumpkin or 69¢ 2s3 roe Sweet Potato Pie Sate Price de Halo Golden Ripe : 2/3 $4q.98 = Mandarin Jumbo jeder = Oranges| 7 Cantaloupes Country Maid ][ wee Home Maker Bakery Fresh yx ?) Pail ce Cream || isu eins Premium Croissants re a Set Sines Orange — € $q.99 \ 2/$ $q4s $399 “$399 50.02 6a 2b Bag All Grants Supermarkets honor WIC vouchers and Federal food stamps! We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors. No sales to dealers,

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