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Current weekly ad Foods Co - Valid from 12/18 to 12/24 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Foods Co 12/18/2024 - 12/24/2024


Products in this weekly ad

P12W2_ 2446 . ’ .STRETCH YOUR HOLIDAY DOLLARS! iHAZ QUE TU DINERO RINDA MAS ESTAS FIESTAS! ae Strawberry King's Hawaiian Rolls & Beudiiees, /panettone Pumpkin or Apple Pie a Shortcake 1 O. ‘99 QO Sao" sA4 $ 5 ia fe oes ry Select Vari ie ‘ies, in the Bakery 22 07, In the Bakery In the Bakery ‘FRESH FOR — Ns a rere Broccoli Crowns or Tomatoes on the Vine oo’ 1.79. Tite Be Kale, Collard, Mustard or Turnip Greens Bunch Poot 99 Green Cabbage Cucumbers Bee 4 Cilantro or Radishes 7 G ¢ of aa. Bunch a 6 of EA 3 Pree Lemons . Red Cherries —_ Gao ad ) 5/2 y ‘2 = 9 9 ‘6 Tomatillos - Pe or White Onions Prand i Peeled suger Cane POM Wonderful Treasured Harvest Pomegranates . Pinto Beans 2 /$ z 5 lb Bag or Peruano Beans, me) 2/85 TBO3 2446 FLOHN

Latest weekly ads

P12W2_ 2446 . ’ .STRETCH YOUR HOLIDAY DOLLARS! iHAZ QUE TU DINERO RINDA MAS ESTAS FIESTAS! ae Strawberry King's Hawaiian Rolls & Beudiiees, /panettone Pumpkin or Apple Pie a Shortcake 1 O. ‘99 QO Sao" sA4 $ 5 ia fe oes ry Select Vari ie ‘ies, in the Bakery 22 07, In the Bakery In the Bakery ‘FRESH FOR — Ns a rere Broccoli Crowns or Tomatoes on the Vine oo’ 1.79. Tite Be Kale, Collard, Mustard or Turnip Greens Bunch Poot 99 Green Cabbage Cucumbers Bee 4 Cilantro or Radishes 7 G ¢ of aa. Bunch a 6 of EA 3 Pree Lemons . Red Cherries —_ Gao ad ) 5/2 y ‘2 = 9 9 ‘6 Tomatillos - Pe or White Onions Prand i Peeled suger Cane POM Wonderful Treasured Harvest Pomegranates . Pinto Beans 2 /$ z 5 lb Bag or Peruano Beans, me) 2/85 TBO3 2446 FLOHN

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