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Current weekly ad Food City - Valid from 01/15 to 01/21 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Food City 01/15/2025 - 01/21/2025


Products in this weekly ad

AT aol, THREE DAYS ONLY (2275 FRIDAY JANUARY 17- SUNDAY JANUARY 19 = eater eee Deal includes: One 4-pack Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, One Fresh n’ Crisp Salad (4 Oz.), One Basket & Bushel Veggies (10-12 Oz.) CH ICKEN and One Basket & Bushel Petite Potatoes (24 Oz.) Half Pie yen =e J az a Varieties, Each : ctr 3 Price. BUY MORE, 499 st. SAVEMORE =" When you buy 4 in the same transaction. Lesser quantities M Oo > 3 are ValuCard ees each. Limit 1 transaction (4 total items). Ly iT 4 Discount applied as a coupon. Customer pays sales tax. FROSTED Reel Same Cuts tcd Evrae Braanie, (5 Ct) or Cheez-It si oe UC eae Let ele) ‘ : A : ite City) restated Kelloge’s UA ieee -Te 1 J ad nee Paes CZ om Toasteds _ as Leela te) Cia Se ¢ cand YL in ik Rid Snack Cheez-iIt = FY, Sa ela ahd ES he we ~ MAKE A RUN forth: “SO SNACK ZONE. / A Deed ery Kalt) Pipe Cheese Snack Teva) Squares H Est r Sched ae Fup lg ra (3 ia Food Club Sah | at eT Re neal cias ; ge] a \ ce = 7 \ ' Soe 8) < Food Club Sour Cream or) hs ee aCe Pepperoni 222 Larsen ty Party Size, 1200

Latest weekly ads

AT aol, THREE DAYS ONLY (2275 FRIDAY JANUARY 17- SUNDAY JANUARY 19 = eater eee Deal includes: One 4-pack Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, One Fresh n’ Crisp Salad (4 Oz.), One Basket & Bushel Veggies (10-12 Oz.) CH ICKEN and One Basket & Bushel Petite Potatoes (24 Oz.) Half Pie yen =e J az a Varieties, Each : ctr 3 Price. BUY MORE, 499 st. SAVEMORE =" When you buy 4 in the same transaction. Lesser quantities M Oo > 3 are ValuCard ees each. Limit 1 transaction (4 total items). Ly iT 4 Discount applied as a coupon. Customer pays sales tax. FROSTED Reel Same Cuts tcd Evrae Braanie, (5 Ct) or Cheez-It si oe UC eae Let ele) ‘ : A : ite City) restated Kelloge’s UA ieee -Te 1 J ad nee Paes CZ om Toasteds _ as Leela te) Cia Se ¢ cand YL in ik Rid Snack Cheez-iIt = FY, Sa ela ahd ES he we ~ MAKE A RUN forth: “SO SNACK ZONE. / A Deed ery Kalt) Pipe Cheese Snack Teva) Squares H Est r Sched ae Fup lg ra (3 ia Food Club Sah | at eT Re neal cias ; ge] a \ ce = 7 \ ' Soe 8) < Food Club Sour Cream or) hs ee aCe Pepperoni 222 Larsen ty Party Size, 1200

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