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Current weekly ad Farm Fresh - Labor Day - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Farm Fresh 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Simply Ades Land O Lakes : Country Crock Spread Or Punches Drinks’ : Half and Half : Or Plant Butter Selected Varieties - 52 oz. btl : Original Or Fat Free - 32 oz. ctn. : Selected Varieties - 10.5-15 oz. ctn, PO BOI ee * Yoplait Original, : Simply Potatoes Hash Browns : Crystal Farms light Or Whips Yogurt 1 Diced Potatoes $ : Butter Quarters 4 99 Selscted Var Sected Varieties 2/ shed Gr Unsalted 460 20 08 pha 5 16 ° : Sargento a Starbucks : Deli Style : Chobani : Chobani SRS 4.99 Rutter 3 99 Seto 3.29 Eee 485, Se 1/40 & i, Vag Pa = Kratt 3 C a oe : Ore-da — Cracker Barrel : Kraft : Yoplait : Just Crack an Egg Bar Cheese 3 49 : Cheese Singles 7 Go Gurt 5 4 : Scramble Kits $5 Selected Varieties 5 Seectes Varies Selected Vaneties Boz pha e 1107-1202 akg 2! 20 pk. 40.02. pkg 1 = —_ Hanover Country Fresh: Klondike Ice Cream: Red Been Classic Vegetables : Bars OrSandwiches : Classic Pizza Selected Varieties - 10-14 oz. bag : Selected Varieties - 4-6 ct. pkg. : Selected Varieties - 20.7-23.45 oz. box RAG 28 2 4.99 : Hanover Baked Bacardi : Sourdough : i “Klondike 7 Drink Mixers 56 Soft Pretzels 4: 99 je a 2P0 "W ene : Chocolate Shakes 7 99. Set peg oom om o . Cok ne Coe £F 2 ih José Olé “Lindy? 's Homemade : DEVOUR : seaPak “4.99 Ss 6.99 a a bh, «a Taquitos 5,99 Italian Ice 3. 29 Entrees Selectad Varieves 5 Seeacted Vaities Selacted Varnes 20-225 07. box ° & pk 35 02. pkg, 7512 07. box : : | BEF e Beot eo Marie Callender’s 3 : Green Giant Banquet : Bowls Or Small Or Marie Callender’s : Boston Market : Simply Steam Reet 4 Be meas eee 187 Seen, 67 Sa "3069 — 2.49 EO em 485-65 02. box {10-3 0. pkg. + 13-16 02 box 9-10 02. pkg. * * * ~ ra Doe 8 .) > Ls : Essential Everyday [= Dove a : Bath Le -6, 99 1 bet okg Ajax seine Jour Essential Everyday ‘Hefty Foam : Dove Mighty Absorbent eae oO 55 Fabric Softener p5: Papertowels 74Q fustnc 2OMS 9 p Bamsere 469 72ex. bil Bg Rols-6ct. pi. 1 21-45 ct oko. 1 2k phe. m1 @ > Cag : r= F- anti é a bs i eit: @ : - eal (a t : eT ea Poona a no, Scott — * Reynolds Wrap : One Zip Freezer : Poise Or Depends Bo ee 5.99 & Peper Towels 6,4): Amin Fol QQ sires Boos » $5 ‘Fade Oruner 44 19 83122 FTRS

Latest weekly ads

Simply Ades Land O Lakes : Country Crock Spread Or Punches Drinks’ : Half and Half : Or Plant Butter Selected Varieties - 52 oz. btl : Original Or Fat Free - 32 oz. ctn. : Selected Varieties - 10.5-15 oz. ctn, PO BOI ee * Yoplait Original, : Simply Potatoes Hash Browns : Crystal Farms light Or Whips Yogurt 1 Diced Potatoes $ : Butter Quarters 4 99 Selscted Var Sected Varieties 2/ shed Gr Unsalted 460 20 08 pha 5 16 ° : Sargento a Starbucks : Deli Style : Chobani : Chobani SRS 4.99 Rutter 3 99 Seto 3.29 Eee 485, Se 1/40 & i, Vag Pa = Kratt 3 C a oe : Ore-da — Cracker Barrel : Kraft : Yoplait : Just Crack an Egg Bar Cheese 3 49 : Cheese Singles 7 Go Gurt 5 4 : Scramble Kits $5 Selected Varieties 5 Seectes Varies Selected Vaneties Boz pha e 1107-1202 akg 2! 20 pk. 40.02. pkg 1 = —_ Hanover Country Fresh: Klondike Ice Cream: Red Been Classic Vegetables : Bars OrSandwiches : Classic Pizza Selected Varieties - 10-14 oz. bag : Selected Varieties - 4-6 ct. pkg. : Selected Varieties - 20.7-23.45 oz. box RAG 28 2 4.99 : Hanover Baked Bacardi : Sourdough : i “Klondike 7 Drink Mixers 56 Soft Pretzels 4: 99 je a 2P0 "W ene : Chocolate Shakes 7 99. Set peg oom om o . Cok ne Coe £F 2 ih José Olé “Lindy? 's Homemade : DEVOUR : seaPak “4.99 Ss 6.99 a a bh, «a Taquitos 5,99 Italian Ice 3. 29 Entrees Selectad Varieves 5 Seeacted Vaities Selacted Varnes 20-225 07. box ° & pk 35 02. pkg, 7512 07. box : : | BEF e Beot eo Marie Callender’s 3 : Green Giant Banquet : Bowls Or Small Or Marie Callender’s : Boston Market : Simply Steam Reet 4 Be meas eee 187 Seen, 67 Sa "3069 — 2.49 EO em 485-65 02. box {10-3 0. pkg. + 13-16 02 box 9-10 02. pkg. * * * ~ ra Doe 8 .) > Ls : Essential Everyday [= Dove a : Bath Le -6, 99 1 bet okg Ajax seine Jour Essential Everyday ‘Hefty Foam : Dove Mighty Absorbent eae oO 55 Fabric Softener p5: Papertowels 74Q fustnc 2OMS 9 p Bamsere 469 72ex. bil Bg Rols-6ct. pi. 1 21-45 ct oko. 1 2k phe. m1 @ > Cag : r= F- anti é a bs i eit: @ : - eal (a t : eT ea Poona a no, Scott — * Reynolds Wrap : One Zip Freezer : Poise Or Depends Bo ee 5.99 & Peper Towels 6,4): Amin Fol QQ sires Boos » $5 ‘Fade Oruner 44 19 83122 FTRS

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