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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Family Fare 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Be 7 SALE Saturday, O USDA wi y inspected Fresh, Boneless Whole Beef Tenderloin Sliced Free wth yes @ Michigan Russet Potaotes 8 Ib. bag with yoo Digital Coupon ss 284 2Sdy - $400, FINAL PRICE Ferris Coffee 12 02. with yes Live Maine Lobster 9 - 1.25 Ib. each Inthe Dali Lobster Bisque oe with yes Available at the Following Locations: While Supplies Last! DEW, WINE SALE aturday, Oct¢ 20% OFF you purchase 4 or more bottles of wine EXPANDO_PG_002_0925 pic Value Pack with yes Fresh, ‘T-Bone Chops 85% Lean Bone-In, Value Ground Beet Pack with yes Value Pack with yes - _ Bob Evans Hormet Sliced Pepperoni Pa Selected Varieties 4-602 with yes Sa. t prem ee Premium Deli Lunch Meat Selected Varieties Boz. wth yes BUTCHER’S Fresh Cut In Store Watermelon, Cantaloupe = Pineapple or Honeydew Cups 1802, with yos Pork Sausage Roll, Links or Patties Selected Varieties 12- 160z with yes ip VERLASSO Fresh, St. Louis Ribs Bone-in Peoled & Deveined, Tail-On Medium Cooked Shrimp 41-50 ct, 16 07. ium Founders. Craft Beer Brats 18.02, with yes with yes 2 gos FISH SANDWICH Side Dishes Selected Varieties (20-24 02,)or Twin Pack Singles (12 02.) 3.2 -5.35 02 (or Smok-Y Links (8.3.02) i with yes with yes! with yes Breaded Fish r Selected Varieties 1 ? 14.6 - 24.5 02. x ye ¥ Eckrich J r BAZ Kingstord Pork or Family Pack Smoked, Armour Chicken Entrees with yes Polish, Cheddar or Family Size Selected Varieties (16 oz); Beef Sausage Meatballs ‘or Klement’s Summer 30 - 42 02. th 20-25 oz. Sausage (24 02.) with yes with yes Roast or Chops with yes with yes 6 02. pkg, with yes Loca a - Qg- 4 Mint — Carving or Sweet moe fsircors” (lam Peppers (SND vias Pumpkins (i 1602. oko. e we each with yes " ‘with yes Broccoli Slaw 1207, with yes with yes Peeled & Deveined, Tai-On Large Raw Shrimp 31-40 ct; 16 02. with yes with yos Whole oF Sliced White Mushrooms 8.02. pkg, with yes in Pistachios 8002. bag wth yes * & Taylor Farms: Chopped >) Salad Kits L789 Selected Varetios 10.35 - 13.25 o2. with yes with yes

Latest weekly ads

Be 7 SALE Saturday, O USDA wi y inspected Fresh, Boneless Whole Beef Tenderloin Sliced Free wth yes @ Michigan Russet Potaotes 8 Ib. bag with yoo Digital Coupon ss 284 2Sdy - $400, FINAL PRICE Ferris Coffee 12 02. with yes Live Maine Lobster 9 - 1.25 Ib. each Inthe Dali Lobster Bisque oe with yes Available at the Following Locations: While Supplies Last! DEW, WINE SALE aturday, Oct¢ 20% OFF you purchase 4 or more bottles of wine EXPANDO_PG_002_0925 pic Value Pack with yes Fresh, ‘T-Bone Chops 85% Lean Bone-In, Value Ground Beet Pack with yes Value Pack with yes - _ Bob Evans Hormet Sliced Pepperoni Pa Selected Varieties 4-602 with yes Sa. t prem ee Premium Deli Lunch Meat Selected Varieties Boz. wth yes BUTCHER’S Fresh Cut In Store Watermelon, Cantaloupe = Pineapple or Honeydew Cups 1802, with yos Pork Sausage Roll, Links or Patties Selected Varieties 12- 160z with yes ip VERLASSO Fresh, St. Louis Ribs Bone-in Peoled & Deveined, Tail-On Medium Cooked Shrimp 41-50 ct, 16 07. ium Founders. Craft Beer Brats 18.02, with yes with yes 2 gos FISH SANDWICH Side Dishes Selected Varieties (20-24 02,)or Twin Pack Singles (12 02.) 3.2 -5.35 02 (or Smok-Y Links (8.3.02) i with yes with yes! with yes Breaded Fish r Selected Varieties 1 ? 14.6 - 24.5 02. x ye ¥ Eckrich J r BAZ Kingstord Pork or Family Pack Smoked, Armour Chicken Entrees with yes Polish, Cheddar or Family Size Selected Varieties (16 oz); Beef Sausage Meatballs ‘or Klement’s Summer 30 - 42 02. th 20-25 oz. Sausage (24 02.) with yes with yes Roast or Chops with yes with yes 6 02. pkg, with yes Loca a - Qg- 4 Mint — Carving or Sweet moe fsircors” (lam Peppers (SND vias Pumpkins (i 1602. oko. e we each with yes " ‘with yes Broccoli Slaw 1207, with yes with yes Peeled & Deveined, Tai-On Large Raw Shrimp 31-40 ct; 16 02. with yes with yos Whole oF Sliced White Mushrooms 8.02. pkg, with yes in Pistachios 8002. bag wth yes * & Taylor Farms: Chopped >) Salad Kits L789 Selected Varetios 10.35 - 13.25 o2. with yes with yes

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