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Current weekly ad Dot's Market - Valid from 09/12 to 09/18 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Dot's Market 09/12/2022 - 09/18/2022


Products in this weekly ad

” Bing 99° Green Peppers 1.99 2g. 99°. Sweet Peps ; Tomatoes Peppers = c Onthe Vine 807. Bag Sd NETS SELECTIONS WITH DOWN-HOME SERVICE & FEEL! Se aaa ae VI Beef Round Boneless Rump Roast coal CakeBites | eee, \ =’ Shirley's NoBakeCookies — 13.502. eA PN ta gto Vida) Mee LC Ne CSL ies GROCERIES! Wena CCIE ACen Ie Couh Len Uy CTA SCSI a Fresh PRODUCE Fresh Cut Fruit Available! wy NY 178} er Gold or ‘ Paula Red Apples 3b. Bag CALL MON-FRI FOR MORE DETAILS Patterson: Call 937-253-0263 Bellbrook: Call 937-848-6751 RECON MLAB Custom Cut & USA Grown! Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak 2.99, Dot's Own Store Made Bulk Italian or Breakfast Sausage Café Valley Ring Cakes 2602. 4.99 ¢ Mey urn oN aude late 750 mi. or1.5It. usc enCn)} te oa 4599 | 6,99 a Fisheye Barefoot Wines Wines 7S0ML oS hootic Wines Select Varieties TS0ML te 798 eae Rossi Wines 15uT Neem a lice (9 7h) E 10.99 Angry Orchard Hard Cider 6G pk. Bottles 12.49 Miller Lite or Coors Light Beers V2pk., 16.02. Cans 16.99 Samuel Adams Octoberfest Beer 12 pk. Bottles or Stella Artois Beer T2pk.Cans 19.99 ® Busch or \ BushLightBeers gs 30pk Cans Clye de ‘s Bnut Holes pate aye esate ela Peer keer] Dee Cn | Pro es a Ry Deere you with the best possible service from Ce Ls a Ch Fi} Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for printing errors.

Latest weekly ads

” Bing 99° Green Peppers 1.99 2g. 99°. Sweet Peps ; Tomatoes Peppers = c Onthe Vine 807. Bag Sd NETS SELECTIONS WITH DOWN-HOME SERVICE & FEEL! Se aaa ae VI Beef Round Boneless Rump Roast coal CakeBites | eee, \ =’ Shirley's NoBakeCookies — 13.502. eA PN ta gto Vida) Mee LC Ne CSL ies GROCERIES! Wena CCIE ACen Ie Couh Len Uy CTA SCSI a Fresh PRODUCE Fresh Cut Fruit Available! wy NY 178} er Gold or ‘ Paula Red Apples 3b. Bag CALL MON-FRI FOR MORE DETAILS Patterson: Call 937-253-0263 Bellbrook: Call 937-848-6751 RECON MLAB Custom Cut & USA Grown! Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak 2.99, Dot's Own Store Made Bulk Italian or Breakfast Sausage Café Valley Ring Cakes 2602. 4.99 ¢ Mey urn oN aude late 750 mi. or1.5It. usc enCn)} te oa 4599 | 6,99 a Fisheye Barefoot Wines Wines 7S0ML oS hootic Wines Select Varieties TS0ML te 798 eae Rossi Wines 15uT Neem a lice (9 7h) E 10.99 Angry Orchard Hard Cider 6G pk. Bottles 12.49 Miller Lite or Coors Light Beers V2pk., 16.02. Cans 16.99 Samuel Adams Octoberfest Beer 12 pk. Bottles or Stella Artois Beer T2pk.Cans 19.99 ® Busch or \ BushLightBeers gs 30pk Cans Clye de ‘s Bnut Holes pate aye esate ela Peer keer] Dee Cn | Pro es a Ry Deere you with the best possible service from Ce Ls a Ch Fi} Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for printing errors.

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