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Current weekly ad CVS Pharmacy - Valid from 01/08 to 01/15 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad CVS Pharmacy 01/08/2023 - 01/15/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Feminine & Adult Care Buy 1 get 150% OFF* Spend $12 get $3 ExtraBucks Rewards® WITH CARD ANY Carefree or Stayfree, ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per household with card, (2000026932) Spend $30 get $10 ExtraBucks Rewards® Depend underwear 12-19 ct., shields, guards 52-58 ct., Silhouette or Real Fit 10-14 ct. (eeuces os value pks. and liners). 5° offer limit oft per Fovsshotd ith car (200000809) 1-O8p08AlExptva.indé 19 Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD Always Ultra Thin 15-40 ct., Maxi 20-48 ct. or Dailies 48-120 ct. 2/541 or 20.99 ea. WITH CARD Depend underwear or Poise pads value pks. {excludes Poise, Depend pad and pants economy packs). Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD ALL U by Kotex. == vw. 2/530 or 15.79 ea. Buy 2 get $4 ExtraBucks Rewards® WITH CARD CVS Health adult underwear 28-36 ct. or pads 45-64 ct. ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit oft per household with card. (20000270130) back to Find it quick! Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD L. feminine care (excludes tampons). Peat 2/520 or 10.99 ea. WITH CARD CVS Health protective pads 27-66 ct. or adult underwear 12-22 ct. ranse2 1:34 PM

Latest weekly ads

Feminine & Adult Care Buy 1 get 150% OFF* Spend $12 get $3 ExtraBucks Rewards® WITH CARD ANY Carefree or Stayfree, ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit of 1 per household with card, (2000026932) Spend $30 get $10 ExtraBucks Rewards® Depend underwear 12-19 ct., shields, guards 52-58 ct., Silhouette or Real Fit 10-14 ct. (eeuces os value pks. and liners). 5° offer limit oft per Fovsshotd ith car (200000809) 1-O8p08AlExptva.indé 19 Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD Always Ultra Thin 15-40 ct., Maxi 20-48 ct. or Dailies 48-120 ct. 2/541 or 20.99 ea. WITH CARD Depend underwear or Poise pads value pks. {excludes Poise, Depend pad and pants economy packs). Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD ALL U by Kotex. == vw. 2/530 or 15.79 ea. Buy 2 get $4 ExtraBucks Rewards® WITH CARD CVS Health adult underwear 28-36 ct. or pads 45-64 ct. ExtraBucksRewards® offer limit oft per household with card. (20000270130) back to Find it quick! Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD L. feminine care (excludes tampons). Peat 2/520 or 10.99 ea. WITH CARD CVS Health protective pads 27-66 ct. or adult underwear 12-22 ct. ranse2 1:34 PM

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