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Current weekly ad Cub Foods - Valid from 12/01 to 12/07 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Cub Foods 12/01/2024 - 12/07/2024


Products in this weekly ad

FAVORITES Bush's Best Chili Beans Sara Loo 100% Whole Wheat, Sutter er ‘Country 99 Kid "Choice see 99 or Sprite 6 0k, 16.9 0: L rr eg Kettle Brand 34 Kettle Chips 9 Crest 3D White Toothpaste Foam ‘Toothpaste or Oral B 3D White Pro Flex Teothbrush | Cub's SEE tb ac] Collections Pan iete ts Treats or Special Grueute) Pasi) eye A ey "5 Ap Cooking Spray 299 : y i DU ar atsa§ paseck artet jee for salect wirtetle aCe Nature Valley, General Mills, Fiber One Bars Betty Crocker orshapes 3°9 RockStar Energy Drink 4 Spartiing BUY 2 GET 1° & 199 2 FR Drink Kickstart Vitaminwater 20 SAVE UP TO $2.4 1 99 soness 1 99 Donettes 199 Lay's Stax Saratoga 7 02 Water 28 oz Aaa Bua] Cheetos Queen Anne 10 07, Co meres 3 Fritos Corn Chips or ‘Andes 9.2 Ml or Lay fact a Dips 302 Tide Liquid Laundry Dei nt Down Pantene Unstopables Shampoo Axe Antiperspirant or Gain joner 499 or Desderant 699 ® Fireworks ~ 15°29 z. Stick ne, or Con: = Nits BI pe ute Fat Tire Sas woonsTex r G eg ’ (dita CH Rc as Harvest Ceri re 3 ICSWORES Bourbon a bee iy Kt o ar | 99 IpemcSuoa PLL! 4 Sea e la = EQUAL

Latest weekly ads

FAVORITES Bush's Best Chili Beans Sara Loo 100% Whole Wheat, Sutter er ‘Country 99 Kid "Choice see 99 or Sprite 6 0k, 16.9 0: L rr eg Kettle Brand 34 Kettle Chips 9 Crest 3D White Toothpaste Foam ‘Toothpaste or Oral B 3D White Pro Flex Teothbrush | Cub's SEE tb ac] Collections Pan iete ts Treats or Special Grueute) Pasi) eye A ey "5 Ap Cooking Spray 299 : y i DU ar atsa§ paseck artet jee for salect wirtetle aCe Nature Valley, General Mills, Fiber One Bars Betty Crocker orshapes 3°9 RockStar Energy Drink 4 Spartiing BUY 2 GET 1° & 199 2 FR Drink Kickstart Vitaminwater 20 SAVE UP TO $2.4 1 99 soness 1 99 Donettes 199 Lay's Stax Saratoga 7 02 Water 28 oz Aaa Bua] Cheetos Queen Anne 10 07, Co meres 3 Fritos Corn Chips or ‘Andes 9.2 Ml or Lay fact a Dips 302 Tide Liquid Laundry Dei nt Down Pantene Unstopables Shampoo Axe Antiperspirant or Gain joner 499 or Desderant 699 ® Fireworks ~ 15°29 z. Stick ne, or Con: = Nits BI pe ute Fat Tire Sas woonsTex r G eg ’ (dita CH Rc as Harvest Ceri re 3 ICSWORES Bourbon a bee iy Kt o ar | 99 IpemcSuoa PLL! 4 Sea e la = EQUAL

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