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Current weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

DAIRY VA a4 CO oc creer cccccceeeceeeeeeeceeeeeeeceseeeneseeeeeeeeS for $10 cae / 256 with 2 WITH: = Sargento Crowley } Balanced Breaks 3 Pack = / Cottage Cheese pkg. Es s 4507 or Lactaid Cottage Cheese, 16 oz. cont. P for —— ;) nena AS mt Ms 249 ey) with with ®7ops Shredded = | @Tops “me 270rs or Natural Sliced Cheese —— Denteqoror Wet om HSE Ricotta Cheese 6-8 oz. pkg. 16-20 02. pkg. 7 er Re 3 ee 2: —— a0 wis ‘ORGANIC with 2a uit GINAL ee Planet Oat Sug Stonvfield Tena a ba Oatmilk Creamer % - 5 Organic Yogurt v Ls or Blue Diamond Almond | Assorted Varieties, 32 02. cont, Breeze Creamer, 32 fl. 02. btl ee Also, Yokids Smoothies & Yobaby 6 Pack, 18.6-24 o2. pkg. WITH 2 Wide Awake Noose Yoghurt 4 Pack = TOPS Cream Cheese Flavored Creamer eee Regular or 1/3 Less Fat, 8 0; 32 fl. 02. bt, Excludes TOPS Soft Cream ropes 449 Rey | - SS - ss m= caro PRICE 2 % Organic Valley Colby Sheers Slices von ST aa a for 5h Ges 2$5 Umit One offer with Tw Organic Valley Milk Kozy Shack Puddin: Dannon Two Good & Padeor Whole Mik, Acted Vaneties ieszdon ok, Oikos Pro Greek Yogurt 64 fl.oz. crtn Includes, 6 pack, 24 oz. pkg. or Light & Fit Zero Sugar, 5.3 oz. cup, Includes Silk Almondmilk & So Delicious Coconutmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz. cup = sisinaenieisncinlaglanie So cala einsiu ine oa Gieaoelnewwlonw aa wnesieaen FROZEN FAVORITES a 288 A with 2 Boston Market 9 FINAL 99 PRICE With eCoupon Limit One offer Green Giant Veggie Screamin’ Sicilian Pizza Spiral Skillets 20,8-25 oz. pkg. 14 07. pkg., Also, Cauliflower Gnocchi, 10 oz. pkg. 549 nity D Smart One Entrees 6.49-11.5 02. pkg. 499 with With 2 Yummy Plant Based Mrs. T’s Pierogies with 2 Dino Nuggets rin Plexo, Van de Kamp’s Borpig Sena Fish Fillets Sticks or Tenders, 18-246 oz. pkg. om == 4 eee 237 7 wpoccou | Fame 2 witk x with al voraro, & wis al Mama Rosie’s Ravioli Full Circle 2 "Del Monte Yessieful ‘or Jumbo Stuffed Shells, Veggie Burgers 7 Pocket Pie: 18-25 02. pkg 10 0z. pkg, Bozpkg, Where Avellable —— NM ECS PRODUCTS _ * Resealable Pouch Be £S7 39 Limit One offer with Talenti Gelato or Sorbetto Eerry's Layers and Pairings, 10.5-16 fi. 02. pka Sundae Cinch Bars 18-21 02. pkg,, Selected Varieties Mexic % i @ ANA a3 G All These Great Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your (Jl. Not All Items Available In All Stores. CLR 4 OTS-C 4 OTS-M 40TS 0917 PAGE 40SG

Latest weekly ads

DAIRY VA a4 CO oc creer cccccceeeceeeeeeeceeeeeeeceseeeneseeeeeeeeS for $10 cae / 256 with 2 WITH: = Sargento Crowley } Balanced Breaks 3 Pack = / Cottage Cheese pkg. Es s 4507 or Lactaid Cottage Cheese, 16 oz. cont. P for —— ;) nena AS mt Ms 249 ey) with with ®7ops Shredded = | @Tops “me 270rs or Natural Sliced Cheese —— Denteqoror Wet om HSE Ricotta Cheese 6-8 oz. pkg. 16-20 02. pkg. 7 er Re 3 ee 2: —— a0 wis ‘ORGANIC with 2a uit GINAL ee Planet Oat Sug Stonvfield Tena a ba Oatmilk Creamer % - 5 Organic Yogurt v Ls or Blue Diamond Almond | Assorted Varieties, 32 02. cont, Breeze Creamer, 32 fl. 02. btl ee Also, Yokids Smoothies & Yobaby 6 Pack, 18.6-24 o2. pkg. WITH 2 Wide Awake Noose Yoghurt 4 Pack = TOPS Cream Cheese Flavored Creamer eee Regular or 1/3 Less Fat, 8 0; 32 fl. 02. bt, Excludes TOPS Soft Cream ropes 449 Rey | - SS - ss m= caro PRICE 2 % Organic Valley Colby Sheers Slices von ST aa a for 5h Ges 2$5 Umit One offer with Tw Organic Valley Milk Kozy Shack Puddin: Dannon Two Good & Padeor Whole Mik, Acted Vaneties ieszdon ok, Oikos Pro Greek Yogurt 64 fl.oz. crtn Includes, 6 pack, 24 oz. pkg. or Light & Fit Zero Sugar, 5.3 oz. cup, Includes Silk Almondmilk & So Delicious Coconutmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz. cup = sisinaenieisncinlaglanie So cala einsiu ine oa Gieaoelnewwlonw aa wnesieaen FROZEN FAVORITES a 288 A with 2 Boston Market 9 FINAL 99 PRICE With eCoupon Limit One offer Green Giant Veggie Screamin’ Sicilian Pizza Spiral Skillets 20,8-25 oz. pkg. 14 07. pkg., Also, Cauliflower Gnocchi, 10 oz. pkg. 549 nity D Smart One Entrees 6.49-11.5 02. pkg. 499 with With 2 Yummy Plant Based Mrs. T’s Pierogies with 2 Dino Nuggets rin Plexo, Van de Kamp’s Borpig Sena Fish Fillets Sticks or Tenders, 18-246 oz. pkg. om == 4 eee 237 7 wpoccou | Fame 2 witk x with al voraro, & wis al Mama Rosie’s Ravioli Full Circle 2 "Del Monte Yessieful ‘or Jumbo Stuffed Shells, Veggie Burgers 7 Pocket Pie: 18-25 02. pkg 10 0z. pkg, Bozpkg, Where Avellable —— NM ECS PRODUCTS _ * Resealable Pouch Be £S7 39 Limit One offer with Talenti Gelato or Sorbetto Eerry's Layers and Pairings, 10.5-16 fi. 02. pka Sundae Cinch Bars 18-21 02. pkg,, Selected Varieties Mexic % i @ ANA a3 G All These Great Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your (Jl. Not All Items Available In All Stores. CLR 4 OTS-C 4 OTS-M 40TS 0917 PAGE 40SG

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