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Current weekly ad Super Dollar Stores - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Super Dollar Stores 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Super Dollar Great Low Prices! a — im Se 8S WIDE AWAKE ryt ta) ip Dae P Selected Varieties Wide dake "$495 [ 10Ct. Selected Varieties FoodClub =f sete. $955 16 Oz. =) : = —_ eke ? . jee) @ Selected Varieties Assorted Colors Selected Varieties ‘ That’s Smart! Freezer or Simply Done Plastic Simply Done [arin 62S | or Sandwich Bags Bowls or Plates Clear Cutlery Selected Varieties tea aS aS eae 00 $325 $450 Toaster $ 45 Pastries 6 ct. UNBEATABLE PRICES - EVERY SHOPPING VISIT! Selected Varieties teh 3 Club WN | Waffies waffles ee aa G Food clu b crawn Sat Instant a Crav’n F Oatmeal $9 25 al breakfast 7.9-13.54 Oz. Sandwiches g . a. SS | << °295 Selected Varieties : [come Malt-O-Meal Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Bagged Cereal Food Club Pancake Syrup Food Club Pancake Mix 2402, 32 02. 33-42 Ox, $425 $495 $915 Selected Varieties Pillsbury Ie (/ AU did Grands! & Biscuits $395 cr

Latest weekly ads

Super Dollar Great Low Prices! a — im Se 8S WIDE AWAKE ryt ta) ip Dae P Selected Varieties Wide dake "$495 [ 10Ct. Selected Varieties FoodClub =f sete. $955 16 Oz. =) : = —_ eke ? . jee) @ Selected Varieties Assorted Colors Selected Varieties ‘ That’s Smart! Freezer or Simply Done Plastic Simply Done [arin 62S | or Sandwich Bags Bowls or Plates Clear Cutlery Selected Varieties tea aS aS eae 00 $325 $450 Toaster $ 45 Pastries 6 ct. UNBEATABLE PRICES - EVERY SHOPPING VISIT! Selected Varieties teh 3 Club WN | Waffies waffles ee aa G Food clu b crawn Sat Instant a Crav’n F Oatmeal $9 25 al breakfast 7.9-13.54 Oz. Sandwiches g . a. SS | << °295 Selected Varieties : [come Malt-O-Meal Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Bagged Cereal Food Club Pancake Syrup Food Club Pancake Mix 2402, 32 02. 33-42 Ox, $425 $495 $915 Selected Varieties Pillsbury Ie (/ AU did Grands! & Biscuits $395 cr

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