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Current weekly ad Sunshine Foods - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Sunshine Foods 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ORTEGA TACO SEASONING MIX 15125 Oz, Selected Varieties ORTEGA ORTEGA HARD TACO, DICED GREEN SHELLS ioe Oz 120 0, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties OA LA ae Crackers BEST CHOICE SUPREME DIAPERS 21-44 Ct. Selected Varieties CARR'S CHEESE DP GOURMET OR BOUNTY firth ENTERTAINMENT CRACKERS PAPER TOWELS PARCHMENT OR QUESO 25-7 0% pe PAPER 15 Oz, Selected Varieties SSected Varieties Selected Varieties 45 Sq. Ft. aan =. JOLLY TIME MICROWAVE POPCORN BSlected Varieties 3 ee Soaet 3S . Og)! 2g 0; 3°9 GRACE'S BEST 498 SUNFLOWER SEED & f ROLLED OATS COOKIES /_4f_ Sf si 7 Oz, Bag CAMERON'S gS GOURMET CAMERONS tune — | PREMIUM bampomms LUNCHEON Core : MEAT 10:12 02. 8 k re ee ele mG conenon 2 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties St = _ KELLOGG'S CEREAL 18 Oz. Rice Krispies 18 Oz. Crispix 24 Oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats 18 Oz. Corn Flakes BASE SARA LEE VN HONEY WHEAT a , eb we, ~ ed a Selected Varieties ‘i DIAMOND CRYSTAL WATER SOFTENER SALT 40 Lb Solar Crystals Selected Varieties, for Selected Varieties SFOASE POS 080722

Latest weekly ads

ORTEGA TACO SEASONING MIX 15125 Oz, Selected Varieties ORTEGA ORTEGA HARD TACO, DICED GREEN SHELLS ioe Oz 120 0, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties OA LA ae Crackers BEST CHOICE SUPREME DIAPERS 21-44 Ct. Selected Varieties CARR'S CHEESE DP GOURMET OR BOUNTY firth ENTERTAINMENT CRACKERS PAPER TOWELS PARCHMENT OR QUESO 25-7 0% pe PAPER 15 Oz, Selected Varieties SSected Varieties Selected Varieties 45 Sq. Ft. aan =. JOLLY TIME MICROWAVE POPCORN BSlected Varieties 3 ee Soaet 3S . Og)! 2g 0; 3°9 GRACE'S BEST 498 SUNFLOWER SEED & f ROLLED OATS COOKIES /_4f_ Sf si 7 Oz, Bag CAMERON'S gS GOURMET CAMERONS tune — | PREMIUM bampomms LUNCHEON Core : MEAT 10:12 02. 8 k re ee ele mG conenon 2 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties St = _ KELLOGG'S CEREAL 18 Oz. Rice Krispies 18 Oz. Crispix 24 Oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats 18 Oz. Corn Flakes BASE SARA LEE VN HONEY WHEAT a , eb we, ~ ed a Selected Varieties ‘i DIAMOND CRYSTAL WATER SOFTENER SALT 40 Lb Solar Crystals Selected Varieties, for Selected Varieties SFOASE POS 080722

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