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Current weekly ad Stop & Shop - Valid from 09/16 to 09/22 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Stop & Shop 09/16/2022 - 09/22/2022


Products in this weekly ad

22_38_M01_ ABE 09/01/22 © STOP& SHOP September 16-22, 2022 | Sale prices with your Stop & Shop card only. Nature's Promise Organic Chicken Breasts or Thighs or Shady Brook Farms 93% Lean Ground Turkey Chicken sold by the Ib. or Ground Turkey soldin a 20.8 oz. pkg. 5616174 Without Coupon $4.99/Ib. *Limit 2 of each item per household . BUY 1 GET1 (OF EQUALORLESSER VALUE Thomas’ English Muffins Original, Whole Grain White, Honey Wheat, Cinnamon Raisin or Light Multi-Grain, 12-13 oz. pkg. 5595827 SAVE UP MILK WHEN when you buy 4 Kellogg's or Special K Cereal, itri-Grain Bars, Special K Bars or Rice Krispies Homestyle Treats Selected Varieties and Sizes, See Store for Participating Products 5574353 Locked-in savings for WEEKS! “3 ‘Stop & Shop Roast Beef Sliced to Order or Prepackaged for Your Convenience 5615976 ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Strawberries, Blackberries or Raspberries Strawberries, 1 Ib. pkg. or Blackberries or Raspberries, 6 oz. pkg. 5616882 ‘OF EQUALORLESSER VALUE Smithfield Marinated Fresh Pork Tenderloin or Carando Meatballs Selected Varieties, Pork Tenderloin, 18.4-27.2 oz. or Meatballs, 16 oz. pkg. 5585482 Simply Orange Juice or Silk Almondmilk Selected Varieties, Orange Juice, 52 fl. oz. btl. or Almondmilk, 59-64 fl. oz. carton 5595997 Want °*5 off GROCERIES? Red Seedless Grapes 5616881 Limit 5 Ibs. | Without Coupon $1.99/Ib. ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Stop & Shop Potatoes or Yellow Onions Red or Yellow Potatoes, U.S. No. 1, 5 lb. or Onions, 3 lb. bag 5616883 BUY 2 GETiI™ ‘ os OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Coca-Cola 12 Pack or 8 Pack or AHA 8 Pack Selected Varieties, Coca-Cola, 12/12 fl.oz. cans, 8/12 fl. oz. btls. or AHA, 8/12 fl. oz. cans, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5611655 a 99%. Tote Apples | Crisp and Juicy Extra Large Raw EZ Peel Shrimp or Large Cooked Cocktail Shrimp Raw, 26/30 ct or Cooked, 1/40 ct. Farm Raised, Frozen or Thawed! Soccta vetting 280 for Your Corwenience, Shrimp Soldin 2b. Bagat $15.98/ea. 5633415 Banquet Mega Bowls or Meals, Marie Callender’ Bowl, ‘Small or Layered Pot Pie or Healthy Choice Café Steamers Frozen, Selected Varieties, Banquet, 14-16.95 02, Marie Callender 10-15 02, oF Healthy Choice, 9.25-10.3 02 pkg. 5558488 Scott Bath Tissue or Paper Towels Bath Tissue, 12 Roll ‘Mega Roll pkg. 5554802 F Paper Towels, Quilted Northern or Angel Soft Bath Tissue or Brawny Paper Towels tig Bath Tse, 6-8 Mega olor 12 Doble olor Paper Towels, «Dobie cr 6 MegaRolpg. 5654144 when you buy 4 Pepsi, Rockstar or Pure Leaf Selected Varieties, Peps or Pure eat 185 for. bt, Pus Deposit Where Applicable 604327 Without coupon 4/$6 when you buy 4 ormore 32¢t. ngs), 6 pg. or Se bien Peet's Coffee Steamfresh Vegetables Coffee, 105 Selected Varieties, for K-Cups, 10.ct. pkg. Birds Eye, 10.8-19 02. pkg. When: 5579456 (or Jax, 8.5-9 oz. bag 5597064 Pus Depost Where Applcabe 5570147 5, 67.6 oz. tL, Rockstar, 15-16 fl.oz. can Gain, Tide or Downy Laundry Care Selected Vitis, Detergent, 115-1560. ower PODS, Beads 227-2652 5596825 Without coupon $15.94/ea, Yoplait Yogurt or LaYogurt Selected Varieties, Yoploit Yogurt, 4-6 oz. cup or LaYogurt, 602. cup 5603450 when you buy 2 Nabisco Mallomars Selected Varieties, 8.2 0z. pkg. 580751 Without coupon 2/S5 when you buy 2 ‘Other quantities 2/56 when you buy 2 All, Purex or Snuggle Laundry Care See ties Deteget S08 BMP 89g Pe C20 abc Sore 37-37. eye Stet Tet pig 585739 Without coupon 2/57 Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Ice Cream Bars Selected Varieties ce Cream, 14.02. cont. or 729-9 on pg. 3968630 When youbuy2 Umit G0 afer erhousehold Fete Cen SC Ace OE eg ec eu ec PANNRK 380 Main Avenue, Norwalk Certified Sourcing SUSTAINABLE Forestey, INITIATIVE — wnwsiprogrmarg COL: PIN ABE-C P PINABE sp BOY BlaMyloAIBeek8 iridd 09/16/2022~ 05/22/2022 PIN BLK: NRK * ‘BHIT/22. 9:10 AM HCL NN EET

Latest weekly ads

22_38_M01_ ABE 09/01/22 © STOP& SHOP September 16-22, 2022 | Sale prices with your Stop & Shop card only. Nature's Promise Organic Chicken Breasts or Thighs or Shady Brook Farms 93% Lean Ground Turkey Chicken sold by the Ib. or Ground Turkey soldin a 20.8 oz. pkg. 5616174 Without Coupon $4.99/Ib. *Limit 2 of each item per household . BUY 1 GET1 (OF EQUALORLESSER VALUE Thomas’ English Muffins Original, Whole Grain White, Honey Wheat, Cinnamon Raisin or Light Multi-Grain, 12-13 oz. pkg. 5595827 SAVE UP MILK WHEN when you buy 4 Kellogg's or Special K Cereal, itri-Grain Bars, Special K Bars or Rice Krispies Homestyle Treats Selected Varieties and Sizes, See Store for Participating Products 5574353 Locked-in savings for WEEKS! “3 ‘Stop & Shop Roast Beef Sliced to Order or Prepackaged for Your Convenience 5615976 ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Strawberries, Blackberries or Raspberries Strawberries, 1 Ib. pkg. or Blackberries or Raspberries, 6 oz. pkg. 5616882 ‘OF EQUALORLESSER VALUE Smithfield Marinated Fresh Pork Tenderloin or Carando Meatballs Selected Varieties, Pork Tenderloin, 18.4-27.2 oz. or Meatballs, 16 oz. pkg. 5585482 Simply Orange Juice or Silk Almondmilk Selected Varieties, Orange Juice, 52 fl. oz. btl. or Almondmilk, 59-64 fl. oz. carton 5595997 Want °*5 off GROCERIES? Red Seedless Grapes 5616881 Limit 5 Ibs. | Without Coupon $1.99/Ib. ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Stop & Shop Potatoes or Yellow Onions Red or Yellow Potatoes, U.S. No. 1, 5 lb. or Onions, 3 lb. bag 5616883 BUY 2 GETiI™ ‘ os OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Coca-Cola 12 Pack or 8 Pack or AHA 8 Pack Selected Varieties, Coca-Cola, 12/12 fl.oz. cans, 8/12 fl. oz. btls. or AHA, 8/12 fl. oz. cans, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5611655 a 99%. Tote Apples | Crisp and Juicy Extra Large Raw EZ Peel Shrimp or Large Cooked Cocktail Shrimp Raw, 26/30 ct or Cooked, 1/40 ct. Farm Raised, Frozen or Thawed! Soccta vetting 280 for Your Corwenience, Shrimp Soldin 2b. Bagat $15.98/ea. 5633415 Banquet Mega Bowls or Meals, Marie Callender’ Bowl, ‘Small or Layered Pot Pie or Healthy Choice Café Steamers Frozen, Selected Varieties, Banquet, 14-16.95 02, Marie Callender 10-15 02, oF Healthy Choice, 9.25-10.3 02 pkg. 5558488 Scott Bath Tissue or Paper Towels Bath Tissue, 12 Roll ‘Mega Roll pkg. 5554802 F Paper Towels, Quilted Northern or Angel Soft Bath Tissue or Brawny Paper Towels tig Bath Tse, 6-8 Mega olor 12 Doble olor Paper Towels, «Dobie cr 6 MegaRolpg. 5654144 when you buy 4 Pepsi, Rockstar or Pure Leaf Selected Varieties, Peps or Pure eat 185 for. bt, Pus Deposit Where Applicable 604327 Without coupon 4/$6 when you buy 4 ormore 32¢t. ngs), 6 pg. or Se bien Peet's Coffee Steamfresh Vegetables Coffee, 105 Selected Varieties, for K-Cups, 10.ct. pkg. Birds Eye, 10.8-19 02. pkg. When: 5579456 (or Jax, 8.5-9 oz. bag 5597064 Pus Depost Where Applcabe 5570147 5, 67.6 oz. tL, Rockstar, 15-16 fl.oz. can Gain, Tide or Downy Laundry Care Selected Vitis, Detergent, 115-1560. ower PODS, Beads 227-2652 5596825 Without coupon $15.94/ea, Yoplait Yogurt or LaYogurt Selected Varieties, Yoploit Yogurt, 4-6 oz. cup or LaYogurt, 602. cup 5603450 when you buy 2 Nabisco Mallomars Selected Varieties, 8.2 0z. pkg. 580751 Without coupon 2/S5 when you buy 2 ‘Other quantities 2/56 when you buy 2 All, Purex or Snuggle Laundry Care See ties Deteget S08 BMP 89g Pe C20 abc Sore 37-37. eye Stet Tet pig 585739 Without coupon 2/57 Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Ice Cream Bars Selected Varieties ce Cream, 14.02. cont. or 729-9 on pg. 3968630 When youbuy2 Umit G0 afer erhousehold Fete Cen SC Ace OE eg ec eu ec PANNRK 380 Main Avenue, Norwalk Certified Sourcing SUSTAINABLE Forestey, INITIATIVE — wnwsiprogrmarg COL: PIN ABE-C P PINABE sp BOY BlaMyloAIBeek8 iridd 09/16/2022~ 05/22/2022 PIN BLK: NRK * ‘BHIT/22. 9:10 AM HCL NN EET

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