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Current weekly ad Stop & Shop - Valid from 10/07 to 10/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Stop & Shop 10/07/2022 - 10/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

22_41_M01__COP 09/20/22 ~ STOP&SHOP Want 5 off GROCERIES? Ceres a ee ERA rE eon Oe Eee Nel Lou aa $629 Stop & Shop T-Bone or Porterhouse Steak Butcher Shop, USDA Choice, Any Size Package 5678849 Without coupon $8.99/Ib. *Limit 2 of each item per household > eae 7 FREE GET1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Blueberries, Raspberries or Golden Berries Blueberries, 1 dry pint or Raspberries or Golden Berries, 6 oz. pkg. 5640349 OE 99%. Stop & Shop Grade A, Bone-In, 4~7 Ib. avg. wt. 5647512 Wiest ‘coupon $1.49/Ib. items per household General Mills Cereal, Fiber One Bars, Nature 806 oP. Frozen Whale Turkey Breast 7 SHRIMP Salmon Fillets or Jumbo Raw EZ Peel Shrimp Fresh Salmon, Farm Raised or Shrimp, 21/25 ct., Farm Raised, Frozen or Thawed for Your Convenience, Shrimp Sold in a2 Ib. Bag at $15.98 5641487 Classe or CHEEZAT BUY1 GET1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Valley Bars, Treat Bars Cheez-lIt Snack Crackers or Chex Bars Selected Varieties, 5.8-12.4 0z. box Selected Varieties and Sizes, See Store whenyoubuy 4 5631453 for Participating Products 5607046 Soe poteneanont Locked-in savings iy aaa Stop & Shop Virginia or Low Sodium Ham Sliced to Order or Prepackaged for Your Convenience 5395692 (a oe = eee a" 2/54 ae Freschetta or Newman's Own Pizza Frozen, Selected Varieties, Freschetta, 17.71-27.35 02. or Newman's Own, 15.1-17 0. pkg, (EacldesFreschetta Giten ree Pizzo) 5639364 $588 Dunkin’ Coffee K-Cuy ups Selected Vries 10ct lg 8626075 Without coupon $6.9 Arua amet BUY1 $ 4°29 GET1 Perdue Whole Roaster Chicken Grade A 5654803 1b. pkg. 5852907 BUY2 GET1 Taste of Inspirations Hickory moked or Honey Roasted Turkey Sliced to Order or Prepackaged for Your Convenience 5648769 . FREE Chobani Yogurt, Zero Sugar (OF EQUALORLESSERVALUE Campari Tomatoes ie FREE ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSERVALUE Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Bites Selected Vorieties, 1202. pkg. 56481 BUY 2 GET1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Pepsi 12 or 8 Pack or Pepsi Nitro 4 Pack Selected Varieties, Pepsi, 12/12 fl. oz. cans, 8/12 fl.oz. btls. or Nitro, 4/13.65 fl. oz. cans, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5636169 BUY1 GET1 ‘OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Panera Bread, Bagels or English Muffins Selected Varieties, Bread, 24~25 oz. loaf, Bagels, 18-20 02. or English Muffins, 15 oz. pkg. 5637464 ay Pe Es, $388 oe 7 or Probiotic Drink Multipack Selected Varieties, Chaban or Zero Suga 4/532 cupsor Probiotic Drink 6/53. us 5633519 when you buy 4 Coca-Cola or Smartwater Selected Varieties, Coca-Cola, 67.66.02. ‘or Smartwater, 3.8 1 oz. bt, Plus Deposit, Where Applicable 5635221 13 fthout coupon 4/$6 when you buy 4 or more Turkey Hill Ice Cream or Dipped Bars Selected Varieties, Ice Cream, 48.02. cont. or ipped Bars, 9.02. pkg. (Excludes Turkey Hill Ali Natural) 5605534 Yoplait Yogurt Selected Varieties, 4-6 02. cup BUY1 GET1 Ferrero or Mars Fun Size Arm & Chocolate Selected Vareis, 10-105 o2.b09 5509568 ‘OFEQUALORLESSERVALUE Hammer Laundry Care Selected Varieties, Detergent, §5.1-67.5 9.02, Scent Boosters, 180. bt, Paks, 24-32 ct, Dryer Frito-Lay Party Size Lay's or Snacks Selected Varieties, Lay's, 8.1515 02. 0r Snacks, 9.75-17 oz. bag 5616031 Without coupon2/$10 ‘when you spend $40 = oa ——— Scott Bath Tissue or Paper Towels elected Varieties, Bath Tissue, 20 Rollo 18 Mega Rollor Paper Towels, 15 Mega Roll oka Sheets, 100 ct. or Wipes, 80 ct. pkg. 5601363 5596926 8 The Helpful Chef Meal Deal 1602. “Limit 1 of each item per transaction ° Limit 1 offer per household Carando Meatballs Selected Varieties, BUY THESE 1 Carando Meatballs & 1 Buitoni Cut Pasta 99 SZ lea. Buitoni Cut Pasta Fettucinior Linguine, 9.02. pkg, kg. 5647566 (Excludes Filled Pasta) 5647851 Price wi FREE Classico Pasta or Alfredo Sauce Selected Varieties, 15-24 oar 5650419 jthout Meal Deal $2.49/ea. FREE Sartori Italian Cheese Selected Varieties, 7-8 02. bag 3637760 Price without Meal Deal $3.99/ea, 380 Main Avenue, Norwalk / 25 Old King’s Highway North, Darien PANNOR Forestey, INTATVE — Gwwesiprogramog COL: PIN coP-CP + PANCOP BOY lahKtytoCWBGRAAintid 1 ‘ioc all ‘COL: AAA XX-C BBI ‘Aili are per tence tens mustbe pachsedin singe transition iit one ita con perusal COANE RALNLN AUN NSUAAAR ALAA NIUALANS MAACO LOR NER MRMESKAR RENTER RUCK

Latest weekly ads

22_41_M01__COP 09/20/22 ~ STOP&SHOP Want 5 off GROCERIES? Ceres a ee ERA rE eon Oe Eee Nel Lou aa $629 Stop & Shop T-Bone or Porterhouse Steak Butcher Shop, USDA Choice, Any Size Package 5678849 Without coupon $8.99/Ib. *Limit 2 of each item per household > eae 7 FREE GET1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Blueberries, Raspberries or Golden Berries Blueberries, 1 dry pint or Raspberries or Golden Berries, 6 oz. pkg. 5640349 OE 99%. Stop & Shop Grade A, Bone-In, 4~7 Ib. avg. wt. 5647512 Wiest ‘coupon $1.49/Ib. items per household General Mills Cereal, Fiber One Bars, Nature 806 oP. Frozen Whale Turkey Breast 7 SHRIMP Salmon Fillets or Jumbo Raw EZ Peel Shrimp Fresh Salmon, Farm Raised or Shrimp, 21/25 ct., Farm Raised, Frozen or Thawed for Your Convenience, Shrimp Sold in a2 Ib. Bag at $15.98 5641487 Classe or CHEEZAT BUY1 GET1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Valley Bars, Treat Bars Cheez-lIt Snack Crackers or Chex Bars Selected Varieties, 5.8-12.4 0z. box Selected Varieties and Sizes, See Store whenyoubuy 4 5631453 for Participating Products 5607046 Soe poteneanont Locked-in savings iy aaa Stop & Shop Virginia or Low Sodium Ham Sliced to Order or Prepackaged for Your Convenience 5395692 (a oe = eee a" 2/54 ae Freschetta or Newman's Own Pizza Frozen, Selected Varieties, Freschetta, 17.71-27.35 02. or Newman's Own, 15.1-17 0. pkg, (EacldesFreschetta Giten ree Pizzo) 5639364 $588 Dunkin’ Coffee K-Cuy ups Selected Vries 10ct lg 8626075 Without coupon $6.9 Arua amet BUY1 $ 4°29 GET1 Perdue Whole Roaster Chicken Grade A 5654803 1b. pkg. 5852907 BUY2 GET1 Taste of Inspirations Hickory moked or Honey Roasted Turkey Sliced to Order or Prepackaged for Your Convenience 5648769 . FREE Chobani Yogurt, Zero Sugar (OF EQUALORLESSERVALUE Campari Tomatoes ie FREE ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSERVALUE Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Bites Selected Vorieties, 1202. pkg. 56481 BUY 2 GET1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Pepsi 12 or 8 Pack or Pepsi Nitro 4 Pack Selected Varieties, Pepsi, 12/12 fl. oz. cans, 8/12 fl.oz. btls. or Nitro, 4/13.65 fl. oz. cans, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5636169 BUY1 GET1 ‘OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Panera Bread, Bagels or English Muffins Selected Varieties, Bread, 24~25 oz. loaf, Bagels, 18-20 02. or English Muffins, 15 oz. pkg. 5637464 ay Pe Es, $388 oe 7 or Probiotic Drink Multipack Selected Varieties, Chaban or Zero Suga 4/532 cupsor Probiotic Drink 6/53. us 5633519 when you buy 4 Coca-Cola or Smartwater Selected Varieties, Coca-Cola, 67.66.02. ‘or Smartwater, 3.8 1 oz. bt, Plus Deposit, Where Applicable 5635221 13 fthout coupon 4/$6 when you buy 4 or more Turkey Hill Ice Cream or Dipped Bars Selected Varieties, Ice Cream, 48.02. cont. or ipped Bars, 9.02. pkg. (Excludes Turkey Hill Ali Natural) 5605534 Yoplait Yogurt Selected Varieties, 4-6 02. cup BUY1 GET1 Ferrero or Mars Fun Size Arm & Chocolate Selected Vareis, 10-105 o2.b09 5509568 ‘OFEQUALORLESSERVALUE Hammer Laundry Care Selected Varieties, Detergent, §5.1-67.5 9.02, Scent Boosters, 180. bt, Paks, 24-32 ct, Dryer Frito-Lay Party Size Lay's or Snacks Selected Varieties, Lay's, 8.1515 02. 0r Snacks, 9.75-17 oz. bag 5616031 Without coupon2/$10 ‘when you spend $40 = oa ——— Scott Bath Tissue or Paper Towels elected Varieties, Bath Tissue, 20 Rollo 18 Mega Rollor Paper Towels, 15 Mega Roll oka Sheets, 100 ct. or Wipes, 80 ct. pkg. 5601363 5596926 8 The Helpful Chef Meal Deal 1602. “Limit 1 of each item per transaction ° Limit 1 offer per household Carando Meatballs Selected Varieties, BUY THESE 1 Carando Meatballs & 1 Buitoni Cut Pasta 99 SZ lea. Buitoni Cut Pasta Fettucinior Linguine, 9.02. pkg, kg. 5647566 (Excludes Filled Pasta) 5647851 Price wi FREE Classico Pasta or Alfredo Sauce Selected Varieties, 15-24 oar 5650419 jthout Meal Deal $2.49/ea. FREE Sartori Italian Cheese Selected Varieties, 7-8 02. bag 3637760 Price without Meal Deal $3.99/ea, 380 Main Avenue, Norwalk / 25 Old King’s Highway North, Darien PANNOR Forestey, INTATVE — Gwwesiprogramog COL: PIN coP-CP + PANCOP BOY lahKtytoCWBGRAAintid 1 ‘ioc all ‘COL: AAA XX-C BBI ‘Aili are per tence tens mustbe pachsedin singe transition iit one ita con perusal COANE RALNLN AUN NSUAAAR ALAA NIUALANS MAACO LOR NER MRMESKAR RENTER RUCK

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