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Current weekly ad Sprouts - Valid from 08/24 to 08/30 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Sprouts 08/24/2022 - 08/30/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Sprouts - 41g OO Boneless Skinless 2 99 Chicken Breasts y ib. No added hormones or steroids! Value pack Fresh Wild Coho Salmon Fillets Rich in omega-3 fatty acids All-Natural Choice 0 85% Lean Ground Beef Q 99 Sold in a 2 Ib. package, no hormones added! All-Natural Boneless Beef Ribeye Steak Value pack No hormones added! All-Natural Pork Shoulder Roast No hormones or steroids! Whole in the bag, bone-in poe) UR Three Wishes or Mom's Best Cereal Select varieties, 8.6-24 oz. of equal or lesser value Save up to $6.99 Jonny Pops Frozen Novelties Select varieties, 4 pk., 2.06 or 8 pk., 1.85 fl. 07. | a 1BUY, ONE, GET ONE SET 0 FREE! @ of equal or lesser value Save up to $6.99 sx - +e an SweetLeaf BUY ONE, GET ONE Sweet Nothings Sweet Drops OFT Plant-Based Frozen Liquid Stevia F RE E/ Spoonable Smoothie Select varieties, 2 fl. oz. Save up to $14.49 Select varieties, 3.5 fl. oz. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! Save up to $3.99 BCs nal q Snacking Cheese Select brands, varieties and sizes regular retail Sweet Earth Plant-Based Chik'n Strips Select varieties, 8 oz. RS alan CHEESE, PLEASE! Stock up on petite, portable cheeses the kiddos will love. Packed with calcium and protein, they're a perfect lunchbox snack. BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail

Latest weekly ads

Sprouts - 41g OO Boneless Skinless 2 99 Chicken Breasts y ib. No added hormones or steroids! Value pack Fresh Wild Coho Salmon Fillets Rich in omega-3 fatty acids All-Natural Choice 0 85% Lean Ground Beef Q 99 Sold in a 2 Ib. package, no hormones added! All-Natural Boneless Beef Ribeye Steak Value pack No hormones added! All-Natural Pork Shoulder Roast No hormones or steroids! Whole in the bag, bone-in poe) UR Three Wishes or Mom's Best Cereal Select varieties, 8.6-24 oz. of equal or lesser value Save up to $6.99 Jonny Pops Frozen Novelties Select varieties, 4 pk., 2.06 or 8 pk., 1.85 fl. 07. | a 1BUY, ONE, GET ONE SET 0 FREE! @ of equal or lesser value Save up to $6.99 sx - +e an SweetLeaf BUY ONE, GET ONE Sweet Nothings Sweet Drops OFT Plant-Based Frozen Liquid Stevia F RE E/ Spoonable Smoothie Select varieties, 2 fl. oz. Save up to $14.49 Select varieties, 3.5 fl. oz. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! Save up to $3.99 BCs nal q Snacking Cheese Select brands, varieties and sizes regular retail Sweet Earth Plant-Based Chik'n Strips Select varieties, 8 oz. RS alan CHEESE, PLEASE! Stock up on petite, portable cheeses the kiddos will love. Packed with calcium and protein, they're a perfect lunchbox snack. BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF regular retail

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