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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Valid from 09/13 to 09/19 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 09/13/2022 - 09/19/2022


Products in this weekly ad

imp ivortl ae ee texture’ Sensational served with your favorite holiday wine ard cheese’ yw, RED or GREEN. Vine ripened very sweet clusters. Plump, flavorful globes. The ideal size for baking. Excellent candied. (Crunchy laine, Sepealicral served ih our (arora ody wine snl cheese Certified Organic. SAVE!!! ORGANIC GALA APPLES 89 ORGANIC HEIRLOOM TOMATOES New Crop. Extra Fancy. Tree-tipened beauties. Assorted Varieties. Locally grown. Beautiful color So crisp and full of delicious flavor. Solid with a very full tomato” flavor. Perfect for gourmet salads, ORGANIC BANANAS 129 ORGANIC JUMBO HASS AVOCADOS ORGANIC SEEDLESS GRAPES 319 ORGANIC RED OR JEWEL YAMS So sweet and flavorful. Ful, ripe bunches. Intense “banana’ flavor. Very rich flavor. Terific for salads Taste the difference! Great for healthy snacking. Certified Organic or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE! A STRAWBERRIES LUNCH BOX GREEN auth cop BRUSSELS SPROUTS etieean 5° APPLES oecous 2” tear 2” BELL PEPPERS... 12 itor cam ae Fe eee pele sara iste HOLIDAY ee yagi YELLOW CELERY SEEDLESS GRAPES a {P PEACHES on nectarines Q99 GP err cwimsenciom 29 QD SEP, peppers 8 sosraens map teense PS cata t aeaceneh or fet amit a a wahyour favorite wine and ch ae ‘Succulent, sweet meat. SAVE!!! ‘SAVE!!! SAVEI! Outstanding for st-frying, stuffing or added to salads. ane ae + + SEDLESS MELON SALE 7 BABY BROCCOLINI ROMA ———~™~:—«~SCQ SE RORRING 2 . Ate orem ee e Lae FULL out, acres 58 _ TOMATOES 2 New cop Tangy awed favor. Alto ey shel el. Pek of he sesson Waghicon sate R IAGAN SAADETIE EXTRALARGE Se MSateonesinee ms, YP Sela ee {Piet ont ren BARTLET PEARS aC Se al Raita CES w fev atecan— 99 SOuASH H 99 FRESH EXPRESS vg NEW CROP So sweet an ice Scones lel ace Nara s BE fancy Alot KIT SALADS 0 bon ‘ nwa ven ‘Superb served with your anand ome aie. ‘Superb for sautéing, stuffing or grilling. eos R Specials Effective: Tuesday, ae 13 Through Monday, September 19, 2022 San Jose Belmont San Jose San Bruno Los Gatos Walnut Creek | Burlingame Danville 2666S. Bascom Ae. 106 Alameda do lsPulgas | 4450 Merion 2801 Son Buna Averue 720 Blossom Hl Read 16 Pols Verdes Mal 1825 Coin el Roiood Wve. (@oscam Ave.8 Union Ave) | (Gt Ralson Avenue) (ot Bronhom Lone) (commer of Son Bruno & (a Gate) (Geary & Pleasant HlRoad) | (Ot Trousdale Die) Open 7:30AM-8PM Daly | Open7:30AM-8PM Daily | Skyine Bd) pen . Open 7:30 AM - 8PM Daly ‘Open7 AM 8 PM Daly Corimont Village ‘Meridian Pork Ploza ne Co “ Phong: (408) 377-6661 Phone: (650) 591-5768 Phone: (#08) 266-9101 Open 7:00 AM - 8PM Daily ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Lunardi’s 9/13/2022 - Page 1

Latest weekly ads

imp ivortl ae ee texture’ Sensational served with your favorite holiday wine ard cheese’ yw, RED or GREEN. Vine ripened very sweet clusters. Plump, flavorful globes. The ideal size for baking. Excellent candied. (Crunchy laine, Sepealicral served ih our (arora ody wine snl cheese Certified Organic. SAVE!!! ORGANIC GALA APPLES 89 ORGANIC HEIRLOOM TOMATOES New Crop. Extra Fancy. Tree-tipened beauties. Assorted Varieties. Locally grown. Beautiful color So crisp and full of delicious flavor. Solid with a very full tomato” flavor. Perfect for gourmet salads, ORGANIC BANANAS 129 ORGANIC JUMBO HASS AVOCADOS ORGANIC SEEDLESS GRAPES 319 ORGANIC RED OR JEWEL YAMS So sweet and flavorful. Ful, ripe bunches. Intense “banana’ flavor. Very rich flavor. Terific for salads Taste the difference! Great for healthy snacking. Certified Organic or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE! A STRAWBERRIES LUNCH BOX GREEN auth cop BRUSSELS SPROUTS etieean 5° APPLES oecous 2” tear 2” BELL PEPPERS... 12 itor cam ae Fe eee pele sara iste HOLIDAY ee yagi YELLOW CELERY SEEDLESS GRAPES a {P PEACHES on nectarines Q99 GP err cwimsenciom 29 QD SEP, peppers 8 sosraens map teense PS cata t aeaceneh or fet amit a a wahyour favorite wine and ch ae ‘Succulent, sweet meat. SAVE!!! ‘SAVE!!! SAVEI! Outstanding for st-frying, stuffing or added to salads. ane ae + + SEDLESS MELON SALE 7 BABY BROCCOLINI ROMA ———~™~:—«~SCQ SE RORRING 2 . Ate orem ee e Lae FULL out, acres 58 _ TOMATOES 2 New cop Tangy awed favor. Alto ey shel el. Pek of he sesson Waghicon sate R IAGAN SAADETIE EXTRALARGE Se MSateonesinee ms, YP Sela ee {Piet ont ren BARTLET PEARS aC Se al Raita CES w fev atecan— 99 SOuASH H 99 FRESH EXPRESS vg NEW CROP So sweet an ice Scones lel ace Nara s BE fancy Alot KIT SALADS 0 bon ‘ nwa ven ‘Superb served with your anand ome aie. ‘Superb for sautéing, stuffing or grilling. eos R Specials Effective: Tuesday, ae 13 Through Monday, September 19, 2022 San Jose Belmont San Jose San Bruno Los Gatos Walnut Creek | Burlingame Danville 2666S. Bascom Ae. 106 Alameda do lsPulgas | 4450 Merion 2801 Son Buna Averue 720 Blossom Hl Read 16 Pols Verdes Mal 1825 Coin el Roiood Wve. (@oscam Ave.8 Union Ave) | (Gt Ralson Avenue) (ot Bronhom Lone) (commer of Son Bruno & (a Gate) (Geary & Pleasant HlRoad) | (Ot Trousdale Die) Open 7:30AM-8PM Daly | Open7:30AM-8PM Daily | Skyine Bd) pen . Open 7:30 AM - 8PM Daly ‘Open7 AM 8 PM Daly Corimont Village ‘Meridian Pork Ploza ne Co “ Phong: (408) 377-6661 Phone: (650) 591-5768 Phone: (#08) 266-9101 Open 7:00 AM - 8PM Daily ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Lunardi’s 9/13/2022 - Page 1

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