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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 12/21 to 12/27 - Page nb 17

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 12/21/2021 - 12/27/2021


Products in this weekly ad

SALE de SEAS 7 ae | Ts r ea Lobster Tals Q'sg _ Seabass Portions a ‘of Tuna Steaks scan a mated Sez y a Lowes Foods 2 41/50 Peeled £j E “a & Deveined Raw Shrimp 4 = Florentine Salmon Pinwheels q leary a mace der Salmon, Grouper, Snapper, a ini Saku Tuna or = ‘Swordfish Portions eo ‘eect med Qs Spice Bazaar Seasonings & Grinders seecte58-B50r hase ; day \ ‘Shrimp or A p : Fresh Atlantic gs Crab Cocktails oo Salmon Fillets 1 fe ROCKWELL, Nc MULUMUUEI ‘Sunkist Lemons ibang tes 399 > _— =o § a (8 Limes loge taney 3/99° Bartlett Pears sweet ley I? Fresh Express American Salad Mer Upbog Italian Salad Kombucha bp sek oe - 2 6 2 5 . y ‘Locally Grown Sh 0 ly 6 Doi \ Fall Mums rganically Grown p ‘ 7 = Organically Grown opeale White ee Mushrooms Seeless Grapes 285 eal 349 ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. EFFECTIVE 09/21/22 - 09/27/22. 12a 000122 L

Latest weekly ads

SALE de SEAS 7 ae | Ts r ea Lobster Tals Q'sg _ Seabass Portions a ‘of Tuna Steaks scan a mated Sez y a Lowes Foods 2 41/50 Peeled £j E “a & Deveined Raw Shrimp 4 = Florentine Salmon Pinwheels q leary a mace der Salmon, Grouper, Snapper, a ini Saku Tuna or = ‘Swordfish Portions eo ‘eect med Qs Spice Bazaar Seasonings & Grinders seecte58-B50r hase ; day \ ‘Shrimp or A p : Fresh Atlantic gs Crab Cocktails oo Salmon Fillets 1 fe ROCKWELL, Nc MULUMUUEI ‘Sunkist Lemons ibang tes 399 > _— =o § a (8 Limes loge taney 3/99° Bartlett Pears sweet ley I? Fresh Express American Salad Mer Upbog Italian Salad Kombucha bp sek oe - 2 6 2 5 . y ‘Locally Grown Sh 0 ly 6 Doi \ Fall Mums rganically Grown p ‘ 7 = Organically Grown opeale White ee Mushrooms Seeless Grapes 285 eal 349 ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. EFFECTIVE 09/21/22 - 09/27/22. 12a 000122 L

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