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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad IGA 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Ue TRY SOMETHING eS Ariat ASS | POSE ta Me 4.5-5 Oz. ) Washington Organic Girl — "3 Lb. Bag Premium Baby Spinach Jumbo Navel Honeycrisp or Spring Mix Cantaloupes Oranges Apples 3°? 38 5*%° 20 NANT VRP AH Aa aR hom Keretschmar Kretschmar Kretschmar CHARCU TERIE a 4 Bj Ham Off Domestic [ "799 62°" a Fresh Shop Our Signature Rotisserie Chicken Salad 99 LB Fresh Shop Our Signature Crab Salad Salad 99 LB 3 Oz. Calabrese, Genoa or Italian Columbus Charcuterie Snack Tray ALL WEEK LONG! Va lame as J Ses STS =) | a Pork BBQ a =) Kretschmar we eee ta) 4 w Onion Chive Kee Havarti Cheese beh) cae Ree iN 4 Wings & 4 Breasts 99 ie Str 1 hha EA ire meu EA 10 Ct. 6 Ct. ¢ ee Peony eee German aa or cranberry White” Chocolate <i Aah ‘neat } Chocolate Chunk cu 39 (SS . 2 B= Fresh Baked Pp Y &f: ey ray a5 8 Inch, Round 704 z= 7 Sen Single Layer 329 Ne a 399 German EA Chocolate Cake —_ % Pepsi Lipton = Products Tea a a 6 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles Select Varieties § Pk./16.9 Ox. Bottles ex i 12 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles a A m Coke Select Varieties e Select Varieties = ‘+3 Products ie er, , fa of = | FOR 13 ; 5.50 Ts 12 Pk./12 Oz. Cans r Bottles Select Varietie: 24 Pk./12 Oz. Cans —« Select Varieties 6 Pk./.5 Liter Bottles Select Varieties # RC Cola Products Aeon T 0“ Budweiser, Bud Light Bud Select or Select 55 Beer BUD cae 11.99 IGA South - IGA South Page 3

Latest weekly ads

Ue TRY SOMETHING eS Ariat ASS | POSE ta Me 4.5-5 Oz. ) Washington Organic Girl — "3 Lb. Bag Premium Baby Spinach Jumbo Navel Honeycrisp or Spring Mix Cantaloupes Oranges Apples 3°? 38 5*%° 20 NANT VRP AH Aa aR hom Keretschmar Kretschmar Kretschmar CHARCU TERIE a 4 Bj Ham Off Domestic [ "799 62°" a Fresh Shop Our Signature Rotisserie Chicken Salad 99 LB Fresh Shop Our Signature Crab Salad Salad 99 LB 3 Oz. Calabrese, Genoa or Italian Columbus Charcuterie Snack Tray ALL WEEK LONG! Va lame as J Ses STS =) | a Pork BBQ a =) Kretschmar we eee ta) 4 w Onion Chive Kee Havarti Cheese beh) cae Ree iN 4 Wings & 4 Breasts 99 ie Str 1 hha EA ire meu EA 10 Ct. 6 Ct. ¢ ee Peony eee German aa or cranberry White” Chocolate <i Aah ‘neat } Chocolate Chunk cu 39 (SS . 2 B= Fresh Baked Pp Y &f: ey ray a5 8 Inch, Round 704 z= 7 Sen Single Layer 329 Ne a 399 German EA Chocolate Cake —_ % Pepsi Lipton = Products Tea a a 6 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles Select Varieties § Pk./16.9 Ox. Bottles ex i 12 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles a A m Coke Select Varieties e Select Varieties = ‘+3 Products ie er, , fa of = | FOR 13 ; 5.50 Ts 12 Pk./12 Oz. Cans r Bottles Select Varietie: 24 Pk./12 Oz. Cans —« Select Varieties 6 Pk./.5 Liter Bottles Select Varieties # RC Cola Products Aeon T 0“ Budweiser, Bud Light Bud Select or Select 55 Beer BUD cae 11.99 IGA South - IGA South Page 3

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