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Current weekly ad IGA - Independence Day - Valid from 06/28 to 07/04 - Page nb 9

Weekly ad IGA 06/28/2023 - 07/04/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Prices effective: 6/7/2023 through 7/4/2023 ee WITH THE BEST CHOICE FAMILY OF-BRANDS ners ORIGINAL ae Best Choice Peete (ig Slices 320z 12 Double Roll 20 Oz. Best Choice Best Choice = @ Extra Soft | EZ Squeeze Ketchup IN aD | $1 0° [-] eu) 8 Giant Roll e et wr 2002, (184005675 Best Choice Select-A-Size Paper Towels $445 earners Best Choice - c © $ Superior er er Selections Grinder Seasonings = =a 5245 spicB Selected Varieties mmm Best Choice @ Mustard 1002 Best Choice} Sweet Relish | % Fs & 12Lb Best Choice Instant Light Charcoal $639 \ 12-15 ct. Best Choice Pajama Pants $509 fleet 18 oz Selected Varieties Best Choice Trail Mix $329 13 02. Best Choice Lacolns por EXT $349 a ee - 37.5 Sq. Ft. SOMITE Fest Choice Heavy Duty = Aluminum Foil ce $959 = $949 a 2372 $549 "-) Best Choice __ Waffle Cones 2002 hyn ewripguo fig. Selected Varieties e ff cdaicci= ia aso. Dench» Best Choice . : Best Choice 5 Best Choice Superior ce P| Refrigerated - Whipped “29% Selections = Va Dips Topping ae ® ‘Sweet Potatoes eh) es} 64 Oz. We? Best Choice = Lighter Fluid $999 10-75 Ct. = we : Best Choice 5 es Freezer or G selected Varieties Best Choice Bcicroie S975 — seneis” SAOD ewshes $4199 | storage Bags \ fee Cob Corn Pizza Bites Skewers _ Due to supply issues, all items may not be available. All items may not be available at all stores. ake oe eerie aes SAVE LABELS tee ccs s : i FOR YOUR CAUSE! you can trust Best Choice® SOUT tes pach dute lz Raise Money for Eun ie elm your Schoolor any Non-Profit Group SAVE-A-LABEL.COM We reserve the right to limit quantities, correct pricing errors and/or establish minimum requirements. Purchase requirements A Prices Effective 6/7/2023 through 7/4/2023 _fBweaiaemrhnemarsieaerpeltpss mealosstis tiene hemedneirastir esse tretatairrtnb-veiett rs bee

Latest weekly ads

Prices effective: 6/7/2023 through 7/4/2023 ee WITH THE BEST CHOICE FAMILY OF-BRANDS ners ORIGINAL ae Best Choice Peete (ig Slices 320z 12 Double Roll 20 Oz. Best Choice Best Choice = @ Extra Soft | EZ Squeeze Ketchup IN aD | $1 0° [-] eu) 8 Giant Roll e et wr 2002, (184005675 Best Choice Select-A-Size Paper Towels $445 earners Best Choice - c © $ Superior er er Selections Grinder Seasonings = =a 5245 spicB Selected Varieties mmm Best Choice @ Mustard 1002 Best Choice} Sweet Relish | % Fs & 12Lb Best Choice Instant Light Charcoal $639 \ 12-15 ct. Best Choice Pajama Pants $509 fleet 18 oz Selected Varieties Best Choice Trail Mix $329 13 02. Best Choice Lacolns por EXT $349 a ee - 37.5 Sq. Ft. SOMITE Fest Choice Heavy Duty = Aluminum Foil ce $959 = $949 a 2372 $549 "-) Best Choice __ Waffle Cones 2002 hyn ewripguo fig. Selected Varieties e ff cdaicci= ia aso. Dench» Best Choice . : Best Choice 5 Best Choice Superior ce P| Refrigerated - Whipped “29% Selections = Va Dips Topping ae ® ‘Sweet Potatoes eh) es} 64 Oz. We? Best Choice = Lighter Fluid $999 10-75 Ct. = we : Best Choice 5 es Freezer or G selected Varieties Best Choice Bcicroie S975 — seneis” SAOD ewshes $4199 | storage Bags \ fee Cob Corn Pizza Bites Skewers _ Due to supply issues, all items may not be available. All items may not be available at all stores. ake oe eerie aes SAVE LABELS tee ccs s : i FOR YOUR CAUSE! you can trust Best Choice® SOUT tes pach dute lz Raise Money for Eun ie elm your Schoolor any Non-Profit Group SAVE-A-LABEL.COM We reserve the right to limit quantities, correct pricing errors and/or establish minimum requirements. Purchase requirements A Prices Effective 6/7/2023 through 7/4/2023 _fBweaiaemrhnemarsieaerpeltpss mealosstis tiene hemedneirastir esse tretatairrtnb-veiett rs bee

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