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Current weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

aA supermarket We COMPARE our pricesso youcan... | , = ‘SAVE MORE! — | USDA Choice Certified Germ? Value Packsoimy — Remmeneeagnic bs uso res! rouns uc! wa Value Pack é peer SRB $AQ4s fire VALUE) USDA Choice Net Certified Angus Beef Shoulder y ¢ Roast — ae Mix & match Smithfield Bacon \6o: Green Cabbage Dazzle Green or Black Seedless Grapes Classics ee Sweet Farms 2 3 Turkey Hill Ice Cream or Frozen Entrées 6 37-12 SE Grocers Shredded or | Dairy Dessert 46-48 oz 0 Clear Bag Vegel 2 Chunk Cheese 6-6 0: Q Set Funfetti Pancakes 40. s General Mills Cereal ¢.9 SE Grocers Pure Cane — Kellogg's Pop-tarts | und Top Bread | Granulated Sugar <0 Chef Boyardee Cup or Thomas’ English Muffin ona @ BUY 2 isi $ 43 ae bisa ‘Tite ty $799 Pk Coca-Cola Products 12 Pk Budweiser, Miller, Coors or sorcans sor bth Little Frito Lay Dips's Selec Chips 5-8 0: Debbie Snack Cakes 8-16 or t varieties Support your neighbors affected by disasters big and small. & N PN sa let) si] tte Rertet st COTE Rael re CoJir Leelee Col ALL PRICES VALID WITH rewards | Seniors save 5% every Tuesda ERROR Cts? rate Supermarkets com/loca

Latest weekly ads

aA supermarket We COMPARE our pricesso youcan... | , = ‘SAVE MORE! — | USDA Choice Certified Germ? Value Packsoimy — Remmeneeagnic bs uso res! rouns uc! wa Value Pack é peer SRB $AQ4s fire VALUE) USDA Choice Net Certified Angus Beef Shoulder y ¢ Roast — ae Mix & match Smithfield Bacon \6o: Green Cabbage Dazzle Green or Black Seedless Grapes Classics ee Sweet Farms 2 3 Turkey Hill Ice Cream or Frozen Entrées 6 37-12 SE Grocers Shredded or | Dairy Dessert 46-48 oz 0 Clear Bag Vegel 2 Chunk Cheese 6-6 0: Q Set Funfetti Pancakes 40. s General Mills Cereal ¢.9 SE Grocers Pure Cane — Kellogg's Pop-tarts | und Top Bread | Granulated Sugar <0 Chef Boyardee Cup or Thomas’ English Muffin ona @ BUY 2 isi $ 43 ae bisa ‘Tite ty $799 Pk Coca-Cola Products 12 Pk Budweiser, Miller, Coors or sorcans sor bth Little Frito Lay Dips's Selec Chips 5-8 0: Debbie Snack Cakes 8-16 or t varieties Support your neighbors affected by disasters big and small. & N PN sa let) si] tte Rertet st COTE Rael re CoJir Leelee Col ALL PRICES VALID WITH rewards | Seniors save 5% every Tuesda ERROR Cts? rate Supermarkets com/loca

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