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Current weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


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is coming... OWNED AND OPERATED BY ~ ® Sign up for the FREE Price Plus® Club card online or in store and let the savings begin. your shopping order when you get 500 points DOWNLOAD THE when you sign up for our with your MEW Price Plus® Club card. FRESH GROCER APP. See store for deta. Price Plus® Club card. Cortified Angus Boot Samm Eye of Round Roast head Pumpkin Ale 6 pk 12 02 bes SALE ENDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st. pees SUPPLIES LAST. 16 | Hanover o August 19 Keyser Ave, Scranton September 23 | Luzerne \ x, ‘August 26 | Clarks Summit ‘September 30 Wyoming Please Redeem Your Gerrity’s Gift Cards EF ~~ Perce, ee aay aa Prior to the Conversion of Your Store.

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is coming... OWNED AND OPERATED BY ~ ® Sign up for the FREE Price Plus® Club card online or in store and let the savings begin. your shopping order when you get 500 points DOWNLOAD THE when you sign up for our with your MEW Price Plus® Club card. FRESH GROCER APP. See store for deta. Price Plus® Club card. Cortified Angus Boot Samm Eye of Round Roast head Pumpkin Ale 6 pk 12 02 bes SALE ENDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st. pees SUPPLIES LAST. 16 | Hanover o August 19 Keyser Ave, Scranton September 23 | Luzerne \ x, ‘August 26 | Clarks Summit ‘September 30 Wyoming Please Redeem Your Gerrity’s Gift Cards EF ~~ Perce, ee aay aa Prior to the Conversion of Your Store.

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