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Current weekly ad Food Bazaar - Valid from 09/15 to 09/21 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food Bazaar 09/15/2022 - 09/21/2022


Products in this weekly ad

F SUPERMARKET eS Ue aed Cad seers 617 19 19 20 21] WE'RE NOW ACCEPTING EBT/SNAP PAYMENTS FOR ONLINE ORDERS! FREE DELIVERY on your rirst THREE G) ORDERS* When you buy groceries online and pay with your EBT/SNAP card! RED SEEDLESS NEWYORK one TE ini BIN APPLES assorted - (PLUH 4096) WHOLE SEEDLESS WATERMELON (PLU# 4032) 6 ea. c HASS AVOCADOS (PLUM 4225) 4/ CAROLINA 20 Lb. Long Grain or Parboiled Rice 320 oz. (WH nd, $30 purchase inst 2 ofens pos Kany Add quattios to eas at $33.99 08 7 BEEFNYSTRIPLOIN | 0" ORGANIC- SMART CHICKEN STEAK (S HELL STEAK) WHOLE CHICKEN ‘value pack (PLU# 1003) (PLue 0776) totum pack. £12.99 . (PtUe 1011) a ‘ or ese le Cs) \ eam , — Be —— —_ : = be PORK SPARERIBS HOF HAUS Weal Spore wie res HONEY HAM teeny pk...$3.49 Ib. (PLUR 3291) TREAT LAKES (Puy 804/904) {eree™ “499 ib. = J Frozen - 10 Up homered SNOW CRAB TILAPIA LEGS FILLET (PLU# 6101) arts (PLU# 3081 ) 16 ‘ , 5 Ib. farm raised, product of China Ib. = TIDE SIMPLY i 2) Liquid Detergent eer eS assorted - 325-128 ov. (BES Jertenty ach questiinn te none st $10.99 oa SCOTT Paper Towels 15 Roll Pack 202 t. rolls FT SIMPLY Orange Juice stedted och des = Davenmszon dyunge gC = a, i FRIENDLY’S Ice Cream | asserted = 48 08. = PALERMO Organic « » LIBBY'S Extra Virgin | jon Corned Beef - Olive Oil a) aes 2 a Moo! . CHICKEN NESTLE SSS OF THE SEA PURE LIFE > D Chunk Light | Water 24 Pk. m4 48 pent te Le ep tts yuna 0.5 Wt. bet - 408.6 o2 teas Act ontario nn Next gnctec tse 389908 Hedslalassediten GENERAL MILLS ee PREGO SAME “Original CHEERIOS: = MOTT’S Pasta Sauce 18 ar) or HONEY-NUT 4 ‘ Apple Juice = Eerie | CRREIOS) iiecei0s cereal somone } Rajaasasee SWISS MISS Frege Z Hot Cocoa ae Mix 6 Ct. fk chocolate or mint manbmation 438 02 TOSTITOS (Goons Light a ae Tortilla Chips = mea or Scoops — i" (az0x) | «Salsa ussex) one 0d Ssories BECK’S or EUROSTAR : / =i CANADA DRY MICHELOB 5.8 Qt. a) Festres : Canned Soda Ultra-Beer Digital tier 12 Pack | Air Fryer ( ———— = J = u CABOT Shredded or ~ cutee, 6-8 07. een eeaet Grade'A Fread BOGOPA BOAR’S HEAD i so. Ba Cage Free Large Uncured Brown Eggs ae Franks FURLANI ITALPIZZA gouge ey Garlic 10 ) Wood Fired , eel Style egy zee Toast ke | EA nae ee een so = re ang a) Pe) poe a : Deen eo Bea Les Ea to] Pets ore ae Pee Eine ok Pps mise mom uw Benet ty ait) Seite Umut ard PCs er tt) ire te retig ey Pe td Ct ree Pra iry Pre ett ry er eat eer) Pret Pra eral) Pen ee a) Dorie iw Paeeebet Pcp ata Drees eh E SCT

Latest weekly ads

F SUPERMARKET eS Ue aed Cad seers 617 19 19 20 21] WE'RE NOW ACCEPTING EBT/SNAP PAYMENTS FOR ONLINE ORDERS! FREE DELIVERY on your rirst THREE G) ORDERS* When you buy groceries online and pay with your EBT/SNAP card! RED SEEDLESS NEWYORK one TE ini BIN APPLES assorted - (PLUH 4096) WHOLE SEEDLESS WATERMELON (PLU# 4032) 6 ea. c HASS AVOCADOS (PLUM 4225) 4/ CAROLINA 20 Lb. Long Grain or Parboiled Rice 320 oz. (WH nd, $30 purchase inst 2 ofens pos Kany Add quattios to eas at $33.99 08 7 BEEFNYSTRIPLOIN | 0" ORGANIC- SMART CHICKEN STEAK (S HELL STEAK) WHOLE CHICKEN ‘value pack (PLU# 1003) (PLue 0776) totum pack. £12.99 . (PtUe 1011) a ‘ or ese le Cs) \ eam , — Be —— —_ : = be PORK SPARERIBS HOF HAUS Weal Spore wie res HONEY HAM teeny pk...$3.49 Ib. (PLUR 3291) TREAT LAKES (Puy 804/904) {eree™ “499 ib. = J Frozen - 10 Up homered SNOW CRAB TILAPIA LEGS FILLET (PLU# 6101) arts (PLU# 3081 ) 16 ‘ , 5 Ib. farm raised, product of China Ib. = TIDE SIMPLY i 2) Liquid Detergent eer eS assorted - 325-128 ov. (BES Jertenty ach questiinn te none st $10.99 oa SCOTT Paper Towels 15 Roll Pack 202 t. rolls FT SIMPLY Orange Juice stedted och des = Davenmszon dyunge gC = a, i FRIENDLY’S Ice Cream | asserted = 48 08. = PALERMO Organic « » LIBBY'S Extra Virgin | jon Corned Beef - Olive Oil a) aes 2 a Moo! . CHICKEN NESTLE SSS OF THE SEA PURE LIFE > D Chunk Light | Water 24 Pk. m4 48 pent te Le ep tts yuna 0.5 Wt. bet - 408.6 o2 teas Act ontario nn Next gnctec tse 389908 Hedslalassediten GENERAL MILLS ee PREGO SAME “Original CHEERIOS: = MOTT’S Pasta Sauce 18 ar) or HONEY-NUT 4 ‘ Apple Juice = Eerie | CRREIOS) iiecei0s cereal somone } Rajaasasee SWISS MISS Frege Z Hot Cocoa ae Mix 6 Ct. fk chocolate or mint manbmation 438 02 TOSTITOS (Goons Light a ae Tortilla Chips = mea or Scoops — i" (az0x) | «Salsa ussex) one 0d Ssories BECK’S or EUROSTAR : / =i CANADA DRY MICHELOB 5.8 Qt. a) Festres : Canned Soda Ultra-Beer Digital tier 12 Pack | Air Fryer ( ———— = J = u CABOT Shredded or ~ cutee, 6-8 07. een eeaet Grade'A Fread BOGOPA BOAR’S HEAD i so. Ba Cage Free Large Uncured Brown Eggs ae Franks FURLANI ITALPIZZA gouge ey Garlic 10 ) Wood Fired , eel Style egy zee Toast ke | EA nae ee een so = re ang a) Pe) poe a : Deen eo Bea Les Ea to] Pets ore ae Pee Eine ok Pps mise mom uw Benet ty ait) Seite Umut ard PCs er tt) ire te retig ey Pe td Ct ree Pra iry Pre ett ry er eat eer) Pret Pra eral) Pen ee a) Dorie iw Paeeebet Pcp ata Drees eh E SCT

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