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Current weekly ad Farm Fresh - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Farm Fresh 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Sweet mer” 4.29 Ginger Gold Apples 1.29. Appiernitos 4.49 Hint el «4/85 APPLES 8 ee Instant Oatmeal Selected Vavities -11.8-15.1 oz. box Essential ms 7 Essential Everyday Apple Sauce Selected Varieties - 6 pk. 402. cups Beefsteak Red Mini Tomatoes Pears Sweet Peppers Red Ripe Crisp 16 02. bag 2.29, 1.79. 4.49 Cache 1.79. Green Giant : Organic Seediess Red Potatoes 1.79 English Cucumbers Green Giant 4.99 winae Star WS Personal Size Bolthouse Farms Watermelon House Foods Juices Or Smoothies : Tofu scr = Selected Varies 520 fag = Pacis Lay’s Potato Chips Smartfood Nabisco = Ahoy! Nabisco Premium Drake’s Or Snacks Snacks Cookies Or Thins < Saltine Crackers : Family Packs Selected Varietes Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Seated artes Selected Varieties “4758 o: bog 457.75. bag 730 pkg 7 eg, #-18cr box 2%6 ~—-.2'7 ce 16 27 ae od > = ‘a AY. eeleeel feoifa we | a a | : : rq & 2 = | “et ) PX | i) <= Blue pichaaeed Chobani Creamer Tazo culled Wild Harvest — 2" Almond Breeze OrColdBrew © Organic Organic Halo Top wn almondmilk Coffee : dea, i Baby Food Ice Cream oon Mor cn “ocd i apeuipoun Ort xe te | 599 259 = 2861.9 5.29 o sere wees Blue Bell et ma S Coca-Cola lee ream 312 reduce. a a Pe s “Bod a Peps als Pepsi & Tht uenter 9) gsc 2/55 £2 peau cee Pepi ect i Pepa Pocus. 2/86 i 4 . ae i Woter = 21 I same <7 99 CELESTE PIZZA FOR ONE Sra LR SKA ee tei Ey your digital coupon PRICES GOOD SEPT. 14 - SEPT. 20 a No Card Needed! 10% Military Discount Everyday with ID *Self-Checkout Lanes 5% Senior Citizen *Coin Star *Red Box Discount Propane «WIC Every aGRTC Bus Basees —————— Tuesday & Thursday Western Union honey Orders 2320 East Main Street, Richmond, VA Store Hours: Bill Pay *E-Z Pass - *Amazon Lockers Phone 804-565-3838 7 Days A Week

Latest weekly ads

Sweet mer” 4.29 Ginger Gold Apples 1.29. Appiernitos 4.49 Hint el «4/85 APPLES 8 ee Instant Oatmeal Selected Vavities -11.8-15.1 oz. box Essential ms 7 Essential Everyday Apple Sauce Selected Varieties - 6 pk. 402. cups Beefsteak Red Mini Tomatoes Pears Sweet Peppers Red Ripe Crisp 16 02. bag 2.29, 1.79. 4.49 Cache 1.79. Green Giant : Organic Seediess Red Potatoes 1.79 English Cucumbers Green Giant 4.99 winae Star WS Personal Size Bolthouse Farms Watermelon House Foods Juices Or Smoothies : Tofu scr = Selected Varies 520 fag = Pacis Lay’s Potato Chips Smartfood Nabisco = Ahoy! Nabisco Premium Drake’s Or Snacks Snacks Cookies Or Thins < Saltine Crackers : Family Packs Selected Varietes Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Seated artes Selected Varieties “4758 o: bog 457.75. bag 730 pkg 7 eg, #-18cr box 2%6 ~—-.2'7 ce 16 27 ae od > = ‘a AY. eeleeel feoifa we | a a | : : rq & 2 = | “et ) PX | i) <= Blue pichaaeed Chobani Creamer Tazo culled Wild Harvest — 2" Almond Breeze OrColdBrew © Organic Organic Halo Top wn almondmilk Coffee : dea, i Baby Food Ice Cream oon Mor cn “ocd i apeuipoun Ort xe te | 599 259 = 2861.9 5.29 o sere wees Blue Bell et ma S Coca-Cola lee ream 312 reduce. a a Pe s “Bod a Peps als Pepsi & Tht uenter 9) gsc 2/55 £2 peau cee Pepi ect i Pepa Pocus. 2/86 i 4 . ae i Woter = 21 I same <7 99 CELESTE PIZZA FOR ONE Sra LR SKA ee tei Ey your digital coupon PRICES GOOD SEPT. 14 - SEPT. 20 a No Card Needed! 10% Military Discount Everyday with ID *Self-Checkout Lanes 5% Senior Citizen *Coin Star *Red Box Discount Propane «WIC Every aGRTC Bus Basees —————— Tuesday & Thursday Western Union honey Orders 2320 East Main Street, Richmond, VA Store Hours: Bill Pay *E-Z Pass - *Amazon Lockers Phone 804-565-3838 7 Days A Week

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