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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 12/11 to 12/17 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Family Fare 12/11/2022 - 12/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Doyen ReCd T -f-1 ee de EY ad Fi recone Sosir ene g 3 € a 3 § 2 2 § & eh me S510 By eou- $]OO FINAL PRICE | Spiral Sliced Half Ham Bone-In with yo 's Crispy Fried Onions 602, with yoo. sourced ayn miu: ais) a 80% Lean Ground Beef arg: BI ice cream Sourcream CREAM Value Pack mn 1.8 at 16 0z. Renee me $34 Rice $229 \ oi e: He-sor, | -5o8. SBOE. Y FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE cerresd 145 - 18.25 02. 1 oy wel FH Mandatins @ Ss ss ‘wg Dgtal wah Digital wan Oigtat Coupee. with yes BUY 1, GETI 9 (4 tb) or Easy to Peel Mandarins Gib) of equal or esse valve Pineapple 2002. Sheesecake (17 - 19.02) BUY 1, GET1 Fresh Express 3 Z Chopped Salad Kits bee Selected Varieties toque 3- 1302, ‘asre with yes with yes with yes with yes Specialty Cheeses @-8oz) Campbell's Cream of Chicken or ‘Mushroom (108° 107502): 0° Campbell's wos een ein or, ea 9 comers with yos ee? SESE” | ceca Winter Frost Bouquet wth yes with yes with yes wth yes Le Nabisco Ritz or -50¢. F Snack Crackers FINAL PRICE Holiday @5- 13,7 02) or Christmas Orchid Multipack Sandwich B) Poinsettia in Birch Tin Camp Mug Garden in Ceramic Crackers (8 pk) A inch inch S-inch Brinch Pepsi or 7-Up Products 12 pk., 12 oz. cans (plus deposit) BUY 2, GET2 with yes with yes with yes GRAND HOLIDAY FEAST of equal or lesser value Serves 10-12 people with yes Visit to start your pickup or delivery order. ; a TURKEY OR HAM In the Bakery Boi og & PETITE FEAST Ciabatta Bread ‘Turney Breast 210.299) Incloder: 18.02. \ aa i ey ; eens gos ee aniven ames eit rm ORR 7 nay

Latest weekly ads

Doyen ReCd T -f-1 ee de EY ad Fi recone Sosir ene g 3 € a 3 § 2 2 § & eh me S510 By eou- $]OO FINAL PRICE | Spiral Sliced Half Ham Bone-In with yo 's Crispy Fried Onions 602, with yoo. sourced ayn miu: ais) a 80% Lean Ground Beef arg: BI ice cream Sourcream CREAM Value Pack mn 1.8 at 16 0z. Renee me $34 Rice $229 \ oi e: He-sor, | -5o8. SBOE. Y FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE FINAL PRICE cerresd 145 - 18.25 02. 1 oy wel FH Mandatins @ Ss ss ‘wg Dgtal wah Digital wan Oigtat Coupee. with yes BUY 1, GETI 9 (4 tb) or Easy to Peel Mandarins Gib) of equal or esse valve Pineapple 2002. Sheesecake (17 - 19.02) BUY 1, GET1 Fresh Express 3 Z Chopped Salad Kits bee Selected Varieties toque 3- 1302, ‘asre with yes with yes with yes with yes Specialty Cheeses @-8oz) Campbell's Cream of Chicken or ‘Mushroom (108° 107502): 0° Campbell's wos een ein or, ea 9 comers with yos ee? SESE” | ceca Winter Frost Bouquet wth yes with yes with yes wth yes Le Nabisco Ritz or -50¢. F Snack Crackers FINAL PRICE Holiday @5- 13,7 02) or Christmas Orchid Multipack Sandwich B) Poinsettia in Birch Tin Camp Mug Garden in Ceramic Crackers (8 pk) A inch inch S-inch Brinch Pepsi or 7-Up Products 12 pk., 12 oz. cans (plus deposit) BUY 2, GET2 with yes with yes with yes GRAND HOLIDAY FEAST of equal or lesser value Serves 10-12 people with yes Visit to start your pickup or delivery order. ; a TURKEY OR HAM In the Bakery Boi og & PETITE FEAST Ciabatta Bread ‘Turney Breast 210.299) Incloder: 18.02. \ aa i ey ; eens gos ee aniven ames eit rm ORR 7 nay

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