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Current weekly ad Dot's Market - Valid from 09/06 to 09/11 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Dot's Market 09/06/2022 - 09/11/2022


Products in this weekly ad

4/ SOE i ee en or Tuna Helper 47-87 02. Chicken ofthe Sea Tuna 5oz. Kraft Salad Dressing Elbows or Spaghetti 2402. 2/h3E Chicken of the Sealnfusions 2.807. Ty "ea a nea =i A/S5E Betty Crocker s+ Potatoes mi 4.2-5)oz. 4.99 Kraft Macaroni & these Best Choice Sloppy Joe Mix 1S0z. 2/558 Pace Salsa or Picante Sauce 1602. 2.29 Best Choice ee Pickles Sule. Select Varieties si 1602. 749 Kraft Deluxe Mac & anal Velvee)” Cheese or Velveeta Shells & Cheese fs Crocker Hamburger, SNACK Sime 2/76 Ruffles Potato Chips 125-902. 2/576 | ics Cheetos or Fritos 79.2502. Frito Lay Variety Pack 18ct. 2.99 Nabisco Premium Saltines or Behita oy = Set.or8.8-17 02. i ese PR MI PREWIUM = HOUSEHOLD Jtems 4.99 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil 50-75ft. 4.99 = Fiora Napkins 500ct. 7 aH Arm a Hammer Laundry Detergent | V4ct.0139.4-45 07. Fiora Bath Tissue 8 Mega or 12 Double Rolls or Paper Towels BRolls TIA = 2/ 2/s Ss PSE} = ] EACH = = Florida's Natura ‘ a Orange Juice 5202. Dole Fruit Juice 590z. 4.49 | BestChoice Chunk Cheese Select Varieties si ite 179 Best Choice Sour Cream Select Varieties 607. Jell-O or Hersheys Pudding or Gelatin pk. 2.99 F— Velveeta Singles loz. 3 dl 9 Dairy Pure Whipping Cream 1607. 2/ ‘30 : Fruit Rush Drinks Gallon ; (2/h5E Reiter Sour Cream or French Onion Dip Pint 3/12E Pepsi Products Gk, .Sliter Bottles 3/ $5 Hy Pepsi Products 2Liter ] 0 / 5] OE By) EACH Powerade 2807.

Latest weekly ads

4/ SOE i ee en or Tuna Helper 47-87 02. Chicken ofthe Sea Tuna 5oz. Kraft Salad Dressing Elbows or Spaghetti 2402. 2/h3E Chicken of the Sealnfusions 2.807. Ty "ea a nea =i A/S5E Betty Crocker s+ Potatoes mi 4.2-5)oz. 4.99 Kraft Macaroni & these Best Choice Sloppy Joe Mix 1S0z. 2/558 Pace Salsa or Picante Sauce 1602. 2.29 Best Choice ee Pickles Sule. Select Varieties si 1602. 749 Kraft Deluxe Mac & anal Velvee)” Cheese or Velveeta Shells & Cheese fs Crocker Hamburger, SNACK Sime 2/76 Ruffles Potato Chips 125-902. 2/576 | ics Cheetos or Fritos 79.2502. Frito Lay Variety Pack 18ct. 2.99 Nabisco Premium Saltines or Behita oy = Set.or8.8-17 02. i ese PR MI PREWIUM = HOUSEHOLD Jtems 4.99 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil 50-75ft. 4.99 = Fiora Napkins 500ct. 7 aH Arm a Hammer Laundry Detergent | V4ct.0139.4-45 07. Fiora Bath Tissue 8 Mega or 12 Double Rolls or Paper Towels BRolls TIA = 2/ 2/s Ss PSE} = ] EACH = = Florida's Natura ‘ a Orange Juice 5202. Dole Fruit Juice 590z. 4.49 | BestChoice Chunk Cheese Select Varieties si ite 179 Best Choice Sour Cream Select Varieties 607. Jell-O or Hersheys Pudding or Gelatin pk. 2.99 F— Velveeta Singles loz. 3 dl 9 Dairy Pure Whipping Cream 1607. 2/ ‘30 : Fruit Rush Drinks Gallon ; (2/h5E Reiter Sour Cream or French Onion Dip Pint 3/12E Pepsi Products Gk, .Sliter Bottles 3/ $5 Hy Pepsi Products 2Liter ] 0 / 5] OE By) EACH Powerade 2807.

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