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Current weekly ad CVS Pharmacy - Valid from 11/05 to 11/11 - Page nb 12

Weekly ad CVS Pharmacy 11/05/2023 - 11/11/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Shave & Deodorant back to Find it quick! T Buy 1 get 140% OFF* WITH CARD ALL Secret, Gillette or Old Spice deodorant. PORT Buy 1 get1 50% OFF* Also get aa & hei pares Spend $25 get $10 Buy 2 get $5 ExtraBucks Rewards¼ y 29 * WITH CARD Venus razors, cartridges Gillette razors, cartridges, Schick razors, ExtraBucks Rewards‘ or Intimates products (excludes Just for Men hair color, Philips, Braun, ANY Flamingo or Harry's products. disposable razors). Bulldog, Nivea or Cremo shave. ExtraBucks Rewards¼ offer limit of 2 per household with card. ExtraBucksRewards¼ offer limit of 1 per household with card. ExtraBucksRewards¼ offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20004536) (2000453358) (2000451481) iy | i b) ge Dove = + E SA = = os Buy 1 get 150% OFF* Buy 1 get 140% OFF* Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD Dove deodorant (excludes WITH CARD ALL Secret, Gillette or Old Spice WITH CARD ANY Speed Stick. twin pks.). deodorant. 11-5p12V64indd_ 90 ronaes 1031 AM

Latest weekly ads

Shave & Deodorant back to Find it quick! T Buy 1 get 140% OFF* WITH CARD ALL Secret, Gillette or Old Spice deodorant. PORT Buy 1 get1 50% OFF* Also get aa & hei pares Spend $25 get $10 Buy 2 get $5 ExtraBucks Rewards¼ y 29 * WITH CARD Venus razors, cartridges Gillette razors, cartridges, Schick razors, ExtraBucks Rewards‘ or Intimates products (excludes Just for Men hair color, Philips, Braun, ANY Flamingo or Harry's products. disposable razors). Bulldog, Nivea or Cremo shave. ExtraBucks Rewards¼ offer limit of 2 per household with card. ExtraBucksRewards¼ offer limit of 1 per household with card. ExtraBucksRewards¼ offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20004536) (2000453358) (2000451481) iy | i b) ge Dove = + E SA = = os Buy 1 get 150% OFF* Buy 1 get 140% OFF* Buy 1 get 150% OFF* WITH CARD Dove deodorant (excludes WITH CARD ALL Secret, Gillette or Old Spice WITH CARD ANY Speed Stick. twin pks.). deodorant. 11-5p12V64indd_ 90 ronaes 1031 AM

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