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Current weekly ad Buehler's Fresh Food - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Buehler's Fresh Food 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

; Open Acres Value Pack 80% Lean w= Ground Beef came 7) ae small packs, $3.49 Ib. w/card 3s Certified Angus Beef 80% Lean Ground LATS RAR AC Ly ‘or small packs, $4.49 Ib. w/card ; © Spicy Chili Beans, 15 a . OUR) ta yet "i Kidney Beans, 15 - 15.5 oz. a ‘ Camphell’s Locally Produced Chunky Soups Apple Cider Se 18.6 -19 oz. gallon jug 3.55. 55% of Bokery lalian Bread, half gallon jug, $3.99 w/card sliced or unsliced, $2.99 (CE ; Verlasso Premium ye Sugardale Ready eay2onoy Patagonian ai to Eat Bacon 2 <> Salmon Filleté SS 1 0Z., Massillon Z (Bacon oe, > J 937 = 99% ee Certified dois Beef § 399 English Roast Ib. me Ss ASC and BAP 4 Star certified * Non GMO * No antibiotics Raised in cold waters, creating more flavorful fish Post Cereals : with purchase of lle ai i = 10 Piece Fried Chicken Bites, Shake-Ups oY made fresh in our Market Deli or Crisps, 6 oz. $9 WHEN You Buy 3 5 PARTICIPATING ITEMS single quantities, $2.99 w/card Bokary Apple Caramel Loaf $499 Extra Large Red or White $179 Strawberries 1 Ib. Blueberries pint Gia Russa Pasta 01 996 0. w/eard Starbucks Coffee # ground, 12 o7. # Keups, 10 ct Gio Russa $7 9 Pasta Sauce, 24 oz. selected varieties at $4.99 Pepsi Products * Nitro, 4 pk., 13.65 oz. cans © 12 pk., 12 oz. cans * ky 12x bs Dias $399 Ice Cream = 1.5 qt $399 Seedless Shel quonty $649 Clementines _ 3 lb. bag “ sae a Coke Products fd $ 99 6 pk, c bil _— # - Paper Towels cd i QUILTED 4 double rolls - eee Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue $6? single quantity $5.99 6 mega rolls = f) OHLO Gu OHIO LIQUOR WHEN YOU PURCHASE GIFT CARDS NOW THRU SEPT. 27 ~ Subject oobi See it card fr details, tams conditions ond (apical) fees. Al irodemorks are property of ther respected owners. Prices Valid September 21 - 27, 2022 at Buehler’s Galion We ara tmabla we teas etn chaele ar this finesduane ceeply shonanes. Nerranomible fer iyaoarashieal br nlaetal enon Weruarve the fiahets hint quantita Ks dualewalos.

Latest weekly ads

; Open Acres Value Pack 80% Lean w= Ground Beef came 7) ae small packs, $3.49 Ib. w/card 3s Certified Angus Beef 80% Lean Ground LATS RAR AC Ly ‘or small packs, $4.49 Ib. w/card ; © Spicy Chili Beans, 15 a . OUR) ta yet "i Kidney Beans, 15 - 15.5 oz. a ‘ Camphell’s Locally Produced Chunky Soups Apple Cider Se 18.6 -19 oz. gallon jug 3.55. 55% of Bokery lalian Bread, half gallon jug, $3.99 w/card sliced or unsliced, $2.99 (CE ; Verlasso Premium ye Sugardale Ready eay2onoy Patagonian ai to Eat Bacon 2 <> Salmon Filleté SS 1 0Z., Massillon Z (Bacon oe, > J 937 = 99% ee Certified dois Beef § 399 English Roast Ib. me Ss ASC and BAP 4 Star certified * Non GMO * No antibiotics Raised in cold waters, creating more flavorful fish Post Cereals : with purchase of lle ai i = 10 Piece Fried Chicken Bites, Shake-Ups oY made fresh in our Market Deli or Crisps, 6 oz. $9 WHEN You Buy 3 5 PARTICIPATING ITEMS single quantities, $2.99 w/card Bokary Apple Caramel Loaf $499 Extra Large Red or White $179 Strawberries 1 Ib. Blueberries pint Gia Russa Pasta 01 996 0. w/eard Starbucks Coffee # ground, 12 o7. # Keups, 10 ct Gio Russa $7 9 Pasta Sauce, 24 oz. selected varieties at $4.99 Pepsi Products * Nitro, 4 pk., 13.65 oz. cans © 12 pk., 12 oz. cans * ky 12x bs Dias $399 Ice Cream = 1.5 qt $399 Seedless Shel quonty $649 Clementines _ 3 lb. bag “ sae a Coke Products fd $ 99 6 pk, c bil _— # - Paper Towels cd i QUILTED 4 double rolls - eee Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue $6? single quantity $5.99 6 mega rolls = f) OHLO Gu OHIO LIQUOR WHEN YOU PURCHASE GIFT CARDS NOW THRU SEPT. 27 ~ Subject oobi See it card fr details, tams conditions ond (apical) fees. Al irodemorks are property of ther respected owners. Prices Valid September 21 - 27, 2022 at Buehler’s Galion We ara tmabla we teas etn chaele ar this finesduane ceeply shonanes. Nerranomible fer iyaoarashieal br nlaetal enon Weruarve the fiahets hint quantita Ks dualewalos.

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