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Current weekly ad Kroger - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Kroger 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

MORE WAYS TO SAVE FRESH FOR EVERYONEm < er 2234_COMTG 4 aks an) . With Card = Assorted Pork a Chops : Bone-In WN e\e\4 79: /LB With Card I Large Gala Apples or Bartlett or Bosc Pears or Schweid & Sons fs Burger Patties, ) 1.32-1.33 Ib, $7.99 ‘When You Buy 4 4 9-13 02 or Fritos Com Chips, 9.25-10 oz oF Rold Gold Pretzels, 8.75-16 oz or Tostitos Salsa, 15.5 07; Select Varieties eta Ray Ceveor Het ao Value Pack or When you buy 4 or more in he same Jransaction La Herencia Beet, with Card. Quantities less than 4 wil be priced 14 02,811.99 up fo $4.99 each with Cor 12 ct K-Cups or Swiss Miss Cocoa Mix or Café Escapes, 10-12 ct K-Cups; Select Varieties & ) e cA! ) 3/° ae dig I ef With Card With Cord* Coca-Cola, E as ¢ Pepsi or 7UP Yj ff 4 Hershey's Snack Size or Select Varieties, 12-Pack, L f y Mars or Butterfinger Fun Size 12 fl oz Cans or 8-Pack, : G g = Halloween Candy 12 floz Bottles ec = d ae Select Varieties, 15-21.35 oz | With Card. Discount applied at checkout onthe item of equal or lesser value with Cord. \When you buy or more inthe same ransoction with Card. ‘uontities less than 3 are $7.99 each. “Participating item selection may vary by store. tems must be purchased inthe same transaction ‘When You Buy 8 $44: buy 8 or more in the sal on with Cord. ‘Quantities less than 8 will be priced $2.49 each with Card Use each coupon up to 5 times Look for SAL in one transaction with Card. these tags. ey W | WT a D) | G | TA L (ee) 0] PO IN| iS SU Oe une Lue RUE keen so Participating item varieties and size ny by store si 3/86 RUFFLES) ys wil: 00 00, : —— 3129 £ JEA yy) 099 Select Varieties, 24-Pack, 12 fi oz Cans ey, Prego or Prego Plus Post Cereal Pasta Sauce 14.75 02 of General Mills Fruit adie orr A/S5 ki ° ' jarieties, 23-24 or an Snacks, 10 ct or Keebler Cookies, (excludes Aledo Souce) ar 7.7-12.6 07; Select Varieties a 2.49 bers DIGITAL COUPON OFFER esuBONGe Pave” -808 ons LISA PICKER COURONICHER) 1) DIGITAL COUPON OFFER c j Of . > —— - . AYE ¢: ‘ @e co yy >» =the i i. EA Kraft Macaroni om /EA \ eees and Cheese Doritos 610.75 07 or Ruffles Potato = Kroger Sour Cream a + Sone: ae Chips, 5.5-8.5 02; or Cottage Cheese ] With Meat, 15-15.8 Select Varieties Select Varieties. 24 oz Sriginaly) SS ecivarciies it SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 through Prices and items are effective with a Kroger Plus Card at your Mt Gilead Kroger Store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT Tuesday, September 27, 2022 PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP |. 8 a SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND.

Latest weekly ads

MORE WAYS TO SAVE FRESH FOR EVERYONEm < er 2234_COMTG 4 aks an) . With Card = Assorted Pork a Chops : Bone-In WN e\e\4 79: /LB With Card I Large Gala Apples or Bartlett or Bosc Pears or Schweid & Sons fs Burger Patties, ) 1.32-1.33 Ib, $7.99 ‘When You Buy 4 4 9-13 02 or Fritos Com Chips, 9.25-10 oz oF Rold Gold Pretzels, 8.75-16 oz or Tostitos Salsa, 15.5 07; Select Varieties eta Ray Ceveor Het ao Value Pack or When you buy 4 or more in he same Jransaction La Herencia Beet, with Card. Quantities less than 4 wil be priced 14 02,811.99 up fo $4.99 each with Cor 12 ct K-Cups or Swiss Miss Cocoa Mix or Café Escapes, 10-12 ct K-Cups; Select Varieties & ) e cA! ) 3/° ae dig I ef With Card With Cord* Coca-Cola, E as ¢ Pepsi or 7UP Yj ff 4 Hershey's Snack Size or Select Varieties, 12-Pack, L f y Mars or Butterfinger Fun Size 12 fl oz Cans or 8-Pack, : G g = Halloween Candy 12 floz Bottles ec = d ae Select Varieties, 15-21.35 oz | With Card. Discount applied at checkout onthe item of equal or lesser value with Cord. \When you buy or more inthe same ransoction with Card. ‘uontities less than 3 are $7.99 each. “Participating item selection may vary by store. tems must be purchased inthe same transaction ‘When You Buy 8 $44: buy 8 or more in the sal on with Cord. ‘Quantities less than 8 will be priced $2.49 each with Card Use each coupon up to 5 times Look for SAL in one transaction with Card. these tags. ey W | WT a D) | G | TA L (ee) 0] PO IN| iS SU Oe une Lue RUE keen so Participating item varieties and size ny by store si 3/86 RUFFLES) ys wil: 00 00, : —— 3129 £ JEA yy) 099 Select Varieties, 24-Pack, 12 fi oz Cans ey, Prego or Prego Plus Post Cereal Pasta Sauce 14.75 02 of General Mills Fruit adie orr A/S5 ki ° ' jarieties, 23-24 or an Snacks, 10 ct or Keebler Cookies, (excludes Aledo Souce) ar 7.7-12.6 07; Select Varieties a 2.49 bers DIGITAL COUPON OFFER esuBONGe Pave” -808 ons LISA PICKER COURONICHER) 1) DIGITAL COUPON OFFER c j Of . > —— - . AYE ¢: ‘ @e co yy >» =the i i. EA Kraft Macaroni om /EA \ eees and Cheese Doritos 610.75 07 or Ruffles Potato = Kroger Sour Cream a + Sone: ae Chips, 5.5-8.5 02; or Cottage Cheese ] With Meat, 15-15.8 Select Varieties Select Varieties. 24 oz Sriginaly) SS ecivarciies it SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 through Prices and items are effective with a Kroger Plus Card at your Mt Gilead Kroger Store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT Tuesday, September 27, 2022 PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP |. 8 a SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND.

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